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Does Wikipedia Cover the Relevant Literature on Major Innovations Timely? An Exploratory Case Study of CRISPR/Cas9.

Schmidt, M., Kircheis, W., Simons, A., Potthast, M., & Stein, B. (2021).
Does Wikipedia Cover the Relevant Literature on Major Innovations Timely? An Exploratory Case Study of CRISPR/Cas9. In W. Glänzel, S. Heeffer, P.-S. Chi, & R. Rousseau (Hrsg.), 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics - Proceedings (S. 1021-1026). Leuven: International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (I.S.S.I.).

A Case Study of the Epistemic Function of Citations - Implications for Citation-based Science Mapping.

Seitz, C., Schmidt, M., Schwichtenberg, N., & Velden, T. (2021).
A Case Study of the Epistemic Function of Citations - Implications for Citation-based Science Mapping. In W. Glänzel, S. Heeffer, P.-S. Chi, & R. Rousseau (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (S. 1027-1032). Leuven: KU Leuven / International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (I.S.S.I.).

The use of citations as indicators of topical relatedness of publications is common in the algorithmic mapping of the structure of science. References to source documents, however, may serve a variety of epistemic functions, and hence represent rather different dimensions of topical relatedness, such as the research methods used, the empirical objects studied, the theoretical resources build on, the research questions pursued, or the external motivation for and relevance of the work. In this case study, we explore the diversity in topical dimensions along which publications are linked in citation networks, by coding the epistemic function of in-text citations. [...]

Broad shouldered - publication formats served by doctoral students.

Tesch, J. (2021).
Broad shouldered - publication formats served by doctoral students. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI 2021), Leuven, Belgium, 12 July to 15 July, 2021, 1545-1546.

Trustworthy or not? Research data on COVID-19 in data repositories.

Azeroual, O., & Schöpfel, J. (2021).
Trustworthy or not? Research data on COVID-19 in data repositories. In D. Baker & L. Ellis (Hrsg.), Libraries, Digital Information, and COVID: Practical Applications and Approaches to Challenge and Change (S. 169-182). Cambridge, Kidlington: Chandos Publishing.

Datenqualität und -kuratierung als Voraussetzung für Open Research Data.

Azeroual, O. (2021).
Datenqualität und -kuratierung als Voraussetzung für Open Research Data. Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 2021(72), 204-211.

Sichtbarkeitskonstellationen im Journal Peer Review - Konsequenzen von In/Transparenz in wissenschaftlichen Bewertungsverfahren.

Hesselmann, F., Schendzielorz, C., & Krüger, A. (2021).
Sichtbarkeitskonstellationen im Journal Peer Review - Konsequenzen von In/Transparenz in wissenschaftlichen Bewertungsverfahren. In O. Berli, S. Nicolae, & H. Schäfer (Hrsg.), Bewertungskulturen (S. 71-92). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

BERTI – Projekt-Update und Einladung zur Onlinebefragung.

Petersohn, S. (5. Juli 2021).
BERTI – Projekt-Update und Einladung zur Onlinebefragung [Blogbeitrag]. Abgerufen von

The neglected politics behind evidence-based policy: shedding light on instrument constituency dynamics.

Simons, A., & Schniedermann, A. (2021).
The neglected politics behind evidence-based policy: shedding light on instrument constituency dynamics. Policy & Politics (online first).

3D animation of single stage batch distillation for distance learning.

Vorhauer, N., Mathew, P., Gunasekaran, H., Do, M., Thalakkotoor, S., ... & Broneske, D. (2021).
3D animation of single stage batch distillation for distance learning. In IATED Academy (Hrsg.), EDULEARN21 Proceedings (S. 476-483). Valencia, Spain: IATED Academy.

Sichtbarkeitskonstellationen im Journal Peer Review – Konsequenzen von In/Transparenz in wissenschaftlichen Bewertungsverfahren.

Heßelmann, F., Schendzielorz, C., & Krüger, A. (2021).
Sichtbarkeitskonstellationen im Journal Peer Review – Konsequenzen von In/Transparenz in wissenschaftlichen Bewertungsverfahren. In O. Berli, S. Nicolae, & H. Schäfer (Hrsg.), Bewertungskulturen (S. 71-92). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

References to Literature in Patent Documents: A Case Study of Electromobility Research.

Qu, Z. (2021).
References to Literature in Patent Documents: A Case Study of Electromobility Research. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI 2021), Leuven, Belgium, 12 July to 15 July, 2021, 1529-1530.

Research managers as data experts? Task areas and competency profiles in IT-based research reporting in Germany.

Thiedig, C., Schelske, S., & Petersohn, S. (2021).
Research managers as data experts? Task areas and competency profiles in IT-based research reporting in Germany. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI 2021), Leuven, Belgium, 12 July to 15 July, 2021, 1091-1096.

Understanding the Societal Impact of the Social Sciences and Humanities: Remarks on Roles, Challenges, and Expectations.

Fecher, B., Freia, K., Sokolovska, N., Fenton, A., Hornbostel, S., & Wagner, G. G. (2021).
Understanding the Societal Impact of the Social Sciences and Humanities: Remarks on Roles, Challenges, and Expectations. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics (online first).

Science is increasingly expected to help in solving complex societal problems in collaboration with societal stakeholders. However, it is often unclear under what conditions this can happen, i.e., what kind of challenges occur when science interacts with society and what kind of quality expectations prevail. This is particularly pertinent for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), which are part of the object they study and whose knowledge is always subject to provisionality. Here we discuss how SSH researchers can contribute to societal problems, what challenges might occur when they interact with societal stakeholders, and what quality expectations arise in these arrangements.

Aufnahme eines Masterstudiums nach dem Bachelorabschluss.

Fabian, G. (2021).
Aufnahme eines Masterstudiums nach dem Bachelorabschluss. In G. Fabian, C. Flöther, & D. Reifenberg (Hrsg.), Generation Hochschulabschluss: neue und alte Differenzierungen. Ergebnisse des Absolventenpanels 2017. (S. 97-110). Münster/New York: Waxmann.

Effekte der Differenzierung des Hochschulsystems für die beruflichen Erträge eines Bachelorstudiums.

Fabian, G. (2021).
Effekte der Differenzierung des Hochschulsystems für die beruflichen Erträge eines Bachelorstudiums. In G. Fabian, C. Flöther, & D. Reifenberg (Hrsg.), Generation Hochschulabschluss: neue und alte Differenzierungen. Ergebnisse des Absolventenpanels 2017. (S. 141-152). Münster/New York: Waxmann.


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen 0511 450670-912