Lautaro Vilches Hernández

Lautaro Vilches Hernández

Abteilung Forschungssystem und Wissenschaftsdynamik
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
  • 030 2064177-49
  • 030 2064177-99

Lautaro Vilches is a doctoral associate (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at DZHW enrolled as doctoral student at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He holds a Master´s in higher education studies from UCL Institute of Education and a Master´s in Political Sciences from the Freie Universität Berlin. In his qualitative doctoral project “In the name of excellence: how are disciplinary forms of collaboration articulated in Centres of Excellence belonging to different fields?” he focuses on the disciplinary practices and meanings of research-related collaboration in Centres of Excellence.
He has extensive experience in higher education management, research policies, and in consulting public universities on strategic projects and reforms.

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Forschungscluster: Mobilität und migrationsspezifische Ungleichheiten
Vorträge & Tagungen

Liste der Vorträge & Tagungen

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Vilches, L. (2022, Dezember).
RESEARCHERS’ (IM)MOBILITIES, COLLABORATIVE PRACTICES, AND THE CHANGING KNOWLEDGE GEOGRAPHIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Mobilities in Higher Education. SRHE International Conference 2022, Society for Research into Higher Education, United Kingdom.

This qualitative study addresses how mobile researchers shape and reshape their collaboraive practices through particular global and local, visible and invisible collaborative practices, thus altering the knowledge geographies in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). The paper is based on the findings the doctoral research project that studies the meaning and practices of academic collaboration in German Clusters of Excellence belonging to the SSH.

Researchers’ (Im)Mobilities, Collaborative Practices, and the Changing Knowledge Geographies in the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Vilches, L. (2022, November).
Researchers’ (Im)Mobilities, Collaborative Practices, and the Changing Knowledge Geographies in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Cognitive Mobility in the Sciences: Social, Technological and Cultural Dynamics, DZHW, Berlin.

Kollaboration als operative Politik zur Durchsetzung von Exzellenz: der Fall Exzellenzcluster.

Vilches, L. (2022, Januar).
Kollaboration als operative Politik zur Durchsetzung von Exzellenz: der Fall Exzellenzcluster. Vortrag auf der Tagung Exzellenzträume der Wissenschaft. Explorationen kritischer Exzellenzforschung, Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin.

If excellence “as an integrating principle […] has the singular advantage of being entirely meaningless” (Readings, 1996, p. 22), why do policy discourses keep regarding excellence as the “gold standard”? I argue that collaboration has emerged as an imperative in modern science policy and practice. Thus, how does collaboration underpin both operatively and conceptually the expansion of excellence agendas, such as the Excellence Initiative/Strategy? I shall argue that collaboration it is through a relational and porous understanding of place and space that is it is possible to delve into the ways how collaborations are enacted