
Vorträge und Tagungen

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From Evidence to Impact? Practices of Evidence Use for Quality Management at German Higher Education Institutions.

Wegner, A., Krempkow, R., & Thiedig, C. (2024, August).
From Evidence to Impact? Practices of Evidence Use for Quality Management at German Higher Education Institutions. Vortrag auf der Tagung Annual EAIR Forum 2024, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.

The Hybrid Role of Presidents in German Universities. Vortrag im Rahmen der General Conference des European Consortium for Political Research. Panel: University Presidents and the Question of Organizational Actorhood.

Kleimann, B. (2024, August).
The Hybrid Role of Presidents in German Universities. Vortrag im Rahmen der General Conference des European Consortium for Political Research. Panel: University Presidents and the Question of Organizational Actorhood. Vortrag auf der Tagung ECPR General Conference 2024, University College, Dublin, Irland.

Individual perception of bias in grant peer review strongly associated with openness towards the introduction of lotteries.

Heger, C. (2024, Juli).
Individual perception of bias in grant peer review strongly associated with openness towards the introduction of lotteries. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EASST-4S 2024 - Making and doing Transformations, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) Athena Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Transformations in Scholarly Publishing.

Hesselmann, F., Horbach, S., & Halffman, W. (2024, Juli).
Transformations in Scholarly Publishing. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EASST-4S 2024, Amsterdam, Niederlande.

Students' income and expenses.

Gwosć, C. (2024, Juli).
Students' income and expenses. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EUROSTUDENT 8 Final Conference: Reshaping Higher Education: Inclusivity, Innovation, and Resilience in a Complex Post-Pandemic Era, EUROSTUDENT 8 Konsortium, Wien, Österreich.

Social inequalities in the risk of student burnout. The study demands-resources model revisited.

Rußmann, M., Becker, K., Netz, N., & Lenz, M.-C. (2024, Juli).
Social inequalities in the risk of student burnout. The study demands-resources model revisited. Vortrag im Rahmen der EUROSTUDENT 8 Conference "Reshaping Higher Education: Inclusivity, Innovation, and Resilience in a Complex Post-Pandemic Era", Wien.

Expert agent guided learning with transformers and knowledge graphs.

Obionwu, C. V., Chovatta Valappil, B. B., Genty, M., Jomy, M., Padmanabhan, V., ... & Saake, G. (2024, Juli).
Expert agent guided learning with transformers and knowledge graphs. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), Dijon, Frankreich.

EUROSTUDENT comparative results: Digitalisation.

Schirmer, H. (2024, Juli).
EUROSTUDENT comparative results: Digitalisation. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EUROSTUDENT 8 Final Conference, EUROSTUDENT 8 consortium, Wien, Österreich.

Beyond economic bargaining? Effects of job-related internal migration on subjective well being from a couple perspective.

Hofmann, E., Stawarz, N., Rüger, H., & Netz, N. (2024, Juli).
Beyond economic bargaining? Effects of job-related internal migration on subjective well being from a couple perspective. Vortrag im Rahmen der 15th International German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) User Conference, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), Berlin.

Unveiling the Consequences of Educational Achievements: Exploring the Link between Higher Education Expansion and Women’s Life Courses in Germany.

Ordemann, J. (2024, Juli).
Unveiling the Consequences of Educational Achievements: Exploring the Link between Higher Education Expansion and Women’s Life Courses in Germany. Vortrag auf der Konferenz SOEP 2024 – 15th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference, SOEP | DIW Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland.

Coping with challenges in North-South international higher education partnerships: A selected case study of a German-Brazilian joint degree program.

Ferreira Santos, L. (2024, Juli).
Coping with challenges in North-South international higher education partnerships: A selected case study of a German-Brazilian joint degree program. Poster im Rahmen des EERA Summer School on Educational Research in Europe: decolonise, democratise and develop. Legacies and futurities, Universuty of Porto, Portugal.

The poster presentation was aimed at sharing new insights gained into my dissertation projects following a week of exchanges and reflections around the topics of decoloniality and democratization of research practice.

Inclusive higher education in Europe – latest results from EUROSTUDENT.

Gwosć, C. (2024, Juli).
Inclusive higher education in Europe – latest results from EUROSTUDENT. Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung "Infrastructure and Human Development" im Master-Studiengang "Sustainable Development", Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve.

Research Cooperation: Trends, Barriers, Success Factors.

Kleimann, B. (2024, Juli).
Research Cooperation: Trends, Barriers, Success Factors. Vortrag auf dem Workshop 2nd HESCOR workshop “Learning from Human Data”, Universität zu Köln, Köln, Deutschland.

Nacaps – data collection in Germany.

Briedis, K. (2024, Juni).
Nacaps – data collection in Germany. Vortrag auf der Tagung The role of data in shaping doctoral education, EUA-CDE, Barcelona, Spanien.

EUROSTUDENT 8: Key challenges for students in Europe.

Hauschildt, K. (2024, Juni).
EUROSTUDENT 8: Key challenges for students in Europe. Vortrag auf dem Symposium "Studierende zum Studienerfolg begleiten und unterstützen", 42. Deutsch-Französisches Kolloquium, Europäische Konferenz der Studierendenwerke, Caen, Frankreich.


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen 0511 450670-912