Legal aspects and data protection in relation to the CRIS system. Zendulková, D., & Azeroual, O. (2022). Legal aspects and data protection in relation to the CRIS system. In M.-A. Sicilia, P. de Castro, S. Vancauwenbergh, E. Simons, & O. Ognjen (Hrsg.), 15th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (S. 17-27). Dubrovnik, Croatia: Procedia Computer Science.
Drawbacks of Normalization by Percentile Ranks in Citation Impact Studies. Donner, P. (2022). Drawbacks of Normalization by Percentile Ranks in Citation Impact Studies. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 20(2), 75-93.
This paper discusses drawbacks of the percentile rank method for citation impact normalization which have hitherto been neglected in the bibliometrics literature. The transformation of citation counts to percentile ranks changes ratio scale data into ordinal scale data, for which the notions of the ratio between two values and of the magnitude of a difference between two values are not defined – a substantial loss of information. This distorts citation data particularly severely because the differences between citation counts adjacent in order in publication sets are greater for more highly cited publications and because highly cited publications are more scarce than non-highly cited ones. [...]
Management von Forschungsinformationen in Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen - Eine Standortbestimmung 2022. Beucke, D., Biesenbender, S., Ebert, B., Friedrichsen, E., Hauschke, C., ... & Tobias, R. (2022). Management von Forschungsinformationen in Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen - Eine Standortbestimmung 2022. DINI Schriften 22 -de. Göttingen: Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation e. V. (DINI).
Der Grundsatz der Ausschreibungsfreiheit der Eigenerledigung – Zur primär- und verfassungsrechtlichen Fundierung eines der wettbewerblichen Strukturierung entzogenen Bereichs staatlicher Aufgabenerfüllung im Vergabe-, Kartell- und Beihilfenrecht. Eisentraut, N. (2022). Der Grundsatz der Ausschreibungsfreiheit der Eigenerledigung – Zur primär- und verfassungsrechtlichen Fundierung eines der wettbewerblichen Strukturierung entzogenen Bereichs staatlicher Aufgabenerfüllung im Vergabe-, Kartell- und Beihilfenrecht. Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW), 2022(21), 981-986.
In the area of public sector self-management, there is no call for tenders, and public procurement law does not apply. This „principle of the freedom from tender for self-management“ appears directly accessible at first glance. However, the principle is difficult to apply in legal practice. How far it exempts entities within the public sector from competitive tendering is the subject of constant dispute. This is made more difficult by the fact that the principle has not yet had a solid foundation in primary and constitutional law that could guide the discussion about its scope. The article explores the origin of the principle and substantiates it in terms of primary and constitutional law.
A collaborative learning environment using blogs in a learning management system. Obionwu, V., Broneske, D., & Saake, G. (2022). A collaborative learning environment using blogs in a learning management system. In T. Zlateva & R. Goleva (Hrsg.), Computer Science and Education in Computer Science (CSECS 2022). Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. Cham: Springer.
Putting FAIR Principles in the Context of Research Information: FAIRness for CRIS and CRIS for FAIRness. Azeroual, O., Schöpfel, J., Pölönen, J., & Nikiforova, A. (2022). Putting FAIR Principles in the Context of Research Information: FAIRness for CRIS and CRIS for FAIRness. In J. Bernardino, E. Masciari, C. Rolland, & J. Filipe (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - KMIS, October 24-26, 2022, in Valletta, Malta (S. 63-71). Lisboa - Portugal: Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) - **Best Paper Award**.
Induced Abortion and Life Satisfaction in Germany: The Role of Selection Processes and Short-Term Effects. Huss, B., & Kaiser, F. (2022). Induced Abortion and Life Satisfaction in Germany: The Role of Selection Processes and Short-Term Effects. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 51(4), 404-419.
The evolution of educational wage differentials for women and men in Germany, from 1996 to 2019. Ordemann, J., & Pfeiffer, F. (2022). The evolution of educational wage differentials for women and men in Germany, from 1996 to 2019. Journal for Labour Market Research , 2022(17), 1-12.
This paper studies the evolution of three higher education wage differentials from 1996 to 2019 in Germany. We distinguish between degrees from academic universities, degrees from universities of applied sciences, and the master craftsman\craftswoman certificate. The educational reference category is a standard degree within the German vocational education and training system. Based on samples of male and female workers from the Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), regression methods show that all three educational wage differentials in 2019 exceeded the ones in 1996. However, workers graduating from universities experienced an inverse u-shape pattern with a maximum of about 0.5 log points around 2012....
Gender Gap bei Einkommenserwartungen: Schon kurz nach dem Abitur rechnen Frauen mit niedrigerem Gehalt als Männer. Leibing, A., Peter, F., & Spieß, K. C. (2022). Gender Gap bei Einkommenserwartungen: Schon kurz nach dem Abitur rechnen Frauen mit niedrigerem Gehalt als Männer. (DIW Wochenbericht 42|2022). Berlin: DIW Berlin.
Universities vs. research institutes? Overcoming the Soviet legacy of higher education and research. Lovakov, A., Chankseliani, M., & Panova, A. (2022). Universities vs. research institutes? Overcoming the Soviet legacy of higher education and research. Scientometrics, 2022 (127), 6293-6313.
Workshop-Bericht: Expertinnen- und Expertenworkshop des Projektes BERTI zur Diskussion des Kompetenzmodells der digital gestützten Forschungsberichterstattung. Petersohn, S. (10. Oktober 2022). Workshop-Bericht: Expertinnen- und Expertenworkshop des Projektes BERTI zur Diskussion des Kompetenzmodells der digital gestützten Forschungsberichterstattung [Blogbeitrag]. Abgerufen von
‘I want to be able to do what I know the tools will allow us to do’: Practicing evaluative bibliometrics through digital infrastructure. Krüger, A. K., & Petersohn, S. (2022). ‘I want to be able to do what I know the tools will allow us to do’: Practicing evaluative bibliometrics through digital infrastructure. Research Evaluation (online first).
The proliferation of quantitative research assessment has been accompanied by an increasing growth and diversification of digital infrastructure for evaluative bibliometrics. Since the beginning of the 2000s, insights into academic performance provided by a variety of new databases and devices significantly exceed the capacities of the former Science Citation Index and embedded metrics. Going beyond the research on the construction, uses, and consequences of bibliometric indicators, we therefore posit that a perspective on bibliometric infrastructure is crucial for understanding how evaluative bibliometrics is put into practice.
Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany. Goldan, L., Jaksztat, S., & Gross, C. (2022). Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany. Research Evaluation, 2022, 1-13 (online first).
Kooperation im Lehrberuf als Perspektive für Diagnose und Förderung. Steinkühler, J., & Bonsen, M. (2022). Kooperation im Lehrberuf als Perspektive für Diagnose und Förderung. In C. Fischer & D. Rott (Hrsg.), Individuelle Förderung - Heterogenität und Handlungsperspektiven in der Schule (S. 115-126). Stuttgart: utb.