Anne Weber

Dr. Anne Weber

Research Area Research Infrastructure and Methods
  • +49 511 450670-488
  • +49 511 450670-960

List of projects

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Research Data Centre for higher education research and science studies

List of publications

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Nacaps 2018.

Briedis, K., Lietz, A., Ruß, U., Schwabe, U., Seifert, M., ... & Hoffstätter, U. (2024).
Nacaps 2018. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur National Academics Panel Study 2018 (1.-4. Befragungswelle – Promovierende). Hannover: DZHW.

Nacaps, the National Academics Panel Study, is a new longitudinal study of doctoral candidates and doctorate holders in Germany funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project aims at providing nationwide cross-sectional and longitudinal data on doctoral candidates and doctorate holders in Germany regarding their study conditions as well as their career trajectories within and outside of academia. The Nacaps study series apply a panel design to multiple cohorts. Nacaps 2018 is the first cohort in this series of studies. In 2019, all doctoral candidates registered at 53 higher education institutions [...] Full Abstract:

Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten.

Hoffstätter, U., & Weber, A. (2024).
Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten. Hannover: DZHW.

DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 - Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 (1. Befragungswelle).

Woisch, A., Franke, B., Quast, H., Föste-Eggers, D., Mentges, H., ... & Weber, A. (2022).
DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 - Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 (1. Befragungswelle). 2022. Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

The DZHW-Panel Study of School Leavers 2018 is part of the DZHW-Panel Study of School Leavers survey series, in which standardized multiple surveys are used to collect information on the post-school careers of school leavers with a (school) higher education entrance qualification. As a rule, several survey waves are conducted at different times before and after the acquisition of the higher education entrance qualification. Accordingly, this is a combined cohort-panel design. The panel 2018 is the 21st cohort of the survey series of which the data of the first survey wave will be published first. [...] Full abstract:

DZHW Absolventenpanel 2009: Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent*innenkohorte 2009 (1. - 3. Befragungswelle).

Baillet, F., Euler, T., Franken, A., Schmidtchen, H., & Weber, A. (2022).
DZHW Absolventenpanel 2009: Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent*innenkohorte 2009 (1. - 3. Befragungswelle). Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

The DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 is part of the DZHW Graduate Survey Series, which compiles information on study, career entry, career development and further qualifications of higher education graduates using standardised surveys. The first Graduate Panel was created in 1989. Since then, every fourth graduate year (cohort) has been surveyed. For each graduate cohort, a series of survey waves are carried out, with each wave occurring at differing time intervals following the completion of degree. The DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 comprises the sixth graduate cohort of the survey series. Similar to the 2005 cohort, the study phase of the 2009 cohort is defined by the transformation [...] Full Abstract:

Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen (WeGe).

Berg, J., Grüttner, M., İkiz-Akıncı, D., Otto, C., Schröder, S., Schmidtchen, H., & Weber, A. (2021).
Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen (WeGe). Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den quantitativen und qualitativen Datenpaketen des DZHW-Projekts „WeGe“. Hannover: DZHW.

With the increased influx of refugees in the years 2014 to 2016, many people seeking protection came to Germany with advanced school qualifications or existing study experience. This resulted in a higher demand for preparatory language and subject courses, which must be completed in order to acquire the formal requirements necessary for admission to study in Germany. Until 2016, there were no scientific findings on the preparation of refugees for university in German-speaking countries. There was also little international research on the topic. The WeGe project therefore explored the topic and developed initial findings on the conditions for successful study preparation.

StuMa: Ursachen der Studienaufgabe im Masterstudium. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur DZHW-Befragung StuMa 2020.

Isleib, S., Schmidtchen, H., & Weber, A. (2021).
StuMa: Ursachen der Studienaufgabe im Masterstudium. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur DZHW-Befragung StuMa 2020. Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

The study "StuMa" deals with the causes of dropping out of a master's program and the further professional development after dropping out of a master's program. While there are some data available for undergraduate programs that allow an analysis of possible causes of dropout, there is no suitable database for master's programs. Due to the comparatively low dropout rates in master's programs, dropout in this phase of studies has not yet been perceived as a research topic in higher education research. StuMa is the first nationwide survey that is aimed exclusively at Master's students [...] Full abstract:

DZHW-Absolventenpanel 1989. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent*innenkohorte 1989 (1. und 2. Befragungswelle).

Niebuhr, J., & Weber, A. (2020).
DZHW-Absolventenpanel 1989. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent*innenkohorte 1989 (1. und 2. Befragungswelle). Hannover: DZHW.

The DZHW Graduate Panel 1989 (initially HIS Graduate Panel) is part of the DZHW Graduate Survey Series, which compiles information on study, career entry, career development and further qualifications of higher education graduates using standardised surveys. The Graduate Panel 1989 ist the first one of the Survey Series. Since then, every fourth graduate year (cohort) has been surveyed. For each graduate cohort, a series of survey waves are carried out, with each wave occurring at differing time intervals following the completion of degree.

Nacaps 2018. Daten-und Methodenbericht zur National Academics Panel Study 2018 (1. Befragungswelle - Promovierende).

Briedis, K., Lietz, A., Ruß, U., Schwabe, U., Weber, A., Birkelbach, R., & Hoffstätter, U. (2020).
Nacaps 2018. Daten-und Methodenbericht zur National Academics Panel Study 2018 (1. Befragungswelle - Promovierende). Hannover: DZHW.

Nacaps, the National Academics Panel Study, is a new longitudinal study of doctoral candidates and doctorate holders in Germany funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project aims at providing nationwide cross-sectional and longitudinal data on doctoral students and doctorate holders in Germany regarding their study conditions as well as their career trajectories within and outside of academia. The Nacaps study series apply a panel design to multiple cohorts. In 2019, all doctoral students registered at 53 doctorate-granting higher education institutions as off 01.12.2018 were invited to a first survey. [...] Full abstract:

DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2005.

Baillet, F., Franken, A., Weber, A. (2019).
DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2005. Daten-und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent(inn)enkohorte 2005 (1., 2. und 3. Befragungswelle) (Version 2.0.0). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.

21. Sozialerhebung.

Becker, K., Baillet, F., & Weber, A. (2018).
21. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu der Erhebung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Lage der Studierenden 2016. Daten- und Methodenbericht (Version 1.0.0). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.

The 21st Social Survey is part of a survey series regarding the economic and social situation of students conducted since 1951 by the German National Association for Student Affairs (DSW) as part of their social survey. The Social Survey is a cross-sectional study which is usually carried out every three years. Key components of the study include access to higher education, structural aspects of the course and progress of studies, the economic and social situation (financing of studies, living expenses, employment, housing conditions) as well as topics in the field of activity of the German National Association for Student Affairs and socio-demographic characteristics. [...] Full abstract:

Proximale Prädiktoren objektiver wie subjektiver Studienerfolgsindikatoren.

Weber, A., Daniel, A., Becker, K., & Bornkessel, P. (2018).
Proximale Prädiktoren objektiver wie subjektiver Studienerfolgsindikatoren. In P. Bornkessel (Hrsg.), Erfolg im Studium. Konzeptionen, Befunde und Desiderate (S. 59-107). Bielefeld: wbv.

DZHW Graduate Panel 2009.

Baillet, F., Franken, A., & Weber, A. (2017).
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009. Methoden- und Datenbericht. Hannover: fdz.DZHW.

The DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 is part of the DZHW Graduate Survey Series, which compiles information on study, career entry, career development and further qualifications of higher education graduates using standardised surveys. The first Graduate Panel was created in 1989. Since then, every fourth graduate year (cohort) has been surveyed. For each graduate cohort, a series of survey waves are carried out, with each wave occurring at differing time intervals following the completion of degree. The DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 comprises the sixth graduate cohort of the survey series. Similar to the 2005 cohort, the study phase of the 2009 cohort is defined by the transformation [...] Full Abstract:

DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2009.

Baillet, F., Franken, A., & Weber, A. (2017).
DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2009. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent(inn)enkohorte 2009 (1. und 2. Befragungswelle). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.

HIS:Magazin 1|2013.

HIS (Hrsg.) - mit Beiträgen von Braun, E., Hornbostel, S., Jaeger, M., Hauschildt, K., Weiß, T., Weber, A., ... & Oppelt, F. (2013).
HIS:Magazin 1|2013. Hannover: HIS.

NEPS - Aus der " Filmwerkstatt " .

Weiß, T., & Weber, A. (2013).
NEPS - Aus der " Filmwerkstatt " . HIS:Magazin 1|2013, 8.

List of presentations & conferences

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Praxis, Motive, Chancen und Grenzen des Teilens von Forschungsdaten in der Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung - Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme.

Daniel, A., Baillet, F., Gärtner, A., & Weber, A. (2022, März).
Praxis, Motive, Chancen und Grenzen des Teilens von Forschungsdaten in der Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung - Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme. In S. Bayer & T. Lösch (Vorsitz), Open Science - Kulturwandel zu einer offenen Bildungsforschung? im Rahmen der 9. Tagung der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung, Bamberg.

Dokumentation von Online-Fragebögen.

Weber, A. (2020, März).
Dokumentation von Online-Fragebögen. Pecha-Kucha-Impulsvortrag auf dem Survey Lifecycle Operators Workshop (SLOW), Deutsches Jugendinstitut München.