Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen (WeGe).
Gottburgsen, A., Grüttner, M., & Schröder, S. (2017, September).
Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen (WeGe). Poster auf dem Diversity-Netzwerktreffen 2017 " Intersektionalitätsperspektiven in der Diversitätsforschung " in Göttingen.
The " Student Life Cycle " - A New Panel Study for the Research in Higher Education.
Jungbauer-Gans, M., Carstensen, J., Muehleck, K., & Lang, S. (2017, September).
The " Student Life Cycle " - A New Panel Study for the Research in Higher Education. Posterpräsentation auf dem 25th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TIY), Brüssel, Belgien.
Studienabbruch bei Studierenden mit Migrationshintergrund.
Heublein, U. (2017, September).
Studienabbruch bei Studierenden mit Migrationshintergrund. Fachgespräch im DSW Berlin.
Transitions From Bachelor to Master Programs: Do Immigrants Holding a German High School Diploma Still Have Disadvantages?
Jungbauer-Gans, M., & Lang, S. (2017, September).
Transitions From Bachelor to Master Programs: Do Immigrants Holding a German High School Diploma Still Have Disadvantages? Vortrag auf der Tagung " Pathways into, through and out of Higher Education. An International and Interdisciplinary Conference " , Hannover.
Why don't they do what they wanted to? On the reconsideration of educational decisions and the role of parental preferences.
Christoph, B., Quast, H., & Spangenberg, H. (2017, September).
Why don't they do what they wanted to? On the reconsideration of educational decisions and the role of parental preferences. Vortrag auf der Tagung " Pathways into, through and out of Higher Education. An International and Interdisciplinary Conference " , Hannover.
Pathways into, through, and out of Higher Education.
Tieben, N., & Liebeskind, U. (2017, September).
Pathways into, through, and out of Higher Education. An International Symposium, Hannover, DZHW, in Cooperation with LEAD Graduate School & Research Network, University of Tübingen.
Does the Scopus author ID suffice to track scientific international mobility? A case study based on Leibniz laureates.
Aman, V. (2017, September).
Does the Scopus author ID suffice to track scientific international mobility? A case study based on Leibniz laureates. Vortrag auf der 22th Conference on Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators (STI 2017), ESIEE, Paris, Frankreich.
Tendenzen der Internationalisierung an Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften - Internationale Mobilität von Studierenden und Lehrenden.
Heublein, U. (2017, September).
Tendenzen der Internationalisierung an Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften - Internationale Mobilität von Studierenden und Lehrenden. Vortrag auf der Tagung " Strategische Entwicklung von Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften " , veranstaltet von HIS-HE in Hannover.
Gender differences in higher education from a life course perspective: Transitions and social inequality between enrolment and first post-doc position.
Lörz, M., & Muehleck, K. (2017, August/September).
Gender differences in higher education from a life course perspective: Transitions and social inequality between enrolment and first post-doc position. Posterpräsentation auf der ECSR 2017 Conference " Institutions, Inequality and Social Dynamics " , Mailand, Italien.
How do changes in family policies influence the life course of men and women?
Brandt, G. (2017, August/September).
How do changes in family policies influence the life course of men and women? Vortrag auf der 13. Konferenz der European Sociological Association (ESA) in Athen, Griechenland.
Social Selectivity in Transitions to Individual and Structured Doctorates in Germany.
De Vogel, S. (2017, August/September).
Social Selectivity in Transitions to Individual and Structured Doctorates in Germany. Vortrag auf der 13. Konferenz der European Sociological Association (ESA) in Athen, Griechenland.
The First Year in Higher Education: The Role of Individual Factors and the Learning Environment.
Schaeper, H. (2017, August/September).
The First Year in Higher Education: The Role of Individual Factors and the Learning Environment. Vortrag auf der 17th Biennial EARLI Conference, Tampere, Finnland.
Educational background as a fault line for study success.
Isleib, S. (2017, August/September).
Educational background as a fault line for study success. Vortrag auf der 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) in Athen, Griechenland.
Mismatch among Graduates from the Dual System of Vocational Training: a Task-based Approach.
Kracke, N. (2017, August/September).
Mismatch among Graduates from the Dual System of Vocational Training: a Task-based Approach. Vortrag auf der 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) in Athen, Griechenland.
Individual characteristics of teacher education students. Re-examining the 'negative selection' hypothesis.
Brachem, J.-C., & Schaeper, H. (2017, August/September).
Individual characteristics of teacher education students. Re-examining the 'negative selection' hypothesis. Vortrag auf der Tagung der European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Tampere, Finnland.