

Das DZHW veröffentlicht seine Forschungsergebnisse in renommierten wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften, auf nationalen wie internationalen Konferenzen und in eigenen Publikationsformaten. Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Übersicht der von den Mitarbeiter*innen des DZHW erstellten Publikationen und Vorträgen. Über das Menü in der linken Spalte können Sie einzelne Publikationsformate separat aufrufen.

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What happens when two multi-query optimization paradigms combine?

Gurumurthy, B., Bidarkar, V. R., Broneske, D., Pionteck, T., & Saake, G. (2023).
What happens when two multi-query optimization paradigms combine? In A. Abelló, P. Vassiliadis, O. Romero, & R. Wrembel (Hrsg.), Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2023). Cham: Springer (online first).

10 Ethical Dimensions of Research Information Management: A New Challenge for Information Professionals.

Schöpfel, J., & Azeroual, O. (2023).
10 Ethical Dimensions of Research Information Management: A New Challenge for Information Professionals. In M. C. Fombad, C. T. Chisita, O. B. Onyancha, & M. K. Minishi-Majanja (Hrsg.), Information Services for a Sustainable Society: Current Developments in an Era of Information Disorder (S. 150-165). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur.

Investigating lakehouse-backbones for vehicle sensor data.

Vox, C., Broneske, D., Piewek, J., Feigel, J., & Saake, G. (2023).
Investigating lakehouse-backbones for vehicle sensor data. In C. Strauss, T. Amagasa, G. Kotsis, A. M. Tjoa, & I. Khalil (Hrsg.), Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2023). Cham: Springer (online first).

Mustervertrag Datennutzung KonsortSWD (Version 2.0.0).

Schallaböck, J., Kreuzer, T., Hoffstätter, U., & Buck, D. (2023).
Mustervertrag Datennutzung KonsortSWD (Version 2.0.0). Hannover: DZHW.

Investigating direction effects in rating scales with five and seven points in a probability-based online panel.

Höhne, J. K., Krebs, D., & Kühnel, S. (2023).
Investigating direction effects in rating scales with five and seven points in a probability-based online panel. Survey Research Methods, 17(2), 193-204.

Are there gender differences in the number of research proposals submitted?

Möller, T. (8. August 2023).
Are there gender differences in the number of research proposals submitted [Blogbeitrag]. Abgerufen von

Overlooked Aspects of Data Governance: Workflow Framework For Enterprise Data Deduplication.

Azeroual, O., Nikiforova, A., & Sha, K. (2023).
Overlooked Aspects of Data Governance: Workflow Framework For Enterprise Data Deduplication. 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, Networking and Services (ICCNS), Valencia, Spain, 19-22 June 2023., 65-73.

Finding digital solutions in pandemic times: the case of appointment procedures for professors at German universities.

Gerchen, A. (2023).
Finding digital solutions in pandemic times: the case of appointment procedures for professors at German universities. Higher Education, 2023 (online first).

In higher education and beyond, the Covid-19 pandemic is considered to have accelerated digitalisation. While this acceleration is usually viewed in the context of the digital transformation that is characterised by its longevity, the permanence of pandemic-driven digitalisation requires investigation. Focusing on appointment procedures for professors, the qualitative study presented here employed expert interviews and group discussions to investigate how German universities responded to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic by furthering digitalisation. Analytically, it draws on the concept of synchronous and asynchronous communication as well as Luhmann’s understanding of decision programmes.

Automatic instructional feedback, and a lecture hub system: A strategy towards nurturing the acquisition of a structured engagement behavior.

Obionwu, V., Toulouse, V., Broneske, D., & Saake, G. (2023).
Automatic instructional feedback, and a lecture hub system: A strategy towards nurturing the acquisition of a structured engagement behavior. In A. Cuzzocrea, O. Gusikhin, S. Hammoudi, & C. Quix (Hrsg.), Data Management Technologies and Applications. DATA DATA 2022 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Cham: Springer.

AUTARKYO: Interactive app for the planning and evaluation of energy self-sufficient houses.

Erhardt, A.-L., Rzepus, H. J., Griel, C., Broneske, D., & Vorhauer-Huget, N. (2023).
AUTARKYO: Interactive app for the planning and evaluation of energy self-sufficient houses. In IATED (Hrsg.), EDULEARN23 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. 3-5 July, 2023 (S. 1458-1467). Valencia, Spain: IATED Academy.

How to detect and influence looking up answers to political knowledge questions in web surveys.

Gummer, T., Kunz, T., Rettig, T., & Höhne, J. K. (2023).
How to detect and influence looking up answers to political knowledge questions in web surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly.

Absolventenbefragung 2017. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Erhebung der Absolvent*innenkohorte 2017.

Schmidtchen, H., Euler, T., & Oestreich, T. (2023).
Absolventenbefragung 2017. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Erhebung der Absolvent*innenkohorte 2017. Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

Die Absolventenbefragung 2017 erfolgt im Kontext der DZHW-Absolventenstudienreihe, in der anhand von standardisierten Befragungen Informationen zu Studium, Berufseintritt, Berufsverlauf und Weiterqualifizierung von Hochschulabsolvent:innen erfasst werden. Das erste Absolventenpanel wurde 1989 durchgeführt, seitdem wird jeder vierte Absolvent:innenjahrgang (Kohorte) untersucht. Die Absolventenbefragung 2017 ist das erste Verbundprojekt im Kontext der DZHW-Absolventenstudienreihe. Die Verbundpartner DZHW, INCHER und ISTAT haben das Ziel, Interessen unterschiedlicher Nutzer:innengruppen möglichst umfassend zu berücksichtigen. [...] Vollständiger Abstract:

A strategy for structuring teams collaboration in university course projects.

Obionwu, C. V., Karl, M., Broneske, D., Hawlitschek, A., Blockhaus, P., & Saake, G. (2023).
A strategy for structuring teams collaboration in university course projects. In S. Hammoudi, F. Wijnhoven, & M. van Sinderen (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies ICSBT (S. 32-42). Rom, Italien: SciTePress.

The professional value of study and internships abroad.

Samuk, &., Bryła, P., Kasza, G., Grinevica, L., Netz, N., ... & Wiers-Jenssen, J. (2023).
The professional value of study and internships abroad. (ENIS Policy Brief 03/2023). Brussels: ENIS.

Every year, substantial numbers of students become internationally mobile. Although international experiences are often promoted as benefitting graduates’ career development, until recently there had been little sound research examining whether different types of student mobility pay off in the labour market. Against this background, this policy brief summarises available evidence on the labour market outcomes SMS and SMI. It also develops ideas on how policymakers can contribute to enhancing the outcomes of these types of ISM for students, higher education institutions, and employers.

The importance of graph databases and graph learning for clinical applications.

Walke, D., Micheel, D., Schallert, K., Muth, T., Broneske, D., Saake, G., & Heyer, R. (2023).
The importance of graph databases and graph learning for clinical applications. Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation 2023. (Abgerufen am: 11.07.2023) (online first).


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen 0511 450670-912