Facts and Figures


of all German students in Hungary in 2018 were studying in the academic field of medicine/health professions.

Wissenschaft Weltoffen 2020

German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies

The German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) carries out application-oriented empirical research. Our work focuses on two main fields: research on higher education, including analyses of students' and graduates' experiences, issues relating to life-long learning, steering and funding, and research into the scientific world and academic organisations. The Centre sees itself as part of the scientific community and is a service provider for higher education institutions and policy-makers.




Studie zur akademischen Redefreiheit an deutschen Hochschulen veröffentlicht

Wie steht es um die Freiheit der Lehre und Forschung in Deutschland? Ob zu gendergerechter Sprache, zum aktuellen ...

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Aufnahme eines Hochschulstudiums hängt immer noch von der Bildungsherkunft ab

Von 100 Kindern aus akademisch gebildeten Familien beginnen 78 ein Hochschulstudium. Bei nicht-akademisch gebildeten ...

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Karriereverläufe Promovierender und Promovierter in Deutschland: Neues Panel ermöglicht Analysen akademischer Karrierewege

Die Studie Nacaps (National Academics ...

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Veröffentlichung des Bildungsberichts 2024

Die vergangene Dekade war geprägt von steigenden Studierenden- und Absolvent*innenzahlen. Dieses starke Wachstum ist ...

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Wissenschaftsfreiheit unter Druck?

Wie steht es um die Wissenschaftsfreiheit weltweit? Was umfasst die Wissenschaftsfreiheit im Grundgesetz – und vor welchen Herausforderungen stehen wir? Welche ...

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Von Hassrede bis Morddrohungen: Anfeindungen in der Wissenschaft sind ernstzunehmendes Problem

Populistische Kampagnen, Hassrede & sogar Morddrohungen – Forscher*innen waren besonders während ...

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2024-Jul-03 | DZHW Brief

Kracke, N., Schwabe, U., & Buchholz, S.

Neuer Bildungstrichter: Trotz Akademisierungsschub immer noch ungleicher Zugang zur Hochschule

Download DZHW Brief 2|2024

2024-Oct-17 | Publication

Giachini, D., Mousavi, S., & Ottaviani, M.

From zero-intelligence to Bayesian learning: the effect of rationality on market efficiency


2024-Oct-14 | Publication

Azeroual, O.

Linked open research information on semantic web: Challenges and opportunities for Research information management (RIM) User's


2024-Mar-27 | DZHW Brief

Gottburgsen, A., & Jungbauer-Gans, M.

„Diversität“ in Befragungen des Deutschen Zentrums für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Download DZHW Brief 1|2024

2024-Oct-09 | Publication

Aman, V., & Gläser, J.

Investigating Knowledge Flows in Scientific Communities: The Potential of Bibliometric Methods


2024-Oct-14 | Publication

Gwosć, C.

Inflation among students in the EUROSTUDENT countries - the return of an old spectre



2024-Oct-24  3:15 to 4:00 PM (CEST)

CS3 Meeting Talks

The bot that lived: SurveyBot's role in automated web survey pretesting

Saijal Shahania, Joshua Claassen, Jan Karem Höhne, & David Broneske (DZHW)

Know more

Sign up (by October 23rd)

2024-Oct-28  04:15-05:30
Research symposium DZHW Hannover

Gender segregation in higher education

Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob (Universität zu Köln)

Hybrid: DZHW, Lange Laube 12, Room LL500 and online

Information & Registration



Start of the project: 2024-Oct-01

The bandwidth model in the context of capacity law: fundamentals and application scenarios (BaRKa)

The first fundamental ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on the numerus clausus (BVerfGE 33, 303ff.)...

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Start of the project: 2024-Sept-01

Predatory Publishing Practices: Paper tigers or actual threats from evaluation systems?

The recent shift in evaluation systems to more diverse quality criteria has increased the visibility of lower...

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Start of the project: 2024-Sept-01

Dynamic Surveys for Dynamic Life Courses (DSDLC)

The Dynamic Surveys for Dynamic Life Courses (DSDLC) project addresses three key challenges in the collection of life course data in self-administered...

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Start of the project: 2024-Feb-01

Explanations for the declining rate of German students temporarily studying abroad (ERRASTUD)

Despite numerous political initiatives to increase international student mobility and despite the benefits of...

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Start of the project: 2024-Jan-01

Appointment law and practice in a German federal states comparison (BuBiL)

Securing and expanding university autonomy is one of the core demands that Berlin's universities repeatedly make to the Berlin Senate Administration....

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Start of the project: 2023-Dec-15

Akademische Redefreiheit (AkaReF)

Under keywords such as "threat to (academic) freedom of speech", "cancel culture" or "new sensitivity" towards other positions, there has been increasing discussion in recent years about the state...

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