The Long and Winding Road to Excellence: The German Case. Möller, T., & Hornbostel, S. (2023). The Long and Winding Road to Excellence: The German Case. In M. Yudkevich, P. G. Altbach, & J. Salmi (Hrsg.), Academic Star Wars: Excellence Initiatives in Global Perspective (S. 177-201). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
The sound of respondents: predicting respondents’ level of interest in questions with voice data in smartphone surveys. Höhne, J. K., Kern, C., Gavras, K., & Schlosser, S. (2023). The sound of respondents: predicting respondents’ level of interest in questions with voice data in smartphone surveys. Quality & Quantity, International Journal of Methodology, 57(6).
Web surveys completed on smartphones open novel ways for measuring respondents’ attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that are crucial for social science research and many adjacent research fields. In this study, we make use of the built-in microphones of smartphones to record voice answers in a smartphone survey and extract non-verbal cues, such as amplitudes and pitches, from the collected voice data. This allows us to predict respondents’ level of interest (i.e., disinterest, neutral, and high interest) based on their voice answers, which expands the opportunities for researching respondents’ engagement and answer behavior. [...] Full abstract:
Data Mesh for Managing Complex Big Data Landscapes and Enhancing Decision Making in Organizations. Azeroual, O., & Nacheva, R. (2023). Data Mesh for Managing Complex Big Data Landscapes and Enhancing Decision Making in Organizations. In L. Gruenwald, E. Masciari, C. Rolland, & J. Bernardino (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems (KMIS 2023) (S. 202-212). Rome, Italy: SciTePress, Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
WISHFUL - Website extraction of Institutional Sources with Heterogeneous Factors and User-Driven Linkage. Shahania, S., Spiliopoulou, M., & Broneske, D. (2023). WISHFUL - Website extraction of Institutional Sources with Heterogeneous Factors and User-Driven Linkage. In Delir Haghighi, P. et al. (Hrsg.), Information Integration and Web Intelligence (iiWAS 2023) (S. 20-26). Cham: Springer.
Extracting information from diverse websites is increasingly important, especially for analyzing vast data sets to detect trends, gain insights. By studying job ads, researchers can monitor employer demand shifts, assisting policymakers in aiding affected workers and industries. However, extraction faces challenges like varied website formats, dynamic content, and duplicate data. This study introduces a method for extracting data from diverse private university websites involving keyword identification, website categorization, and extraction pipelines.
Does the higher education experience affect political interest, efficacy, and participation? Comparing dropouts to graduates and ‘non-starters’. Mishra, S., Klein, D., & Müller, L. (2023). Does the higher education experience affect political interest, efficacy, and participation? Comparing dropouts to graduates and ‘non-starters’. European Journal of Higher Education.
Large language models and low-resource languages: An examination of Armenian NLP. Avetisyan, H., & Broneske, D. (2023). Large language models and low-resource languages: An examination of Armenian NLP. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: IJCNLP-AACL 2023 (Findings), 2023, 199-210.
Mind the gap: Nowcasting the citation impact of research institutions. Stahlschmidt, S., & Stephen, D. (2023). Mind the gap: Nowcasting the citation impact of research institutions. In ISSI (Hrsg.), Proceedings of ISSI 2023 – the 19th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (S. 441-447). Bloomington, United States: International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics.
Detection of (non-)existing participation in contested academic discourses. Aman, V., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2023). Detection of (non-)existing participation in contested academic discourses. In ISSI (Hrsg.), Proceedings of ISSI 2023 – the 19th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (S. 15-21). Bloomington, United States: International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics.
§ 16 NHG: Mitgliedschaft und Mitwirkung. Eisentraut, N., & Bayas, A. (2023). § 16 NHG: Mitgliedschaft und Mitwirkung. In Volker, E. (Hrsg.), Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz mit Hochschulzulassungsgesetz - Handkommentar (S. 500-535). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
§ 6 NHG: Studiengänge und ihre Akkreditierung; Regelstudienzeit; Studienberatung. Eisentraut, N., & Rüping, U. (2023). § 6 NHG: Studiengänge und ihre Akkreditierung; Regelstudienzeit; Studienberatung. In Volker, E. (Hrsg.), Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz mit Hochschulzulassungsgesetz - Handkommentar (S. 164-195). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
What happens to science when it communicates openly? Blümel, C., & Fecher, B. (31. Oktober 2023). What happens to science when it communicates openly [Blogbeitrag].
The contribution deals with what happens when science opens up and communicates’ and the emerging challenges for future scientific communication.
Beckers Zeit-Allokationstheorie. van der Beek, G., & Gwosć, C. (2023). Beckers Zeit-Allokationstheorie. Das Wirtschaftsstudium - wisu, 52(10), 983-989.
Zeit ist eine knappe, nicht erneuerbare Ressource, die universell verwendbar ist. Die Zeit-Allokationstheorie von G. S. Becker bietet ein analytisches Instrument, mit dessen Hilfe Zeit nutzenmaximierend auf eine Vielzahl miteinander konkurrierender Verwendungen aufgeteilt werden kann. Dies wird am Beispiel der Zeitverwendung von Studierenden zunächst modelltheoretisch dargestellt und danach durch eine empirische Betrachtung ergänzt.
Die Universität als Hybridorganisation. Kleimann, B. (2023). Die Universität als Hybridorganisation. Hochschulmanagement, 18(2+3), 40-47.
Preprints in the German news media before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A comparative mixed-method analysis. Simons, A., & Schniedermann, A. (2023). Preprints in the German news media before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A comparative mixed-method analysis. In I. Broer, S. Lemke, A. Mazarakis, I. Peters, & C. Zinke-Wehlmann (Hrsg.), The Science-Media Interface. On the Relation Between Internal and External Science Communication (S. 53-78). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur (online first).
Mainstream media widely references scientific publications for claims of factuality and authority. But how did science journalism deal with the sudden surge in preprint publications that provided rapid but often uncertain knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic? While several studies have investigated various aspects of preprint-based science communication, only a few have focused on the public discourse in Germany, albeit with substantial challenges and controversies. In this mixed-method study, we identified the usage of preprints for 1,006 in about 390,000 German news stories, qualitatively analyzed the contexts of these preprints, and developed codes that reflect the epistemic sentiments. We further compared ...