Familie, Karriere oder beides? Die spezifischen Vereinbarkeitsprobleme im Wissenschaftsbereich. Lange, J., & Ambrasat, J. (2022). Familie, Karriere oder beides? Die spezifischen Vereinbarkeitsprobleme im Wissenschaftsbereich. In S. Korff & I. Truschkat (Hrsg.), Übergänge in Wissenschaftskarrieren (S. 95-123). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Berufungsbeauftragte als Instanzen der Qualitätssicherung in professoraler Personalrekrutierung an deutschen Universitäten. Die Genese eines neuen Stellentypus und sein Qualitätsverständnis. Gerchen, A., & Walther, L. (2022). Berufungsbeauftragte als Instanzen der Qualitätssicherung in professoraler Personalrekrutierung an deutschen Universitäten. Die Genese eines neuen Stellentypus und sein Qualitätsverständnis. Handbuch Qualität in Studium, Lehre und Forschung(79), 75-90.
A study of referencing changes in preprint-publication pairs across multiple fields. Akbaritabar, A., Stephen, D., & Squazzoni, F. (2022). A study of referencing changes in preprint-publication pairs across multiple fields. Journal of Informetrics, 16(2), 101258 (online first). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joi.2022.101258
International scientific collaboration of post-Soviet countries: a bibliometric analysis. Matveeva, N., Sterligov, I., & Lovakov, A. (2022). International scientific collaboration of post-Soviet countries: a bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics, 2022( 127), 1583-1607. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-022-04274-0
Apache Spark and MLlib-Based Intrusion Detection System or How the Big Data Technologies Can Secure the Data. Azeroual, O., & Nikiforova, A. (2022). Apache Spark and MLlib-Based Intrusion Detection System or How the Big Data Technologies Can Secure the Data. Information, 13(2), 58. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13020058
The rise of the guest editor—Discontinuities of editorship in scholarly publishing. Knöchelmann, M., Hesselmann, F., Reinhart, M., & Schendzielorz, C. (2022). The rise of the guest editor—Discontinuities of editorship in scholarly publishing. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics. https://doi.org/10.3389/frma.2021.748171
Scholarly publishing lives on traditioned terminology that gives meaning to subjects such as authors, inhouse editors and external guest editors, artifacts such as articles, journals, special issues, and collected editions, or practices of acquisition, selection, and review. These subjects, artifacts, and practices ground the constitution of scholarly discourse. And yet, the meaning ascribed to each of these terms shifts, blurs, or is disguised as publishing culture shifts, which becomes manifest in new digital publishing technology, new forms of publishing management, and new forms of scholarly knowledge production. As a result, we may come to over- or underestimate changes in scholarly communication based on traditioned [...]
Hidden Mechanism? Die Regulierung der Studienoptionen von Studieninteressierten des Dritten Bildungswegs. Freitag, W. K., Danzeglocke, E.-M., & Berndt, L. (2022). Hidden Mechanism? Die Regulierung der Studienoptionen von Studieninteressierten des Dritten Bildungswegs. In H. Bremer & A. Lange-Vester (Hrsg.), Entwicklungen im Feld der Hochschule. Grundlegende Perspektiven, Steuerungen, Übergänge und Ungleichheiten (S. 77-93). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Studienfachwahl von geflüchteten Studieninteressierten in der Studienvorbereitung. Grüttner, M., & Schröder, S. (2022). Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Studienfachwahl von geflüchteten Studieninteressierten in der Studienvorbereitung. In H. Bremer & A. Lange-Vester (Hrsg.), Entwicklungen im Feld der Hochschule – Grundlegende Perspektiven, Steuerungen, Übergänge und Ungleichheiten (S. 261-276). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Studienzweifel und Studienabbruch als Ausdruck problematischer Passungsverhältnisse im akademischen Feld. Fallbeispiele aus zwei qualitativen Forschungsprojekten. Pape, N., Heil, K., & Schneider, H. (2022). Studienzweifel und Studienabbruch als Ausdruck problematischer Passungsverhältnisse im akademischen Feld. Fallbeispiele aus zwei qualitativen Forschungsprojekten. In H. Bremer & A. Lange-Vester (Hrsg.), Entwicklungen im Feld der Hochschule. Grundlegende Perspektiven, Steuerungen, Übergänge und Ungleichheiten (S. 244-260). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Berufungsmanager*innen an deutschen Universitäten. Profilmerkmale eines neuen Stellentypus. Gerchen, A. (2021). Berufungsmanager*innen an deutschen Universitäten. Profilmerkmale eines neuen Stellentypus. Hochschulmanagement. Zeitschrift für die Leitung, Entwicklung und Selbstverwaltung von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen
, 16(4), 113-124.
Due to increased demands on professorial appointment procedures and their high strategic importance, German universities employ a growing number of appointment managers for the procedural quality assurance of those procedures. In order to close the research gap on the concrete design of these new positions in university management, an online survey – designed as a full survey – was conducted, which was developed against the background of a qualitative preliminary study in the form of a participant observation. The article gives an overview of this new type of position, its relevant structural features and the status of its establishment at German universities.
Researcher independence and funding decisions. Möller, T. (2021). Researcher independence and funding decisions. In van den Besselaar, P. et al. (Hrsg.), Conceptualizing, measuring, and developing indicators. (S. 110-121). Amsterdam: Teresa Mom consultancy bv.
Hochschulen als Partner – Strategien für den Feldzugang einer Längsschnittstudie über Promovierende und Promovierte. Adrian, D. (2021). Hochschulen als Partner – Strategien für den Feldzugang einer Längsschnittstudie über Promovierende und Promovierte. Das Hochschulwesen, 2021(5+6), 164-170.
Recent years show an increasing demand for reliable data about Early Career Researchers expressed by Higher Education Institutions as well as political decision makers. At the same time it has become more difficult for empirical higher education researchers who produce such data to get access to the field. For many of these studies the support of HEI´s is needed to systematically reach the target groups. However, HEI´s often react reluctantly to corresponding inquiries by researchers, because of the effort involved and diverging expectations regarding the studies’ thematic priorities and the presentation of results. The article outlines and assesses in this context the strategic approach of the National Academics Panel Study (Nacaps).
Hochschulexpansion und Diversität: Wird die Zusammensetzung der Studierenden heterogener? Middendorff, E., & Wolter, A. (2021). Hochschulexpansion und Diversität: Wird die Zusammensetzung der Studierenden heterogener? Das Hochschulwesen, 69(5+6 2021), 138-151.
In higher education research and policy the thesis is widespread that the strong growth in the participation in higher education is one reason for the increasing heterogenization in the composition of the student population. Based on several indicators the following article analyses to what extent the structure of the student population has actually become more heterogeneous. For this purpose the analysis refers to time series data which allow a comparison between at least two points in time. According to this evidence the result is differentiated. Whereas some indicators show increasing heterogenization other indicators prove the contrary, a rising homogenization in the social structure of students.
Standard-relevant publications: Evidence, processes and influencing factors. Blind, K., & Fenton, A. (2021). Standard-relevant publications: Evidence, processes and influencing factors. Scientometrics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-021-04210-8
This paper introduces the concept of standard-relevant publications, complementary to standard-essential patents and framed by the concept of knowledge utilization. By analyzing the reference lists of the around 20,000 standards released by ISO, authors of scientific papers cited in standards who are working at German institutions were identified. The institutions include universities, independent research societies, ministerial research institutes and companies. Almost thirty interviews were conducted with the most-cited of these authors. The interviews addressed the processes by which scientific publications come to be referenced in standards, and the motivations, the barriers and the effects of this.