Differential updating and morality: Is the way offenders learn from police detection associated with their personal morals? Kaiser, F., Huss, B., & Schaerff, M. (2023). Differential updating and morality: Is the way offenders learn from police detection associated with their personal morals? European Journal of Criminology, 20(3), 1061-1080. https://doi.org/10.1177/14773708221128515
Hochschulmanagement. Kleimann, B., & Hölscher, M. (Hrsg.) (2023). Hochschulmanagement. Hochschulmanagement, 18(1) Zeitschrift für die Leitung, Entwicklung und Selbstverwaltung von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen. Bielefeld: UniversitätsVerlagWebler.
How to Unite Contradictory Visions of Sustainable Internationalization. Vögtle, E. M., & Ferreira Santos, L. (2023). How to Unite Contradictory Visions of Sustainable Internationalization. IAU Horizons, 28(1), 50-51.
While demands for sustainable models of internationalization are a recurring theme in the debates on internationalization, it cannot be assumed that shared meanings underlie these discussions and proposed solutions. In the realm of the project INDISTRA, this opinion piece discusses how different understandings and drivers of internationalization might be at odds as HEIs are called to rethink their strategies and practices toward sustainable internationalization and provides some key strategies for implementing sustainable internationalization of HEIs.
The multidisciplinary roots of higher education research: An analysis of citation patterns. Lovakov, A., & Yudkevich, M. (2023). The multidisciplinary roots of higher education research: An analysis of citation patterns. Higher Education Quarterly, 2023(77), 890-910. https://doi.org/10.1111/hequ.12438
Ausstattungs-, Kosten- und Leistungsvergleich Fachhochschulen 2021. Grunddatenbericht Hochschule Wismar. Winkelmann, G. (2023). Ausstattungs-, Kosten- und Leistungsvergleich Fachhochschulen 2021. Grunddatenbericht Hochschule Wismar. Hannover: DZHW (nicht zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen).
Novel insights on atomic synchronization for sort-based group-by on GPUs. Gurumurthy, B., Broneske, D., Schäler, M., Pionteck, T., & Saake, G. (2023). Novel insights on atomic synchronization for sort-based group-by on GPUs. Distributed and Parallel Databases. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-023-07424-2
Stays abroad of pre-service teachers and their relation to teachers' beliefs about cultural diversity in classrooms. Costa, J., Franz, S., & Menge, C. (2023). Stays abroad of pre-service teachers and their relation to teachers' beliefs about cultural diversity in classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education (129) (online first). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2023.104137
On epistemic properties and field-specific logics in the study of knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence on researchers’ productive interactions from a nationwide survey in Germany. Janßen, M., & Just, A. (2023). On epistemic properties and field-specific logics in the study of knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence on researchers’ productive interactions from a nationwide survey in Germany. 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023). https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/6442ca5b4c613a1222893e2d/view, https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/6442ca5b4c613a1222893e2d/view (Abgerufen am: 04.10.2023).
Researchers are increasingly expected to engage in knowledge transfer (KT), but often the specific expectations remain unclear. To approach the research object of KT, to map existing engagement and to identify barriers to KT, it is essential to include field-specific, discipline-based, and epistemic practice perspectives. Drawing on data from the 2019/2020 Science Survey, we demonstrate the necessity of these perspectives while incorporating the 'productive interaction' approach.
Do female academics submit fewer grant applications than men? Möller, T. (2023). Do female academics submit fewer grant applications than men? 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023). https://doi.org/10.55835/644303d4b2b5580ba561581a (Abgerufen am: 21.04.2023). https://doi.org/10.55835/644303d4b2b5580ba561581a
The state of the research on grant application behaviour is that female academics submit fewer proposals than men. This study points out that it is methodologically challenging to draw this conclusion. We know a lot about applicants, but little about the pool of potential applicants as the underlying population. We use a random sample of academics as potential applicants to investigate the grant application activity of male and female researchers. The results show that when an appropriate benchmark is applied (in this case, controlling for academic status and research area), no significant gender differences in grant applications can be found.
IT-gestützte Forschungsberichterstattung – Ein neues Aufgabenprofil in der Qualitätssicherung von Forschung? Thiedig, C., & Petersohn, S. (2023). IT-gestützte Forschungsberichterstattung – Ein neues Aufgabenprofil in der Qualitätssicherung von Forschung? Hochschulmanagement, 18(1), 9-15.
Heterogeneous reporting requirements and increasing expectations of strategic capacity building have prompted German research institutions to implement advanced database and information systems in order to improve their management of metadata on research activities, processes and outcomes (research information). Implementation and use of these systems in research reporting require specific expertise, opening up new task areas which have so far not been sufficiently studied. Based on a national survey among personnel responsible for IT-based research reporting in German Higher Education and research institutions, the contribution assesses whether research information management constitutes a new specialization in research management.
Die Erfassung von Publikationen aus der Datennutzung: Verfahren, Herausforderungen und Nutzen. Ein Erfahrungsbericht von Forschungsdatenzentren. Daniel, A., Jakowatz, S., Jung, N., Kleine, L., Kocaj, A., ... & Schuster, A. (2023). Die Erfassung von Publikationen aus der Datennutzung: Verfahren, Herausforderungen und Nutzen. Ein Erfahrungsbericht von Forschungsdatenzentren. RatSWD Working Paper 281/2023. Berlin: Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD). https://doi.org/10.17620/02671.80
Dynamics of the disciplinary structure of research in post-Soviet countries. Lovakov, A. (2023). Dynamics of the disciplinary structure of research in post-Soviet countries. In L. Waltman, K. H. Lai, B. Murat, J. Wang, V. Weimer, W. Noyons, & M. Luwel (Hrsg.), 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023). Leiden, Netherlands: orvium.io. https://doi.org/10.55835/643ea0a69ad1e8f3e5ab2f1a
10.-21. Sozialerhebung 1982-2016. Daten- und Methodenbericht zum gepoolten Datensatz der zwölf Studierendenbefragungen. Middendorff, E., & Wallis, M. (2023). 10.-21. Sozialerhebung 1982-2016. Daten- und Methodenbericht zum gepoolten Datensatz der zwölf Studierendenbefragungen. Hannover: DZHW.
The report on the cumulative data set for the 10th-21st Social Survey (1982 - 2016) explains the data preparation process and describes the variables in the data set. The survey series has a unique regional scope, is based on large, random samples, and is thus a powerful source of data for studies of the aspects covered over time. It allows a differentiated examination of students with various characteristics, such as by type of university, university entrance, subject groups, gender, age groups, educational and regional origins, financial situation, living arrangements, partnership status, and parenthood. [...] Full abstract: https://doi.org/10.21249/DZHW:ssypool:3.0.0
Übergänge im Bildungssystem. Buchholz, S., & Peter, F. (2023). Übergänge im Bildungssystem. In R. Arnold, E. Nuissl, & J. Schrader (Hrsg.), Wörterbuch Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung (S. 408). Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt.