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Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten.

Hoffstätter, U., & Weber, A. (2024).
Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten. Hannover: DZHW.

Is there gender bias in awarding cum laude for the PhD thesis?

van den Besselaar, P., & Mom, C. (2024).
Is there gender bias in awarding cum laude for the PhD thesis? Scientometrics, 1-23 (online first).

In the Dutch academic system, PhD theses can be awarded with cum laude and at most 5% of all PhD graduates receive this selective distinction for their thesis. In this paper, we investigate whether there is gender bias in awarding cum laude, using data from one of the major Dutch research universities. A main result is that the set of PhD theses receiving cum laude on average do not have a higher quality than the best theses not getting cum laude. A second main result is that, after controlling for the quality of the PhD theses, women still have a substantially lower probability to receive cum laude. These results strongly suggest that the distribution of awards suffers from gender bias.

Information intervention on long-term earnings prospects and the gender gap in major choice.

Peter, F., Schober, P., & Spiess, C. K. (2024).
Information intervention on long-term earnings prospects and the gender gap in major choice. European Sociological Review, 40(2), 258-275.

Migration als Gesellschaftsaufgabe. Teilhabe- und Repräsentationsverhältnisse aus einer postmigrantischen Perspektive.

İkiz-Akıncı, D., & Foroutan, N. (2024).
Migration als Gesellschaftsaufgabe. Teilhabe- und Repräsentationsverhältnisse aus einer postmigrantischen Perspektive. In S. Bostancı & E. Ilgün-Birhimeoğlu (Hrsg.), Elementarpädagogik in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft. Theoretische und empirische Zugänge zu einer rassismuskritischen Pädagogik (S. 12-32). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Investigating Students’ Academic Self-Concepts and Persistence in STEM: How Do Gender Differences Relate to Female Representation?

Fiedler, I. (2024).
Investigating Students’ Academic Self-Concepts and Persistence in STEM: How Do Gender Differences Relate to Female Representation? International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 16(1), 1-17.

Internal factors promoting research collaboration problems: an input‑process‑output analysis.

Hückstädt, M., & Leisten, L. M. (2024).
Internal factors promoting research collaboration problems: an input‑process‑output analysis. Scientometrics.

A case study on the development of the German Corona-Warn-App.

Fawaz Enaya, M., Klingbeil, T., Krüger, J., Broneske, D., Feinbube, F., & Saake, G. (2024).
A case study on the development of the German Corona-Warn-App. Journal of Systems and Software.

Adult refugees and asylum seekers’ basic need satisfaction and educational success in pre-study programmes in Germany.

Grüttner, M. (2024).
Adult refugees and asylum seekers’ basic need satisfaction and educational success in pre-study programmes in Germany. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 1-20 (online first).

Host country education can be crucial for the social integration as well as labour market outcomes of refugees and asylum seekers. To meet the same admission criteria for studying at German higher education institutions (HEI) as other international student applicants, refugees and asylum seekers can attend pre-study programmes at preparatory colleges or language centres of HEI. According to the self-determination theory, the satisfaction of basic psychological needs is relevant to learning motivation and success in educational contexts. This paper examines the differences in the satisfaction of basic needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) and learning motivation between refugees and other international student applicants, and the ext

Die Akademisierung und die Evolution der Lohnstruktur nach Bildungsabschlüssen.

Ordemann, J., & Pfeiffer, F. (2024).
Die Akademisierung und die Evolution der Lohnstruktur nach Bildungsabschlüssen. (ZEWpolicybrief 2|2024). Mannheim: ZEW.

A domain specific students' assistance system for the provision of instructional feedback.

Obionwu, C. V., Tiwari, T., Chovatta Valappil, B. B., Raikar, N., Walia, D. S., ... & Saake, G. (2024).
A domain specific students' assistance system for the provision of instructional feedback. In IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Hrsg.), 2023 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) (S. 2065-2070). Jacksonville, Florida, USA: IEEE.

Knowledge distillation for quantized vehicle sensor data.

Vox, C., Niemann, O., Broneske, D., Piewek, J., Sass, A. U., & Saake, G. (2024).
Knowledge distillation for quantized vehicle sensor data. In IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Hrsg.), 2023 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) (S. 908-915). Jacksonville, Florida, USA: IEEE.

Enforcing right to be forgotten in cloud-based data lakes.

Bhardwaj, P., Darrab, S., Broneske, D., Klose, I., & Saake, G. (2024).
Enforcing right to be forgotten in cloud-based data lakes. In Arai, K. (Hrsg.), Advances in Information and Communication (FICC 2024) (S. 220-234). Cham: Springer.

Heterogene Studierendenschaft – Zur Sozialstruktur und Studiensituation der Studierenden in Deutschland.

Kerst, C., Kroher, M., & Steinkühler, J. (2024).
Heterogene Studierendenschaft – Zur Sozialstruktur und Studiensituation der Studierenden in Deutschland. Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung/Discourse. Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research, 18(4), 521-544.

The Effect of Germany´s Federalism on Student Success.

Hönnige, C., Bauer, V. A., Bernauer, J., Zittlau, S., Epping, V., ... & Nguyen Xuan, A. (2024).
The Effect of Germany´s Federalism on Student Success. The "Index of Commitment" as Comparative Measure for Study and Examination Regulations. LCSS Working Paper (16). Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover.

Who are the “Heroes of CRISPR”? Public science communication on Wikipedia and the challenge of micro-notability.

Simon, A., Kircheis, W., Schmidt, M., Potthast, M., & Stein, B. (2024).
Who are the “Heroes of CRISPR”? Public science communication on Wikipedia and the challenge of micro-notability. Public Understanding of Science (online first).


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912