Determinanten und Effekte von Kooperation in homogenen und heterogenen Forschungsverbünden (DEKiF). Meißner, F., İkiz-Akıncı, D., Weinmann, C., Hückstädt, M., Huneke, J. S., Block, J., & Wallis, M. (2023). Determinanten und Effekte von Kooperation in homogenen und heterogenen Forschungsverbünden (DEKiF). Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DEKiF-Projekt. Hannover/Düsseldorf: DZHW.
The project Determinants and Effects of Collaboration in homogeneous and heterogeneous Research Clusters (DEKiF) focuses on the potential of university and entrepreneurial collaboration in the form of linked resources, personalities, competencies, and exchanged experiences as well as perspectives. Apart from these positive effects, the mixed methods study further highlights the increasing challenges that collaborating companies and universities have to face.
The explorative case study of homogenous and heterogenous research cooperation investigated if the theoretical and previously elicted problems, solutions, [...] Full abstract:
Gender gaps in early wage expectations. Leibing, A., Peter, F., Waights, S., & Spieß, K. C. (2023). Gender gaps in early wage expectations. Economics of Education Review , 94(June 2023), 102398.
Does academic freedom matter for global student mobility? Results from longitudinal network data 2009–2017. Vögtle, E. M., & Windzio, M. (2023). Does academic freedom matter for global student mobility? Results from longitudinal network data 2009–2017. Higher Education, 2023.
Eurostudent VII. Daniel, A., Buck, D., & Wallis, M. (2023). Eurostudent VII. Daten- und Methodenbericht SUF Version 3.0.0. Hannover: DZHW.
The EUROSTUDENT project collects and analyses comparable data on the social dimension of European higher education. A wide range of topics related to students’ social and economic conditions are covered. The project strives to provide reliable and insightful cross-country comparisons. It does this through coupling a central coordination approach with a strong network of national partners in each participating country. In this way, an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the respective national frameworks in international comparison can be made. [...] Full abstract:
Learning analytics data from collaborative SQL exercises using the SQLValidator. Broneske, D., Obionwu, V., Berndt, S., & Hawlitschek, A. (2023). Learning analytics data from collaborative SQL exercises using the SQLValidator. Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität.
Higher education and active citizenship in five European countries: How institutions, fields of study and types of degree shape the political participation of graduates. Mühleck, K., & Hadjar, A. (2023). Higher education and active citizenship in five European countries: How institutions, fields of study and types of degree shape the political participation of graduates. Research in Comparative and International Education, 18(1), 32-54.
Open Up Data Reuse: Wie kann eine neue Forschungsdaten Governance aussehen? Blümel, C. (2023). Open Up Data Reuse: Wie kann eine neue Forschungsdaten Governance aussehen auf der Konferenz 9. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten, RatSWD, Berlin.
German HEI students’ trust in political institutions to properly deal with the Covid-19 pandemic – emphasis on the specific role of intercultural experience. Schirmer, H. (2023). German HEI students’ trust in political institutions to properly deal with the Covid-19 pandemic – emphasis on the specific role of intercultural experience. European Journal of Higher Education, 13(1), 1-21.
Sich wandelnde Spielregeln auf dem Weg zur Professur. Sembritzki, T., & Jungbauer-Gans, M. (2023). Sich wandelnde Spielregeln auf dem Weg zur Professur. In F. Wächter & A. Hermann (Hrsg.), Karrieren in der Wissenschaft - Die Spielregeln im akademischen Berufsfeld (S. 91-109). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
FACADE: Fake articles classification and decision explanation. Shahania, S., Purificato, E., Thiel, M., & William De Luca, E. (2023). FACADE: Fake articles classification and decision explanation. In J. Kamps et al. (Hrsg.), Advances in Information Retrieval (S. 294-299). Cham: Springer.
Who are the bachelors? – Capturing degree heterogeneity within the tertiary level in comparative perspective. Sauer, P., & Schwabe (2023). Who are the bachelors? – Capturing degree heterogeneity within the tertiary level in comparative perspective. 2023 (25). Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: LIS Newsletter Inequality Matters.
Documentation of RISIS Datasets: Doctoral Degree and Career Dataset (DDC). Ivertsen, E., Tesch, J., Fenton, A., Skålholt, A., Franssen, T., ... & Wagner-Schuster, D. (2023). Documentation of RISIS Datasets: Doctoral Degree and Career Dataset (DDC). Paris: RISIS.
Supporting research information management: overcoming the inherent culture gap between traditional library ethics and the management of CRIS systems. Azeroual, O., & Schöpfel, J. (2023). Supporting research information management: overcoming the inherent culture gap between traditional library ethics and the management of CRIS systems. In D. Baker, L. Ellis, C. Williams, & C. Wragg (Hrsg.), Benchmarking Library, Information and Education Services: New Strategic Choices in Challenging Times (S. 281-294). Cambridge, United States: Chandos Publishing.
Barrierefreie Online-Lehre an US-amerikanischen Hochschulen. Ergebnisse einer Webseitenanalyse und Implikationen für das deutsche Hochschulsystem. Oberschelp, A. (2023). Barrierefreie Online-Lehre an US-amerikanischen Hochschulen. Ergebnisse einer Webseitenanalyse und Implikationen für das deutsche Hochschulsystem. In S. Voß-Nakkour, L. Rustemeier, M. M. Möhring, A. Deitmer, & S. Grimminger (Hrsg.), Digitale Barrierefreiheit in der Bildung weiter denken. Innovative Impulse aus Praxis, Technik und Didaktik. (S. 136-149). Frankfurt am Main: Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg.
Decision tree learning in Neo4j on homogeneous and unconnected graph nodes from biological and clinical datasets. Mondal, R., Dung Do, M., Ahmed, N. U., Walke, D., Micheel, D., ... & Heyer, R. (2023). Decision tree learning in Neo4j on homogeneous and unconnected graph nodes from biological and clinical datasets. In BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (Hrsg.), Selected articles from the 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 2021). Heidelberg: BMC Part of Springer Nature.