
DZHW publishes its research findings in renowned academic journals, at national and international conferences and in its own publishing formats. An overview of publications and lectures produced by DZHW staff can be seen below. You can open individual publication formats separately using the menu in the left-hand column.

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Data Mesh for Managing Complex Big Data Landscapes and Enhancing Decision Making in Organizations.

Azeroual, O., & Nacheva, R. (2023).
Data Mesh for Managing Complex Big Data Landscapes and Enhancing Decision Making in Organizations. In L. Gruenwald, E. Masciari, C. Rolland, & J. Bernardino (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems (KMIS 2023) (S. 202-212). Rome, Italy: SciTePress, Science and Technology Publications, Lda.

WISHFUL - Website extraction of Institutional Sources with Heterogeneous Factors and User-Driven Linkage.

Shahania, S., Spiliopoulou, M., & Broneske, D. (2023).
WISHFUL - Website extraction of Institutional Sources with Heterogeneous Factors and User-Driven Linkage. In Delir Haghighi, P. et al. (Hrsg.), Information Integration and Web Intelligence (iiWAS 2023) (S. 20-26). Cham: Springer.

Extracting information from diverse websites is increasingly important, especially for analyzing vast data sets to detect trends, gain insights. By studying job ads, researchers can monitor employer demand shifts, assisting policymakers in aiding affected workers and industries. However, extraction faces challenges like varied website formats, dynamic content, and duplicate data. This study introduces a method for extracting data from diverse private university websites involving keyword identification, website categorization, and extraction pipelines.

Ausstattungs‐, Kosten‐ und Leistungsvergleich Universitäten 2022. Grunddaten und Kennzahlen Universität Rostock.

Winkelmann, G. (2023).
Ausstattungs‐, Kosten‐ und Leistungsvergleich Universitäten 2022. Grunddaten und Kennzahlen Universität Rostock. Hannover: DZHW (nicht zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen).

WGTDISTRIM: Stata module to trim extreme sampling weights (version 1.0.0) [Stata-ado].

Lang, S., & Klein, D. (2023).
WGTDISTRIM: Stata module to trim extreme sampling weights (version 1.0.0) [Stata-ado]. Hannover: Github.

wgtdistrim trims extreme sampling weights using the weight distribution approach suggested by Potter (1990). The reciprocal of the sampling weights are assumed to follow a (scaled) beta distribution. The parameters of the beta distribution are estimated from the sampling weights and the trimming levels (cut-offs) are computed for the specified percentiles. Sampling weights that are more extreme than the specified percentiles are trimmed to these percentiles and the excess is distributed equally among the untrimmed sampling weights so that the sum of the trimmed sampling weights equals the sum of the untrimmed sampling weights. This process is repeated a specified number of times (or until the trimmed sampling weights do no longer change).

Does the higher education experience affect political interest, efficacy, and participation? Comparing dropouts to graduates and ‘non-starters’.

Mishra, S., Klein, D., & Müller, L. (2023).
Does the higher education experience affect political interest, efficacy, and participation? Comparing dropouts to graduates and ‘non-starters’. European Journal of Higher Education.

Large language models and low-resource languages: An examination of Armenian NLP.

Avetisyan, H., & Broneske, D. (2023).
Large language models and low-resource languages: An examination of Armenian NLP. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: IJCNLP-AACL 2023 (Findings), 2023, 199-210.

Mind the gap: Nowcasting the citation impact of research institutions.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Stephen, D. (2023).
Mind the gap: Nowcasting the citation impact of research institutions. In ISSI (Hrsg.), Proceedings of ISSI 2023 – the 19th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (S. 441-447). Bloomington, United States: International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics.

Detection of (non-)existing participation in contested academic discourses.

Aman, V., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2023).
Detection of (non-)existing participation in contested academic discourses. In ISSI (Hrsg.), Proceedings of ISSI 2023 – the 19th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (S. 15-21). Bloomington, United States: International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics.

§ 16 NHG: Mitgliedschaft und Mitwirkung.

Eisentraut, N., & Bayas, A. (2023).
§ 16 NHG: Mitgliedschaft und Mitwirkung. In Volker, E. (Hrsg.), Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz mit Hochschulzulassungsgesetz - Handkommentar (S. 500-535). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

§ 6 NHG: Studiengänge und ihre Akkreditierung; Regelstudienzeit; Studienberatung.

Eisentraut, N., & Rüping, U. (2023).
§ 6 NHG: Studiengänge und ihre Akkreditierung; Regelstudienzeit; Studienberatung. In Volker, E. (Hrsg.), Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz mit Hochschulzulassungsgesetz - Handkommentar (S. 164-195). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

What happens to science when it communicates openly?

Blümel, C., & Fecher, B. (31. Oktober 2023).
What happens to science when it communicates openly [Blogbeitrag].

The contribution deals with what happens when science opens up and communicates’ and the emerging challenges for future scientific communication.

Synthesis report on gender differences in grant application behaviour.

Möller, T., Holzinger, F., Schön, L., Wedening, P., & Deixelberger, B. (2023).
Synthesis report on gender differences in grant application behaviour. Berlin: DZHW.

This deliverable provides a summary of the findings of Work Package 7 of the GRANteD project. The results are based on seven online surveys carried out among researchers in six European countries. In Austria, Ireland, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden, applicants to specific research funding programs were surveyed. In Germany, a representative survey was conducted among academics as potential applicants at universities (DZHW Scientist Survey). In addition, the data of doctoral graduates of the DZHW PhD panel were analyzed. The overall findings indicates that there are hardly any gender differences in application behavior of academics.

What to do against gender bias in grant allocation?

van den Besselaar, P., Mom, C., Cruz-Castro, L., Sanz Menéndez, L., Möller, T., ... & Husu, L. (2023).
What to do against gender bias in grant allocation? Amsterdam: TMC.

This text summarized the recommendations that can be distilled from the research done in the GRANteD project, and from the interactions with the Stakeholder Committee, the Scientific Advisory Board, and at other exchanges with researchers in the field and with stakeholders in different interactions.

Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023 Data on the Internationality of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide.

DAAD, & DZHW (Hrsg.). (2023).
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023 Data on the Internationality of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide. 2023. Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Gender and grants: lessons from nine cases in six European countries.

Möller, T., & van den Besselaar, P. (2023).
Gender and grants: lessons from nine cases in six European countries. Berlin, Amsterdam: DZHW / TMC (nicht zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen).


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912