Supporting research information management: overcoming the inherent culture gap between traditional library ethics and the management of CRIS systems. Azeroual, O., & Schöpfel, J. (2023). Supporting research information management: overcoming the inherent culture gap between traditional library ethics and the management of CRIS systems. In D. Baker, L. Ellis, C. Williams, & C. Wragg (Hrsg.), Benchmarking Library, Information and Education Services: New Strategic Choices in Challenging Times (S. 281-294). Cambridge, United States: Chandos Publishing.
Barrierefreie Online-Lehre an US-amerikanischen Hochschulen. Ergebnisse einer Webseitenanalyse und Implikationen für das deutsche Hochschulsystem. Oberschelp, A. (2023). Barrierefreie Online-Lehre an US-amerikanischen Hochschulen. Ergebnisse einer Webseitenanalyse und Implikationen für das deutsche Hochschulsystem. In S. Voß-Nakkour, L. Rustemeier, M. M. Möhring, A. Deitmer, & S. Grimminger (Hrsg.), Digitale Barrierefreiheit in der Bildung weiter denken. Innovative Impulse aus Praxis, Technik und Didaktik. (S. 136-149). Frankfurt am Main: Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg.
Decision tree learning in Neo4j on homogeneous and unconnected graph nodes from biological and clinical datasets. Mondal, R., Dung Do, M., Ahmed, N. U., Walke, D., Micheel, D., ... & Heyer, R. (2023). Decision tree learning in Neo4j on homogeneous and unconnected graph nodes from biological and clinical datasets. In BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (Hrsg.), Selected articles from the 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 2021). Heidelberg: BMC Part of Springer Nature.
Discrimination on the Child Care Market: A Nationwide Field Experiment. Hermes, H., Lergetporer, P., Mierisch, F., Peter, F., & Wiederhold, S. (2023). Discrimination on the Child Care Market: A Nationwide Field Experiment. CESifo Working Paper Series 10368. Munich: CESifo.
How do signals of academic performance vary across disciplines? Evidence from a survey experiment among university professors in Germany. Petzold, K., & Netz, N. (2023). How do signals of academic performance vary across disciplines? Evidence from a survey experiment among university professors in Germany. SocArXiv (online first).
While recent research has investigated what signals of academic performance govern academics’ access to professorships, whether the power of such signals varies across disciplines has to date hardly been examined. We argue that the signaling power of academic achievements depends on the discipline-specific degree of standardization of research and on the spatio-temporal universality of research objects. Using a factorial survey experiment with Germany-based university professors of German studies, selected social sciences, and chemistry, we investigate the suitability of fictitious candidates for a tenured professorship.
Einfach anders oder vielfältig verschieden? Ein differenzierter Blick auf Hochschulabsolvent*innen mit beruflicher Vorqualifikation. Dahm, G., & Peter, F. (2023). Einfach anders oder vielfältig verschieden? Ein differenzierter Blick auf Hochschulabsolvent*innen mit beruflicher Vorqualifikation. In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen. Wege in das, durch das und nach dem Studium (S. 223-262). Wiesbaden: Springer VS (online first).
Although, for decades, a high number of students in Germany have completed vocational education and training before starting university, higher education research has hardly considered vocationally pre-qualified students in a differentiated way. Against this background, this paper aims to paint a more detailed picture of higher education graduates with previous vocational education and training. Specifically, we will answer two questions: What distinguishes these graduates from others without previous vocational training? Moreover, how diverse is this group in itself? In addition to conducting an exploratory, descriptive comparison of various characteristics, including personality traits, this article uses a machine learning approach. ...
Übergänge von Lehramtsabsolventinnen und -absolventen: Wer bleibt im ersten Jahr nach Studienabschluss auf dem Weg zur Lehrkraft? Franz, S., Gäckle, S., & Menge, C. (2023). Übergänge von Lehramtsabsolventinnen und -absolventen: Wer bleibt im ersten Jahr nach Studienabschluss auf dem Weg zur Lehrkraft? In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen. Wiesbaden: Springer.
The aim of this paper is to investigate career paths within the first 12 months after graduating with a teaching degree (master or first state examination) in an exploratory manner. Based on the panel data of teacher education students from the German National Education Panel (NEPS) Starting Cohort 5, we find that 66 % of the observed sample (N = 2,302) transition to preparatory service within the first 12 months after graduation. Another 14 % take the direct route into the teaching profession, while 20 % pursue an occupation not (directly) related to teaching. Significant differences between these groups are found, for example, in terms of gender distribution, field of study, and final grades.
Neustart, Moratorium oder verlorene Zeit? Die zeitliche Dimension der Situation von Geflüchteten am Studienkolleg. Grüttner, M., & Schröder, S. (2023). Neustart, Moratorium oder verlorene Zeit? Die zeitliche Dimension der Situation von Geflüchteten am Studienkolleg. In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen (S. 133-156). Wiesbaden: Springer (online first).
Refugees with adequate prior education often aspire to continue or take up university studies in Germany. The article looks at aspects of (educational) biographies and their relation to how participants in preparatory courses for international students at “Studienkollegs” experience time. Quantitative and qualitative data are used for this purpose. Biographically, the situation of refugees differs substantially from that of traditional participants in preparatory courses. We reconstruct different patterns of interpreting time at the “Studienkolleg”: as a professional (or educational) biographical moratorium, a new start in the host country, or as lost time. The results are discussed against the background of the current state of research ..
Die Praxis der Anerkennung und Anrechnung an deutschen Hochschulen: ‚Indikator‘ für Mobilität und Durchlässigkeit? Jaudzims, S. (2023). Die Praxis der Anerkennung und Anrechnung an deutschen Hochschulen: ‚Indikator‘ für Mobilität und Durchlässigkeit? In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen (S. 107-132). Wiesbaden: Springer (online first).
The chapter starts with a description of the current state of research on the recognition of prior learning and credit transfer at German universities. The subsequent discussion of the concrete practice of recognition and crediting draws on empirical findings obtained in scientific studies accompanying large-scale funding programmes. In this context, the "ANKOM" initiative funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the federal-state competition "Advancement through Education: Open Universities" are of central importance.
Studienabbruch und anschließende Neuorientierung: Geschlechtsspezifische Herkunftseffekte. Kracke, N., & Isleib, S. (2023). Studienabbruch und anschließende Neuorientierung: Geschlechtsspezifische Herkunftseffekte. In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen (S. 157-190). Wiesbaden: Springer.
This paper examines the influence of gender and social background on higher education dropout and subsequent educational and occupational reorientation. In this context, both settings are discussed theoretically and then examined empirically, both separately and in interaction. In particular, our paper highlights the importance and analytical consequences of how dropout is defined and which group of "non-dropouts" is used for comparison. Based on data of the DZHW-Exmatrikuliertenbefragung (survey of exmatriculated students), it is shown that social origin and gender affect both the risk of dropping out and subsequent educational decisions. In addition, the analyses show that women's risk of dropping out and their ...
Erläuterungen zur Datenaufnahme in Forschungsdatenzentren. Kreutzer, T., Schallaböck, J., Hoffstätter, U., & Buck, D. (2023). Erläuterungen zur Datenaufnahme in Forschungsdatenzentren. KonsortSWD Working Paper 5b/2023. Berlin: Konsortium für die Sozial-, Verhaltens-, Bildungs- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (KonsortSWD).
Von direkten und alternativen Wegen ins Studium: Eine quantitative Analyse zum sozialen Phänomen der beruflich-akademischen Doppelqualifizierung von Studienberechtigten. Ordemann, J., Buchholz, S., & Spangenberg, H. (2023). Von direkten und alternativen Wegen ins Studium: Eine quantitative Analyse zum sozialen Phänomen der beruflich-akademischen Doppelqualifizierung von Studienberechtigten. In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen (S. 47-77). Wiesbaden: Springer.
This paper focuses on dual qualifications (vocational and academic) and on how they affect social disparities in the probability of going to university. We analyze data from the DZHW Panel Study of School Leavers with a Higher Education Entrance Qualification 2012 to assess whether students find their way into academia via alternative pathways (vocational training) and whether this reduces existing social disparities in their likelihood of studying. This approach allows us to look at the educational pathways and detours to higher education over a more extended time than has been done in earlier studies and to highlight the effect of the timing of vocational training. On the one hand, our results confirm earlier findings ...
Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen – neue Aspekte, Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen. Ordemann, J., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2023). Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen – neue Aspekte, Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen. In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen (S. 1-20). Wiesbaden: Springer (online first).
Educational and employment careers do not always follow a straight line, as the nine chapters of this volume demonstrate. The chapters cover various topics related to access to higher education and transition to the labour market. They address the direct and indirect pathways to higher education, the potential complexity of the decision-making involved, and possible returns to the multiple educational pathways. The variety of educational trajectories, the focus of the volume, has gained importance in empirical educational research,
not least because there are now rich longitudinal data sets such as the DZHW Panel Study of School Leavers or the National Education Panel (NEPS). Only by monitoring individuals over an extended period ...
Atypische Bildungsverläufe: Warum studieren Studienberechtigte aus weniger privilegierten Familien immer noch seltener? Quast, H., Mentges, H., & Buchholz, S. (2023). Atypische Bildungsverläufe: Warum studieren Studienberechtigte aus weniger privilegierten Familien immer noch seltener? In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen (S. 79-106). Wiesbaden: Springer (online first).
Despite reform efforts in education policy, social inequalities in the transition to tertiary education still persist in Germany. Following Boudon’s (1974) distinction between primary and secondary effects of social origin, various studies have addressed the question to what extent these effects contribute to social inequality, but they usually only approximate the explanatory contribution of secondary effects. By estimating a decomposition analysis based on a current data set from the German Panel Study of School Leavers, we are able to examine the extent to which primary and secondary origin effects, and especially their individual components, explain social inequalities in the decision to enrol. It turns out that differences ...
Mustervertrag Datenaufnahme KonsortSWD. Schallaböck, J., Kreutzer, T., Hoffstätter, U., & Buck, D. (2023). Mustervertrag Datenaufnahme KonsortSWD. KonsortSWD Working Paper 5a/2023. Berlin: Konsortium für die Sozial-, Verhaltens-, Bildungs- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (KonsortSWD).