
DZHW publishes its research findings in renowned academic journals, at national and international conferences and in its own publishing formats. An overview of publications and lectures produced by DZHW staff can be seen below. You can open individual publication formats separately using the menu in the left-hand column.

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Kein Gott, kein Staat, kein Klassikerdiktat! Plädoyer für eine andere Soziologiegeschichte.

Hesselmann, F. (2024).
Kein Gott, kein Staat, kein Klassikerdiktat! Plädoyer für eine andere Soziologiegeschichte. Soziopolis.

Private higher education: a comparative study of Germany and the United Arab Emirates.

Kleimann, B., & Ashour, S. (2024).
Private higher education: a comparative study of Germany and the United Arab Emirates. Research Papers in Education, 39(1), 1-17.

An evolutionary algorithm with heuristic operator for detecting protein complexes in protein interaction networks with negative controls.

Abbas, M. N., Attea, B. A., Broneske, D., & Saake, G. (2024).
An evolutionary algorithm with heuristic operator for detecting protein complexes in protein interaction networks with negative controls. IEEE Access.

Computational biology research faces a formidable challenge in the detection of complexes within protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks, critical for unraveling cellular processes, predicting functions of uncharacterized proteins, and diagnosing diseases. While evolutionary algorithms (EAs), particularly state-of-the-art methods, often partition PPI networks based on graph properties or biological semantics, their resilience to noisy or missing interactions remains an underexplored territory. In this paper, we propose a groundbreaking heuristic operator, termed "strong neighbor-node migration", specifically designed to elevate solution quality [...] Full Abstract:

Diskursraumschutz durch hochschulisches Ordnungsrecht.

Eisentraut, N. (20. Februar 2024).
Diskursraumschutz durch hochschulisches Ordnungsrecht [Blogbeitrag].

Workshopdokumentation: Langzeitarchivierung (LZA) in Forschungsdatenzentren (FDZ).

Hoffstätter, U., & Beck, K. (2024).
Workshopdokumentation: Langzeitarchivierung (LZA) in Forschungsdatenzentren (FDZ). KonsortSWD Working Paper Nr. 8/2024. Konsortium für die Sozial-, Verhaltens-, Bildungs- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (KonsortSWD). Hannover: DZHW.

Framing and BERTology: A data-centric approach to integration of linguistic features into transformer-based pre-trained language models.

Avetisyan, H., Safikhani, P., & Broneske, D. (2024).
Framing and BERTology: A data-centric approach to integration of linguistic features into transformer-based pre-trained language models. In Arai, K. (Hrsg.), Intelligent Systems and Applications (S. 81-90). Cham: Springer.

Why refugee students are more likely to drop out of pre-university programs.

Berg, J. (2024).
Why refugee students are more likely to drop out of pre-university programs. Let's Talk About by cogitatiopress. Online: cogitatio press.

Adult Refugees and Asylum Seekers in University Preparation Programs: Competing Identities and Multiple Transitions Manifested in Stigma Consciousness and Student Self-Identification.

Grüttner, M., Schröder, S., & Berg, J. (2024).
Adult Refugees and Asylum Seekers in University Preparation Programs: Competing Identities and Multiple Transitions Manifested in Stigma Consciousness and Student Self-Identification. Adult Education Quarterly (online first).

Berufungsverfahren „sauber und smooth“.

Walther, L. (2024).
Berufungsverfahren „sauber und smooth“. Hochschulmanagement, 18(4), 123-131.

Stamp—Standardized data management plan for educational research: A blueprint to improve data management across disciplines.

Netscher, S., Bongartz, E. C., Schwickerath, A. K., Braun, D., Stephan, K., & Mauer, R. (2024).
Stamp—Standardized data management plan for educational research: A blueprint to improve data management across disciplines. Data Science Journal, 23(1).

Should I stay or should I go?

Trennt, F. (2024).
Should I stay or should I go? Differenzierung und Erträge tertiärer Bildung. Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität.

DINI AG FIS – Jahresrückblick 2023 & Ausblick auf 2024.

Petersohn, S., Biesenbender, S., Mau, F., Küsters, U., Hauschke, C., & Beucke, D. (29. Januar 2024).
DINI AG FIS – Jahresrückblick 2023 & Ausblick auf 2024 [Blogbeitrag].

Ausstattungs‐, Kosten‐ und Leistungsvergleich Universitäten 2022. Grunddaten und Kennzahlen Universität Greifswald.

Winkelmann, G. (2024).
Ausstattungs‐, Kosten‐ und Leistungsvergleich Universitäten 2022. Grunddaten und Kennzahlen Universität Greifswald. Hannover: DZHW (nicht zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen).

Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia.

Gross, C., & Jaksztat, S. (Hrsg.) (2024).
Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia. Special Edition 26 „Soziale Welt“. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Examining final comment questions with requests for written and oral answers.

Höhne, J. K., & Claaßen, J. (2024).
Examining final comment questions with requests for written and oral answers. International Journal of Market Research (online first).


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912