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Policing Misconduct: More Data Needed on Scientific Misconduct.

Reinhart, M. (2017).
Policing Misconduct: More Data Needed on Scientific Misconduct. Nature, 549(7673), 458.

The Selection of High-Skilled Emigrants.

Parey, M., Ruhose, J., Waldinger, F., & Netz, N. (2017).
The Selection of High-Skilled Emigrants. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(5), 776-792.

We measure selection among high-skilled emigrants from Germany using predicted earnings. Migrants to less equal countries are positively selected relative to nonmigrants, while migrants to more equal countries are negatively selected, consistent with the prediction in Borjas (1987). Positive selection to less equal countries reflects university quality and grades, and negative selection to more equal countries reflects university subject and gender. Migrants to the United States are highly positively selected and concentrated in STEM fields. Our results highlight the relevance of the Borjas model for high-skilled individuals when credit constraints and other migration barriers are unlikely to be binding.

Internationale Wissenschaftler/innen an deutschen Hochschulen – Zur Veralltäglichung des Internationalen.

Wegner, A. (2017).
Internationale Wissenschaftler/innen an deutschen Hochschulen – Zur Veralltäglichung des Internationalen. In A. Neusel & A. Wolter (Hrsg.), Mobile Wissenschaft. Internationale Mobilität und Migration in der Hochschule (S. 197-219). Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.

Die Vielfalt der Studierenden mit Migrationshintergrund - Ein empirischer Beitrag.

Kerst, C., & Wolter, A. (2017).
Die Vielfalt der Studierenden mit Migrationshintergrund - Ein empirischer Beitrag. In A. Neusel & A. Wolter (Hrsg.), Mobile Wissenschaft. Internationale Mobilität und Migration in die Hochschule (S. 245-268). Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus.

Berufungsverfahren an deutschen Universitäten aus Sicht organisationaler Akteure.

Kleimann, B., & Klawitter, M. (2017).
Berufungsverfahren an deutschen Universitäten aus Sicht organisationaler Akteure. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 39. Jg. (Heft 3/4), 52-73.

New Evidence on the Effects of the Shortened School Duration in the German States: An Evaluation of Postsecondary Education Decisions.

Meyer, T., Thomson, S. L., & Schneider, H. (2017).
New Evidence on the Effects of the Shortened School Duration in the German States: An Evaluation of Postsecondary Education Decisions. LCSS Working Paper. No. 1.

Most German states have recently reduced the duration of university preparatory schooling from 13 to 12 years without changing the graduation requirements. We use nationwide data on high school graduates and the different timing of reform introduction in the federal states to identify the effects on postsecondary education decisions and to evaluate potential effect mechanisms. The results show that university enrollment of female students decreased in the first year after graduation in all analyzed states, whereas participation in voluntary service or staying abroad increased. Furthermore, students from non-academic families are more affected than students from an academic family background

Gretchenfrage Durchlässigkeit. Karrierewege durch Kombination von Abschlüssen der beruflichen und hochschulischen Bildung?

Freitag, W. (2017).
Gretchenfrage Durchlässigkeit. Karrierewege durch Kombination von Abschlüssen der beruflichen und hochschulischen Bildung? In A. Henschel, A. Eylert-Schwarz, V. von Prittwitz & S. Rahdes (Hrsg.), Karrierewege eröffnen. Gender- und diversityreflexive Zugänge für beruflich Qualifizierte der Sozialen Arbeit zur akademischen (Weiter-)Bildung (S. 37-54). Münster: Waxmann.

Improving the Data Quality in the Research Information Systems.

Azeroual, O., & Abuosba, M. (2017).
Improving the Data Quality in the Research Information Systems. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 11/2017, 82-86.

Schwierigkeiten bei der Besetzung von Fachhochschulprofessuren.

In der Smitten, S., Sembritzki, T., & Thiele, L. (2017).
Schwierigkeiten bei der Besetzung von Fachhochschulprofessuren. Die Neue Hochschule, Heft 5(2017), 26-30.

Measuring Knowledge Exchange of Internationally Mobile Scientists – A Bibliometric Approach based on Similarity.

Aman, V. (2017).
Measuring Knowledge Exchange of Internationally Mobile Scientists – A Bibliometric Approach based on Similarity. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Scientometrics&Informetrics (ISSI 2017), Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

Journals as Communication Channels between National Sub-Communities.

Gläser, J., & Aman, V. (2017).
Journals as Communication Channels between National Sub-Communities. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientometrics&Informetrics (ISSI 2017), Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

Geschlecht und wissenschaftliche Produktivität.

Jaksztat, S. (2017).
Geschlecht und wissenschaftliche Produktivität. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 46(5), 347-361.

The new production of legitimacy: STI policy discourses beyond the contract metaphor.

Flink, T., & Kaldewey, D. (2017).
The new production of legitimacy: STI policy discourses beyond the contract metaphor. Research Policy, 47(1), 14-22.

The visibility of scientific misconduct: A review of the literature on retracted publications.

Hesselmann, F., Graf, V., Schmidt, M., & Reinhart, M. (2017).
The visibility of scientific misconduct: A review of the literature on retracted publications. Current Sociology, Volume: 65 issue: 6, 814-845.

An Analytical Framework for Evaluation-based Decision-making Procedures in Universities.

Kleimann, B., & Klawitter, M. (2017).
An Analytical Framework for Evaluation-based Decision-making Procedures in Universities. In J. Huisman & M. Tight (Hrsg.), Theory and Method in Higher Education (S. 39-57), Bingley: Emerald Publishing.


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912