

Das DZHW veröffentlicht seine Forschungsergebnisse in renommierten wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften, auf nationalen wie internationalen Konferenzen und in eigenen Publikationsformaten. Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Übersicht der von den Mitarbeiter*innen des DZHW erstellten Publikationen und Vorträgen. Über das Menü in der linken Spalte können Sie einzelne Publikationsformate separat aufrufen.

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Framing and BERTology: A data-centric approach to integration of linguistic features into transformer-based pre-trained language models.

Avetisyan, H., Safikhani, P., & Broneske, D. (2024).
Framing and BERTology: A data-centric approach to integration of linguistic features into transformer-based pre-trained language models. In Arai, K. (Hrsg.), Intelligent Systems and Applications (S. 81-90). Cham: Springer.

Why refugee students are more likely to drop out of pre-university programs.

Berg, J. (2024).
Why refugee students are more likely to drop out of pre-university programs. Let's Talk About by cogitatiopress. Online: cogitatio press.

Adult Refugees and Asylum Seekers in University Preparation Programs: Competing Identities and Multiple Transitions Manifested in Stigma Consciousness and Student Self-Identification.

Grüttner, M., Schröder, S., & Berg, J. (2024).
Adult Refugees and Asylum Seekers in University Preparation Programs: Competing Identities and Multiple Transitions Manifested in Stigma Consciousness and Student Self-Identification. Adult Education Quarterly, 74(3), 216-235.

Preparation for university studies is key to enabling adult refugees and asylum seekers to reestablish their educational and professional careers in the host country. While refugees’ transition to higher education (HE) is embedded in multiple transitions regarding social position, educational career, and migration, related identities may compete. We investigate how this is manifested in stigma consciousness and precarious student self-identification and how these factors influence the transition to HE. We combine novel quantitative and qualitative data on refugee students in prestudy programs in Germany. The results show that stigma consciousness impedes student self-identification. Moreover, stigma consciousness moderates the effect of stu

Berufungsverfahren „sauber und smooth“.

Walther, L. (2024).
Berufungsverfahren „sauber und smooth“. Hochschulmanagement, 18(4), 123-131.

Stamp—Standardized data management plan for educational research: A blueprint to improve data management across disciplines.

Netscher, S., Bongartz, E. C., Schwickerath, A. K., Braun, D., Stephan, K., & Mauer, R. (2024).
Stamp—Standardized data management plan for educational research: A blueprint to improve data management across disciplines. Data Science Journal, 23(1).

Should I stay or should I go?

Trennt, F. (2024).
Should I stay or should I go? Differenzierung und Erträge tertiärer Bildung. Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität.

DINI AG FIS – Jahresrückblick 2023 & Ausblick auf 2024.

Petersohn, S., Biesenbender, S., Mau, F., Küsters, U., Hauschke, C., & Beucke, D. (29. Januar 2024).
DINI AG FIS – Jahresrückblick 2023 & Ausblick auf 2024 [Blogbeitrag].

Ausstattungs‐, Kosten‐ und Leistungsvergleich Universitäten 2022. Grunddaten und Kennzahlen Universität Greifswald.

Winkelmann, G. (2024).
Ausstattungs‐, Kosten‐ und Leistungsvergleich Universitäten 2022. Grunddaten und Kennzahlen Universität Greifswald. Hannover: DZHW (nicht zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen).

Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia.

Gross, C., & Jaksztat, S. (Hrsg.) (2024).
Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia. Special Edition 26 „Soziale Welt“. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Examining final comment questions with requests for written and oral answers.

Höhne, J. K., & Claaßen, J. (2024).
Examining final comment questions with requests for written and oral answers. International Journal of Market Research (online first).

Academic careers inside and outside academia—an overview of topics and contributions.

Jaksztat, S., & Gross, C. (2024).
Academic careers inside and outside academia—an overview of topics and contributions. In C. Gross & S. Jaksztat (Hrsg.), Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia (S. 9-19). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

More or less the same? An exploration of the evolution of the PhD wage premium in a decade of higher education expansion.

Euler, T., & Trennt, F. (2024).
More or less the same? An exploration of the evolution of the PhD wage premium in a decade of higher education expansion. Soziale Welt - Special Edition 26, 55-88.

Challenging the intuition: Is a same-gender supervisor beneficial for doctoral students?

Mühleck, K., & Schwabe, U. (2024).
Challenging the intuition: Is a same-gender supervisor beneficial for doctoral students? Soziale Welt, 26, 280-340.

It continues to be a puzzle that women are disproportionally often dropping out of academic careers. Researchers and policymakers have suggested that same-gender supervisors are important for tightening this ‘leaky pipeline’. Especially in subjects with a strong overrepresentation of men, it seems likely that female supervisors work as positive role models and help preventing discrimination. Anticipating this effect, female doctoral students might also prefer supervisors of the same gender. Therefore, we ask how widespread a gender match is between doctoral student and supervisor in Germany and whether a gender match between supervisors and doctoral students is beneficial for the doctorate and for a possible scientific career thereafter.

Forty and over the academic hill? Biological and academic age and the race for tenure.

Ordemann, J., & Naegele, L. (2024).
Forty and over the academic hill? Biological and academic age and the race for tenure. Soziale Welt , Special Edition(26), 457-489.

Der Beitrag untersucht, wie sich das Alter eines*r Wissenschaftler*in auf die Erreichung einer unbefristeten Stelle im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem auswirkt. Dabei unterscheiden wir basierend auf Überlegungen zu Altersdiskriminierung und zur von Merton geprägten Idee der kumulativen Vorteile zwischen dem biologischen und akademischen Alter. Wir testen unsere Überlegungen anhand der Daten des DZHW-Promotionspanels 2014. Unter Anwendung von PCE-Schätzungen und von Entropy Balancing stellen wir fest, dass Wissenschaftler*innen, die bei ihrer Promotion 40 Jahre oder älter waren, einen signifikant positiven Effekt Effekt auf die Erlangung einer Professur an einer Fachhochschule und einer Anstellung als entfristeter Postdoc hatten.

Clustering graph data: the roadmap to spectral techniques.

Mondal, R., Ignatova, E., Walke, D., Broneske, D., Saake, G., & Heyer, R. (2024).
Clustering graph data: the roadmap to spectral techniques. Discover Artificial Intelligence, 4(7), 1-22.

Graph data models enable efficient storage, visualization, and analysis of highly interlinked data, by providing the benefits of horizontal scalability and high query performance. Clustering techniques, such as K-means, hierarchical clustering, are highly beneficial tools in data mining and machine learning to find meaningful similarities and differences between data points. Recent developments in graph data models, as well as clustering algorithms for graph data, have shown promising results in image segmentation, gene data analysis, etc. This has been primarily achieved through research and development of algorithms in the field of spectral theory, [...] Full abstract:


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen 0511 450670-912