Nancy Kracke

Dr. Nancy Kracke

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
  • 0341 962765-35
  • +49 511 450670-960
  • Orcid

Nancy Kracke studied Socio-Economics (M.Sc.) with focus on sociology and completed her Ph.D. on „Labour Market Mismatch: Determinants, Consequences and Social Inequality “ at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2017. She has been working as a researcher in the „Educational Careers and Graduate Employment“ department at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies since April 2017. From 2013 to 2017 she worked as a researcher at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg, where she was employed at the department „Education and Employment over the Life Course“ and a member of the project group „National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), Adult Education and Lifelong Learning“.

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List of projects

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Research cluster: Empirical Methods of Higher Education Research and Science Studies
Research cluster: Returns on Tertiary Education

List of publications

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Neuer Bildungstrichter: Trotz Akademisierungsschub immer noch ungleicher Zugang zur Hochschule.

Kracke, N., Schwabe, U., & Buchholz, S. (2024).
Neuer Bildungstrichter: Trotz Akademisierungsschub immer noch ungleicher Zugang zur Hochschule. (DZHW Brief 02|2024). Hannover: DZHW.

Wie geht es für wen weiter? Verläufe der bildungs- und berufsbezogenen Neuorientierung nach Abbruch eines Studiums und der Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft.

Kracke, N., & Isleib, S. (2023).
Wie geht es für wen weiter? Verläufe der bildungs- und berufsbezogenen Neuorientierung nach Abbruch eines Studiums und der Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft. Soziale Welt, 74(2), 173-215.

This article is the first to comprehensively examine the question of the extent to which social origin exerts an influence on the choice of educational and occupational options after dropping out of a first degree programme. Based on the survey of exmatriculated students from the 2014 summer semester, six typical patterns of reorientation after dropping out are identified by means of sequence and cluster analyses. These vary with regard to the types of activities as well as temporal dimensions. The social origin proves to be a significant factor influencing reorientation. The impact of social origin is most visible with regard to weighing up between renewed studies and other alternatives: individuals from fully academic parental homes are m

Studienabbruch und anschließende Neuorientierung: Geschlechtsspezifische Herkunftseffekte.

Kracke, N., & Isleib, S. (2023).
Studienabbruch und anschließende Neuorientierung: Geschlechtsspezifische Herkunftseffekte. In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen (S. 157-190). Wiesbaden: Springer.

This paper examines the influence of gender and social background on higher education dropout and subsequent educational and occupational reorientation. In this context, both settings are discussed theoretically and then examined empirically, both separately and in interaction. In particular, our paper highlights the importance and analytical consequences of how dropout is defined and which group of "non-dropouts" is used for comparison. Based on data of the DZHW-Exmatrikuliertenbefragung (survey of exmatriculated students), it is shown that social origin and gender affect both the risk of dropping out and subsequent educational decisions. In addition, the analyses show that women's risk of dropping out and their ...

Social Capital and Its Effect on Labour Market (Mis)match: Migrants’ Overqualification in Germany.

Kracke, N., & Klug, C. (2021).
Social Capital and Its Effect on Labour Market (Mis)match: Migrants’ Overqualification in Germany. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22, 1573-1598.

A Task-Based Indicator for Labour Market Mismatch.

Kracke, N., & Rodrigues, M. (2020).
A Task-Based Indicator for Labour Market Mismatch. Social Indicators Research, 149(2), 399–421.

This article uses a task-based approach to measure labour market mismatch and to study the wage effects of mismatch. We propose a new indicator—cognitive mismatch—and contrast it with the commonly used overqualification indicator. We argue that considering the tasks performed in each occupation captures more adequately the complexity of job requirements and tackles the major drawbacks of the existing approaches measuring mismatch. Using rich administrative data from the German Sample of Integrated Labour Market Biographies, we find that 4.8% of the total employment episodes are matched in terms of qualification but mismatched in terms of the tasks performed. Fixed Effects models show that the largest wage loss occurs in cases of mismatch in

Die Attraktivität der beruflichen Bildung bei Studenabbrecherinnen und Studienabbrechern.

Heublein, U., Hutzsch, C., König, R., Kracke, N., Schneider, C. (2018).
Die Attraktivität der beruflichen Bildung bei Studenabbrecherinnen und Studienabbrechern. (Reihe Berufsbildungsforschung, Band 18). Berlin: BMBF.

Wage Losses Due to Overqualification: The Role of Formal Degrees and Occupational Skills.

Kracke, N., Reichelt, M., & Vicari, B. (2018).
Wage Losses Due to Overqualification: The Role of Formal Degrees and Occupational Skills. Social Indicators Research, 139(3), 1085-1108.

Beteiligung an Hochschulbildung, Chancen(un)gleichheit in Deutschland.

Kracke, N., Middendorff, E., Buck, D. (2018).
Beteiligung an Hochschulbildung, Chancen(un)gleichheit in Deutschland. (DZHW Brief 3|2018). Hannover: DZHW.

Ausbildungs(in)adäquanz als Mediator von Bildungserträgen – Unterwertige Beschäftigung und soziale Ungleichheit: Ein Forschungsüberblick.

Kracke, N. (2018).
Ausbildungs(in)adäquanz als Mediator von Bildungserträgen – Unterwertige Beschäftigung und soziale Ungleichheit: Ein Forschungsüberblick. Sozialer Fortschritt 67(4), 283-301.

Überqualifizierung von Akademikern in Deutschland: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist sehr ungleich verteilt.

Kracke, N. (2017).
Überqualifizierung von Akademikern in Deutschland: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist sehr ungleich verteilt. IAB-Forum (online).

Die Ursachen des Studienabbruchs in den Studiengängen des Staatsexamens Jura. Eine Analyse auf Basis einer Befragung der Exmatrikulierten vom Sommersemester 2014.

Heublein, U., Hutzsch, C., Kracke, N., & Schneider, C. (2017).
Die Ursachen des Studienabbruchs in den Studiengängen des Staatsexamens Jura. Eine Analyse auf Basis einer Befragung der Exmatrikulierten vom Sommersemester 2014. DZHW-Projektbericht.

Wage losses due to overqualification: the role of formal degrees and occupational skills.

Kracke, N., Reichelt, M., & Vicari, B. (2017).
Wage losses due to overqualification: the role of formal degrees and occupational skills. NEPS Working Paper No. 69. Bamberg, Germany: Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.

Wage Losses Due to Overqualification: The Role of Formal Degrees and Occupational Skills.

Kracke, N., Reichelt, M., & Vicari, B. (2017).
Wage Losses Due to Overqualification: The Role of Formal Degrees and Occupational Skills. IAB-Discussion Paper, Nr. 10/2017. Nürnberg: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung.

Unterwertige Beschäftigung von AkademikerInnen in Deutschland. Die Einflussfaktoren Geschlecht, Migrationsstatus und Bildungsherkunft und deren Wechselwirkungen.

Kracke, N. (2016).
Unterwertige Beschäftigung von AkademikerInnen in Deutschland. Die Einflussfaktoren Geschlecht, Migrationsstatus und Bildungsherkunft und deren Wechselwirkungen. Soziale Welt, 67(2), 177-204.

List of presentations & conferences

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Career Mobility and Job Mismatch Among Doctorate Holders.

Jaksztat, S., & Kracke, N. (2024, Juni).
Career Mobility and Job Mismatch Among Doctorate Holders. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Beschäftigungsadäquanz, Forschungscluster Erträge tertiärer Bildung, Hannover.

Double the Struggle: Gender-Specific Origin Effects in Higher Education Dropout and Subsequent (Career) Transitions – Are women more impacted by their social origin than men?

Kracke, N., & Isleib, S. (2023, September).
Double the Struggle: Gender-Specific Origin Effects in Higher Education Dropout and Subsequent (Career) Transitions – Are women more impacted by their social origin than men? Vortrag auf der Konferenz 30th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TIY), Edinburgh, Schottland.

Soziale Selektivität beim Hochschulzugang: Alles beim Alten?

Kracke, N., Schwabe, U., & Buchholz, S. (2023, September).
Soziale Selektivität beim Hochschulzugang: Alles beim Alten? Vortrag im Rahmen der BMBF-Tagung "Vielfalt und Chancengerechtigkeit in Studium und Wissenschaft - bekannte Fragen, bessere Antworten, bewährte Praxisansätze", Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Berlin.

Lieber Studium statt Ausbildung: Dieser Trend macht Probleme.

Kracke, N. (13.04.2023).
Lieber Studium statt Ausbildung: Dieser Trend macht Probleme. Gespräch mit O. Mangold (Moderation), Wissen aktuell - SWR2 Impuls, Südwestrundfunk: Baden-Baden.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating: Skill (mis)match of higher education dropouts?

Trennt, F., Carstensen, J., Kracke, N., & Peter, F. (2023, März).
The proof of the pudding is in the eating: Skill (mis)match of higher education dropouts? Vortrag auf der Konferenz 8th LEER Conference on Education Economics, Leuven Economics of Education Research (LEER) of the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Do women depend more on their social origin than men? Dropping out of higher education and subsequent reorientation in the focus of gender-specific origin effects.

Kracke, N. (2022, November).
Do women depend more on their social origin than men? Dropping out of higher education and subsequent reorientation in the focus of gender-specific origin effects. Vortrag auf der Konferenz CIDER-LERN Conference 2022, Luxembourg.

Do women depend more on their social origin than men? Dropping out of higher education and subsequent reorientation in the focus of gender-specific origin effects.

Kracke, N. (2022, September).
Do women depend more on their social origin than men? Dropping out of higher education and subsequent reorientation in the focus of gender-specific origin effects. Vortrag auf der Konferenz "The biennial Mid-Term Conference of the RN10 of the European Sociological Association (ESA)" at "International Week of Education and Training (SIEF)" , Lausanne, Schweiz.

Changing Academic Careers II Lecture Series.

Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Fabian, G., Gäckle, S., Goldan, L., ... & Schwabe, U. (2022, Juni/Juli).
Workshop Changing Academic Careers II Lecture Series, DZHW, Universität Würzburg, LCSS, Universität Hannover, Hannover (online).

Vertical and Horizontal (Mis)match Among Highly Qualified - Measurement Issues, Determinants and Consequences.

Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Fabian, G., Goldan, L., Grüttner, M., ... & Schwabe, U. (2021, November).
Vertical and Horizontal (Mis)match Among Highly Qualified - Measurement Issues, Determinants and Consequences, DZHW Research Cluster "Returns to Tertiary Education", DZHW Hannover.

Does social origin play a more decisive role for women than for men? Dropping out of studies and subsequent reorientation in the focus of gender-specific origin effects.

Kracke, N., & Isleib, S. (2021, Juni).
Does social origin play a more decisive role for women than for men? Dropping out of studies and subsequent reorientation in the focus of gender-specific origin effects. Vortrag auf dem Workshop (In)visibilities in Academia and Higher Education Exploring Links between (In)visibility and Social Inequality, Leibniz Center for Science and Society, Hannover, Deutschland.

Changing Academic Careers Lecture Series.

Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Fabian, G., Goldan, L., Grüttner, M., ... & Schwabe, U. (2021, Juni).
Workshop Changing Academic Careers Lecture Series, DZHW, Universität Würzburg, LCSS, Universität Hannover, Hannover (online).

What's next? Educational and Vocational Reorientation after Higher Education Drop out and the Effect of Social Origin.

Kracke, N. (2021, Juni).
What's next? Educational and Vocational Reorientation after Higher Education Drop out and the Effect of Social Origin. Vortrag auf der Konferenz ISA RC28 Spring Meeting 2021, Turku, Finnland.

Effects of social origin on educational and occupational reorientation after higher education dropout.

Kracke, N., & Isleib, S. (2020, November).
Effects of social origin on educational and occupational reorientation after higher education dropout. Vortrag bei LuxERA Conference 2020 " Tackling Educational Inequalities in Luxembourg and Beyond " , University of Luxembourg.

Failed labour market entry: labour market mismatch of young people after graduation, measured with job tasks.

Kracke, N. (2018, Oktober).
Failed labour market entry: labour market mismatch of young people after graduation, measured with job tasks. Vortrag bei " The 9th YOUTH & SOCIETIES (in Europe and the Mediterranean basin) Meeting " in Lausanne, Schweiz.

Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft auf die bildungs- und berufsbezogene Neuorientierung nach Studienabbruch.

Kracke, N. (2018, April).
Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft auf die bildungs- und berufsbezogene Neuorientierung nach Studienabbruch. Vortrag auf der BIBB-Tagung " Abbruch, Umbruch, Aufbruch? Lebensverläufe junger Menschen und Ungleichheit in Ausbildung, Studium und Beruf (LUASB) " in Bonn, Deutschland.
Memberships and positions

  • Research Committee on Social Stratification (RC28)

Expert reports, peer reviews etc.

  • Acta Sociologica
  • Applied Economics
  • Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung
  • Comparative Migration Studies
  • Education Economics
  • European Sociological Review
  • Frontiers in Sociology
  • International Sociology
  • Journal for Labour Market Research
  • Journal of Applied Economics
  • Journal of International Migration and Integration
  • Journal of Economics and Development
  • Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
  • Social Inclusion
  • Soziale Welt
  • Springer VS
  • Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung