How does the Learning Environment affect the Emotional Exhaustion of Beginning Teachers? Gäckle, S., Menge, C., & Ortenburger, A. (2021, September). How does the Learning Environment affect the Emotional Exhaustion of Beginning Teachers? Poster im Rahmen der HERSS Summer School "How to Make Theory Work in Higher Education Research and Science Studies", Julian Hamann, Anna Kosmützky & Christian Imdorf, Leibniz Center for Science and Society (LCSS), Leibniz University Hanover, Hanover.
Can Occupational Self-Regulation Protect (Prospective) Teachers From Emotional Exhaustion? Menge, C., Gäckle, S., & Ortenburger, A. (2021, September). Can Occupational Self-Regulation Protect (Prospective) Teachers From Emotional Exhaustion? Vortrag auf der Konferenz European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Université de Genève, Genf, Schweiz.
Why do women more often intend to study abroad than men? Cordua, F., & Netz, N. (2021, September). Why do women more often intend to study abroad than men? Vortrag auf der Konferenz Sociological knowledges for alternative futures (15th Conference of the European Sociological Association), Barcelona.
What role do physical and virtual mobility play for academic career success? Evidence from an experiment with university professors. Netz, N., & Petzold, K. (2021, September). What role do physical and virtual mobility play for academic career success? Evidence from an experiment with university professors. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Sociological knowledges for alternative futures (15th Conference of the European Sociological Association), Barcelona.
Why We Should Take Care More About Interaction Effects For Exploring The Mechanisms Of Inequality In Education. Ethnic Effects at the Transition to Higher Education in Germany. Sudheimer, S., Mentges, H., & Buchholz, S. (2021, September). Why We Should Take Care More About Interaction Effects For Exploring The Mechanisms Of Inequality In Education. Ethnic Effects at the Transition to Higher Education in Germany. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 15th ESA Conference 2021 - Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures, European Sociological Association, Barcelona, Spain.
Does The Effect Of Conscientiousness On Academic Achievement Vary With Determinants Of Social Inequality? Föste-Eggers, D., List, M., & Schmidt, F. T. (2021, August/September). Does The Effect Of Conscientiousness On Academic Achievement Vary With Determinants Of Social Inequality? Vortrag auf der Tagung 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, European Sociological Association (ESA), Barcelona.
Lörz's (2019) findings suggest that immigrant youth from non-academic homes are less likely to complete their studies.
The aim of this study is to investigate whether the effect of conscientiousness on academic achievement varies with determinants of social inequality (immigrant background and parental educational level). We focus on conscientiousness because it is one of the most important factors influencing academic achievement outside the domain of cognitive factors (Poropat, 2009). We use data from the 2008 cohort of the DZHW Panel Study of School Leavers (Heine et al., 2017). The data make it possible to investigate the effects of the Big Five personality traits on the (perceived) achievement in university over a span of five years.
EUROSTUDENT VII. Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators. Hauschildt, K. (2021, August). EUROSTUDENT VII. Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators. Vortrag auf dem Seminar EUROSTUDENT Talks Webinar, August 25th, 2021.
Studieren in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf soziale Ungleichheiten im Studienverlauf. Zimmer, L. M., & Lörz, M. (2021, August). Ad hoc Gruppe Studieren in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf soziale Ungleichheiten im Studienverlauf Soziologiekongress, Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Wien (online), Österreich.
Die Studienabbruchintention von Studierenden mit Kind während der Corona-Pandemie. Zimmer, L. M., & Strauß, S. (2021, August). Die Studienabbruchintention von Studierenden mit Kind während der Corona-Pandemie. Vortrag im Rahmen des gemeinsamen Soziologiekongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, DGS & ÖGS, Wien, Österreich.
Führt die Corona-Pandemie zu einer Zunahme herkunftsspezifischer Ungleichheiten im Studienerfolg? Becker, K., & Lörz, M. (2021, August). Führt die Corona-Pandemie zu einer Zunahme herkunftsspezifischer Ungleichheiten im Studienerfolg? Vortrag im Rahmen der Ad-hoc-Gruppe Studieren in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf soziale Ungleichheiten im Studienverlauf auf dem Kongress DGS/ÖGS "Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen", online.
How Does the Learning Environment affect the Emotional Exhaustion of Beginning Teachers? Gäckle, S., Menge, C., & Ortenburger, A. (2021, August). How Does the Learning Environment affect the Emotional Exhaustion of Beginning Teachers? Vortrag auf der Konferenz 19th Biennal EARLI Conference 2021 "Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures", European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Göteborg, Schweden.
Empirical Relations between Communicative Skills, General Pedagogical Knowledge and Grades. Walz, K., Schwabe, U., & Braun, E. (2021, August). Empirical Relations between Communicative Skills, General Pedagogical Knowledge and Grades. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 19th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2019), "Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures ", University of Gothenburg (fully online), Gothenburg, Sweden.
Social inequality at transition to higher education: What can we learn from machine learning? Grüttner, M., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2021, August). Social inequality at transition to higher education: What can we learn from machine learning? Vortrag im Rahmen des Workshops Big Data und maschinelles Lernen in der Soziologie auf der Konferenz Gemeinsamer Kongress der DGS & ÖGS, DGS & ÖGS.
The Evolution of Educational Wage Differentials for Women and Men, 1996 to 2019. Ordemann, J., & Pfeiffer, F. (2021, August). The Evolution of Educational Wage Differentials for Women and Men, 1996 to 2019. Vortrag auf der Konferenz ASA 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting (VAM), American Sociological Association, Chicago, USA.
From the perspective of the higher education expansion in Germany, the paper concentrates on the development of the higher education wage premium from 1996 to 2018. We ask how the wage premium develops over that time frame and which factors explain the trend we find. Using 206,904 observations of individual-level data of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) we show a general upward trend in wage premiums. At the same time the wage premiums for university graduates lose their upward dynamic towards the end of the observation window, especially for men.
Studieren in Corona-Zeiten - Podcast mit Lena M. Zimmer. Zimmer, Lena M. (6.8.2021). Studieren in Corona-Zeiten - Podcast mit Lena M. Zimmer. Gespräch mit C. Schucker (Moderation), Podcast des BMBF. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Berlin.