Comparison of the citations of German medical science articles in questionable and non-questionable journals. Stephen, D. (2022). Comparison of the citations of German medical science articles in questionable and non-questionable journals. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2022), 1-8.
Structural properties and epistemic effects of scientific careers in transition to tenured professorships. Dittmann, P. (2022). Structural properties and epistemic effects of scientific careers in transition to tenured professorships. 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI).
Retrieving Adversarial Cliques in Cognitive Communities: A New Conceptual Framework for Scientific Knowledge Graphs. Fabre, R., Azeroual, O., Bellot, P., Schöpfel, J., & Egret, D. (2022). Retrieving Adversarial Cliques in Cognitive Communities: A New Conceptual Framework for Scientific Knowledge Graphs. Future Internet, 2022, 14(9), 262.
Forschungskooperation im Verbund. Hückstädt, M., Janßen, M., Oberschelp, A., Wagner, N., Weinmann, C., & Winde, M. (2022). Forschungskooperation im Verbund. Future Lab: Kooperationsgovernance - Diskussionspapier 2022 (6). Essen: Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.
Collaborative research is becoming increasingly important. By linking competences and experiences, sharing cost-intensive resources and bringing together different disciplinary perspectives, synergy effects are generated and innovative research projects are promoted. However, the collaboration of researchers also involves risks that can be traced back to the framework conditions that characterise the collaboration of the participants. The DEKiF project ("Determinants and Effects of Cooperations in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Research Associations") examines the implementation of collaborative research within the framework of different sub-studies with the aim of mapping cooperation problems.
What is researcher independence and how can it be measured? Möller, T., van den Besselaar, P., & Mom, C. (2022). What is researcher independence and how can it be measured? 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2022), 1-8.
Factors influencing the academic career – an event history analysis. Mom, C., van den Besselaar, P., & Möller, T. (2022). Factors influencing the academic career – an event history analysis. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicator (STI 2022), 1-8.
The State of Unpaywall: Analyzing the Consistency of Open Access Data. Sanford, H. (2022). The State of Unpaywall: Analyzing the Consistency of Open Access Data. Proceedings 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2022).
Die Beteiligung an Gottesdiensten und Gemeindeaktivitäten in den evangelischen Denominationen. Ergebnisse des 2. Kirchengemeindebarometers des Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts der EKD. Steinkühler, J., & Rebenstorf, H. (2022). Die Beteiligung an Gottesdiensten und Gemeindeaktivitäten in den evangelischen Denominationen. Ergebnisse des 2. Kirchengemeindebarometers des Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts der EKD. In F. Burkhardt, S. Herrmann, & T. Schuckert (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Gottesdienst- und Gemeindestudie. Religionssoziologische Momentaufnahme christlicher Gemeinden einer europäischen Metropolregion in ökumenischer Perspektive (S. 263-272). Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
Algorithmic identification of Ph.D. thesis-related publications: a proof-of-concept study. Donner, P. (2022). Algorithmic identification of Ph.D. thesis-related publications: a proof-of-concept study. Scientometrics (online first).
In this study we propose and evaluate a method to automatically identify the journal publications that are related to a Ph.D. thesis using bibliographical data of both items. We build a manually curated ground truth dataset from German cumulative doctoral theses that explicitly list the included publications, which we match with records in the Scopus database. We then test supervised classification methods on the task of identifying the correct associated publications among high numbers of potential candidates using features of the thesis and publication records. The results indicate that this approach results in good match quality in general and with the best results attained by the “random forest” classification algorithm.
Wachstumschancen der evangelischen Denominationen auf dem Markt der Religionen: Ergebnisse des zweiten Kirchengemeindebarometers. Steinkühler, J. (2022). Wachstumschancen der evangelischen Denominationen auf dem Markt der Religionen: Ergebnisse des zweiten Kirchengemeindebarometers. In Lämmlin, G. (Hrsg.), Zukunftsaussichten für die Kirchen: 50 Jahre Pastoralsoziologie in Hannover. Beiträge zum 90. Geburtstag von Karl-Fritz Daiber (S. 245-273). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Beeinflusst studienbezogene Auslandsmobilität das Arbeitseinkommen? Ergebnisse eines Literaturreviews. Netz, N. (2022). Beeinflusst studienbezogene Auslandsmobilität das Arbeitseinkommen? Ergebnisse eines Literaturreviews. Bonn: DAAD.
Mobilität als Innovationsmotor für Individuen, Hochschulen und Regionen. Jungbauer-Gans, M., & Gottburgsen, A. (2022). Mobilität als Innovationsmotor für Individuen, Hochschulen und Regionen. In M. Jungbauer-Gans & A. Gottburgsen (Hrsg.), Regionale Mobilität und Hochschulbildung (S. 1-18). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Students, graduates and universities interact with their regional environment in a number of ways. Regions offer institutions of higher education a potential for strategic development, while these institutions, in turn, actively influence regional development. Different student groups differ in their regional mobility behaviour. Before summarising the state of research on the regional mobility of students and graduates, this introductory chapter presents research findings on the importance of universities for the regions and the structural development of university regions in Germany.
Mobilität als Innovationsmotor für Individuen, Hochschulen und Regionen. Jungbauer-Gans, M., & Gottburgsen, A. (2022). Mobilität als Innovationsmotor für Individuen, Hochschulen und Regionen. In M. Jungbauer-Gans & A. Gottburgsen (Hrsg.), Regionale Mobilität und Hochschulbildung (S. 1-18). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Students, graduates and universities interact with their regional environment in a number of ways. Regions offer institutions of higher education a potential for strategic development, while these institutions, in turn, actively influence regional development. Different student groups differ in their regional mobility behaviour. Before summarising the state of research on the regional mobility of students and graduates, this introductory chapter presents research findings on the importance of universities for the regions and the structural development of university regions in Germany.
Warum in die Ferne schweifen? Regionale Mobilität beim Übergang ins Masterstudium. Ohlendorf, D., Spangenberg, H., & Föste-Eggers, D. (2022). Warum in die Ferne schweifen? Regionale Mobilität beim Übergang ins Masterstudium. In M. Jungbauer-Gans & A. Gottburgsen (Hrsg.), Regionale Mobilität und Hochschulbildung (S. 83-113). Wiesbaden: Springer VS (online first).
This article examines (1) which factors promote or hinder regional mobility within Germany when bachelor graduates take up a master’s programme, and (2) which factors influence the distance of migration when graduates change to a new university. Building on rational choice-based theories of migration we describe a change of university as a two-staged migration decision and analyse it using zero-inflated Poisson Regression models. Data from the 2012 DZHW panel study of school leavers with higher education entry certificate were linked to regional indicators from official statistics. n addition to the role of educational background, results indicate that previous migration experiences promote regional mobility.
Should I stay or should I go? Determinanten der räumlichen Distanz zwischen Schul- und Hochschulort. Quast, H., Mentges, H., & Föste-Eggers, D. (2022). Should I stay or should I go? Determinanten der räumlichen Distanz zwischen Schul- und Hochschulort. In M. Jungbauer-Gans & A. Gottburgsen (Hrsg.), Regionale Mobilität und Hochschulbildung. Higher Education Research and Science Studies (S. 19-45). Wiesbaden: Springer VS (online first).
While there are numerous studies on the influence of study opportunities on the decision to attend higher education, studies on determinants of school leavers´´ regional mobility are comparatively rare. This article addresses the question which factors influence the geographical distance between school location and university. Using theories of rational choice, we develop a theoretical framework that integrates several mechanisms explaining mobility. For the analyses, we employ a mobility measure of geographical distance (in kilometres) between the university and the school where the university entrance qualification was obtained.