
Vorträge und Tagungen

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Focus on the shortage of teachers. Dropping out of the teacher career track during or directly after the preparatory service.

Gäckle, S. (2023, Oktober).
Focus on the shortage of teachers. Dropping out of the teacher career track during or directly after the preparatory service. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Higher Education and the Labour Market (HELM), Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Nürnberg.

Studienabbruch: Systemversagen oder selbstverschuldet? Zentrale Ursachen des Studienabbruchs und Ansatzpunkte für erfolgreiche Präventionen und Interventionen.

Heublein, U. (2023, Oktober).
Studienabbruch: Systemversagen oder selbstverschuldet? Zentrale Ursachen des Studienabbruchs und Ansatzpunkte für erfolgreiche Präventionen und Interventionen. Keynote in der Tag der Lehre, Universität Lübeck und Technische Hochschule Lübeck, Lübeck.

Career paths to professorship in Germany: A classification and description of critical factors.

Kizilirmak, Jasmin M. (2023, Oktober).
Career paths to professorship in Germany: A classification and description of critical factors. In J. Ordemann & K. Briedis (Vorsitz), Research in Higher Education in Germany: A Symposium on Longitudinal Studies in the Perspective of Institutional Contexts and Reforms. auf der Tagung SLLS Annual Conference: Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty, Munich, Germany.
  • conference programme
  • Investigating students‘ academic self-concept and persistence in STEM: How do gender differences relate to female representation?

    Fiedler, I. (2023, Oktober).
    Investigating students‘ academic self-concept and persistence in STEM: How do gender differences relate to female representation? Vortrag auf der Konferenz SLLS Annual Conference: Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty, Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

    High School Grades, Non-Cognitive Capabilities and Social Inequality in Higher Education Enrolment.

    Grüttner, M., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2023, Oktober).
    High School Grades, Non-Cognitive Capabilities and Social Inequality in Higher Education Enrolment. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 2023 SLLS Annual Conference, Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty, Society for Life Course and Longitudinal Studies, München.

    Is staying in academia (too long) a problem?

    Briedis, K. (2023, Oktober).
    Is staying in academia (too long) a problem? In J. Ordemann & K. Briedis (Vorsitz), Research in Higher Education in Germany: Longitudinal Studies in the Perspective of Institutional Contexts and Reforms. auf der Konferenz Life courses in times of uncertainty, SLLS, München.

    Accumulate or depreciate? Monetary returns to multiple qualifications in the context of the German labour market.

    Dahm, G. (2023, Oktober).
    Accumulate or depreciate? Monetary returns to multiple qualifications in the context of the German labour market. Vortrag auf der Konferenz SLLS Annual Conference. Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty, Society for Life Course and Longitudinal Studies, Ludwig Maximilian Universität München.

    Subject-specific higher education gender wage gap in Germany, 1993-2013.

    Ordemann, J., & Trennt, F. (2023, Oktober).
    Subject-specific higher education gender wage gap in Germany, 1993-2013. In J. Ordemann & K. Briedis (Vorsitz), Research in higher education in Germany: Longitudinal studies in the perspective of insitutional contexts and reforms. Symposium im Rahmen der Tagung Life courses in times of uncertainty, Society of Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS), München, Deutschland.

    Research in Higher Education in Germany: A Symposium on Longitudinal Studies in the Perspective of Institutional Contexts and Reforms.

    Briedis, K., & Ordemann, J. (2023, Oktober).
    Research in Higher Education in Germany: A Symposium on Longitudinal Studies in the Perspective of Institutional Contexts and Reforms.Symposium im Rahmen der Tagung Life courses in times of uncertainty, Society of Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS), München, Deutschland.

    Research in higher education is inherently interdisciplinary and longitudinal in its perspective. The educational pathway to study begins in the cradle and continues with the choice of the type of university and the subject of study and then ends in the labor market or in the decision to remain in the academic system, to pursue a doctorate or even a professorship. In our symposium, we bring together interdisciplinary contributions that research a variety of topics in higher education from student aid to returns on subject-specific education, decisions about late career drop out and pathways to professorships. Discussant: Katharina Werner (ifo).

    Personality traits and high school graduates‘ intention to enrol in higher education: resource substitution, structural amplification or cumulative advantage?

    Nika, D. (2023, Oktober).
    Personality traits and high school graduates‘ intention to enrol in higher education: resource substitution, structural amplification or cumulative advantage? Poster auf der Konferenz The Future of Higher Education and Science - A Turn of the Times?, DZHW & LCSS, Hannover.

    Does compulsory computer science education lead to higher participation of women in STEM subjects? An examination of school reform effects in Germany.

    Osterburg, M. (2023, Oktober).
    Does compulsory computer science education lead to higher participation of women in STEM subjects? An examination of school reform effects in Germany. Poster auf der Konferenz The Future of Higher Education and Science – A Turn of the Times?, DZHW/LCSS, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Deutschland.

    Gender-specific differentiation processes in higher education.

    Fiedler, I. (2023, Oktober).
    Gender-specific differentiation processes in higher education. Poster auf der Konferenz The Future of Higher Education and Science – A Turn of the Times?, DZHW/LCSS, Leibniz Universität Hannover.

    The Role of Education in Coping with Work-Related Stressors.

    Schoger, L. (2023, Oktober).
    The Role of Education in Coping with Work-Related Stressors. Poster auf der Konferenz The Future of Higher Education and Science – A Turn of the Times?, DZHW/LCSS, Hannover.

    The impact of higher education on climate change: exploring the contributions of higher education to the formation of climate change-related knowledge, attitudes, and behavioural intentions in Europe.

    Köppen, L. (2023, Oktober).
    The impact of higher education on climate change: exploring the contributions of higher education to the formation of climate change-related knowledge, attitudes, and behavioural intentions in Europe. Impulsvortrag auf der Konferenz The Future of Higher Education - A Turn of Times? , Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung & Leibniz Forschungszentrum Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft , Hannover, De.

    A brief introduction to the EUROGRADUATE 2022 Pilot Survey.

    Mühleck, K. (2023, Oktober).
    A brief introduction to the EUROGRADUATE 2022 Pilot Survey. Vortrag auf der Konferenz “The Future of Higher Education and Science – a Turn of the Times?", DZHW und LCSS, Hannover.


    Sandra Buchholz
    Prof. Dr. Sandra Buchholz Abteilungsleitung 0511 450670-176
    Frauke Peter
    Dr. Frauke Peter Stellv. Abteilungsleitung 0511 450670-126


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