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Linked open research information on semantic web: Challenges and opportunities for Research information management (RIM) User's.

Azeroual, O. (2024).
Linked open research information on semantic web: Challenges and opportunities for Research information management (RIM) User's. In M. D. Lytras, B. S. Alsaywid, A. Housawi, & N. R. Aljohani (Hrsg.), Next Generation eHealth. Applied Data Science, Machine Learning and Extreme Computational Intelligence (S. 163-179). Cambridge, U.S.: Academic Press.

The role of institutional contexts for social inequalities in study abroad intent and participation.

Entrich, S., Netz, N., & Matsuoka, R. (2024).
The role of institutional contexts for social inequalities in study abroad intent and participation. Higher Education, 88(4), 1275-1303.

We contribute to research on social inequalities in educational attainment by examining the role of institutional contexts for students’ study abroad (SA) intent and participation. To do so, we extend the individual-level rational choice model predicting SA intent and participation depending on students’ socioeconomic status (SES) into a multi-level model emphasizing the importance of context effects. We test our model based on unique micro-level student data, which we supplement with context data. Examining 18,510 students nested in 69 universities, we provide the first in-depth multi-level analyses of SA intent and participation of students from Japan.

Investigating Knowledge Flows in Scientific Communities: The Potential of Bibliometric Methods.

Aman, V., & Gläser, J. (2024).
Investigating Knowledge Flows in Scientific Communities: The Potential of Bibliometric Methods. Minerva (online first).

Inflation among students in the EUROSTUDENT countries - the return of an old spectre.

Gwosć, C. (2024).
Inflation among students in the EUROSTUDENT countries - the return of an old spectre. (EUROSTUDENT Intelligence Briefs). Hannover: German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW).

Following the outbreak of the war on Ukraine, Europe experienced a strong rise in inflation in 2022/23, which posed and partially continues to pose major challenges for companies, workers, consumers, and governments. Students were also affected by inflation. We take the recent inflation as an opportunity to take a long-term look back at how inflation has affected students in Europe.

Ideas Lab as funding instrument: navigating tensions in establishing transdisciplinary research projects.

Kaisler, R., Blümel, C., & Palfinger, T. (2024).
Ideas Lab as funding instrument: navigating tensions in establishing transdisciplinary research projects. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (online first).

Lange Studiendauern an deutschen Hochschulen - Welchen Einfluss haben institutionelle Kontextfaktoren auf den Studienverlauf?

Oberschelp, A. (2024).
Lange Studiendauern an deutschen Hochschulen - Welchen Einfluss haben institutionelle Kontextfaktoren auf den Studienverlauf? Das Hochschulwesen, 72(1+2), 23-28.

How evaluations fail. Investigating scientific misconduct.

Hesselmann, F. (2024).
How evaluations fail. Investigating scientific misconduct. In A. K. Krüger, T. Peetz, & H. Schäfer (Hrsg.), The Routledge International Handbook of Valuation and Society. Milton Park: Routledge.

The role of performance skills in German teacher education: empirical relations between general pedagogical knowledge, communication skills, and grades.

Walz, K., Schwabe, & Braun, E. (2024).
The role of performance skills in German teacher education: empirical relations between general pedagogical knowledge, communication skills, and grades. Frontiers in Education, 9(1327827), 01-12.

Auch exzellente Wissenschaftler:innen können Egoshooter sein – Eine Spurensuche zur Bedeutung der direkten Begegnung in Berufungsverfahren.

Gerchen, A. (2024).
Auch exzellente Wissenschaftler:innen können Egoshooter sein – Eine Spurensuche zur Bedeutung der direkten Begegnung in Berufungsverfahren. Das Hochschulwesen, 72(1+2), 53-55.

During the Covid-19-pandemic, German universities resorted to carrying out appointment procedures for professors online. Thus, the hearings of candidates no longer allowed for the appointment committee to meet the candidates in person, leading to complaints on the insufficiency of online meetings. On the basis of 17 expert interviews with chairs of appointment committees and members of university leadership, the article explores why personal interaction face-to-face is perceived to be indispensable in the selection process. It finds that those responsible for the procedures argue that a personal meeting allows for a more comprehensive impression of the candidates and that online meetings interfere with the goal of the selection of the best.

Remarks on modified fractional counting.

Donner, P. (2024).
Remarks on modified fractional counting. Journal of Informetrics, 18, 101585.

From zero-intelligence to Bayesian learning: the effect of rationality on market efficiency.

Giachini, D., Mousavi, S., & Ottaviani, M. (2024).
From zero-intelligence to Bayesian learning: the effect of rationality on market efficiency. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, Springer, 2024 (online first).

7: Tenure track career options to full professorship in German academia: recent developments and challenges.

Schwabe, U., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2024).
7: Tenure track career options to full professorship in German academia: recent developments and challenges. In E. Pekkola & T. Siekkinen (Hrsg.), Tenure Tracks in European Universities (S. 116-135). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Das Zusammenspiel von Methodik und Forschungsethik in der Kommunikations- und Medienforschung.

Zillich, A. F., Schlütz, D., Domahidi, E., & Niemann-Lenz, J. (2024).
Das Zusammenspiel von Methodik und Forschungsethik in der Kommunikations- und Medienforschung. Publizistik, 69(3), 229-235 (online first).

Digitalisierung im Forschungsmanagement – Potenziale, Herausforderungen & Entscheidungsmodelle.

Azeroual, O. (2024).
Digitalisierung im Forschungsmanagement – Potenziale, Herausforderungen & Entscheidungsmodelle. Information – Wissenschaft & Praxis, 2024(75), 167-176.

A mediation strategy for communication between an internal chat system and an open source chat system.

Obionwu, C. V., Kanagaraj, R. R., Kalu, K. O., Broneske, D., Buch, A., Knopke, C., & Saake, G. (2024).
A mediation strategy for communication between an internal chat system and an open source chat system. In Jon-Chao, H. (Hrsg.), New Technology in Education and Training, Select Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advance in Education and Information Technology (AEIT 2024) (S. 73-86). Singapore: Springer.


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912