Laura Isabel Schoger

Laura Isabel Schoger

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
  • +49 511 450670-183
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Laura Schoger works as a researcher in the research area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment at the DZHW. She is also employed at Prof. Dr. Monika Jungbauer-Gans' chair at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Hanover. Laura Schoger is writing her doctoral thesis on the interaction of formal education, stress and health-related (in)ability to work. For her bachelor's degree she studied sociology and economic and social psychology at the University of Göttingen and the University of Copenhagen. She has a master's degree in sociology and social research from the University of Bremen.

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Academic research fields

Higher education research, sociology of health, social inequality, methods of empirical social research


List of projects

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Student Life Cycle Panel (SLC)

List of publications

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Coping with work-related stressors: does education reduce work-related stress?

Schoger, L. (2023).
Coping with work-related stressors: does education reduce work-related stress? Journal of Public Health (online first).

Work is a central area of human life, and work-associated stress can affect health over a long period of time. From a health sociological perspective, it was assumed in this paper that education as a resource is able to support the management of stress(ors) and thus has a positive impact on health. Data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS): Starting Cohort 6 – Adults, was used and a cross-sectional analysis was performed. Linear regression models were estimated to analyse the effect of stressors at the workplace on work-related stress. The results show that more well-educated people show a lower level of stress, net of stressors and additional controls.

DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 - Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 (1. Befragungswelle).

Woisch, A., Franke, B., Quast, H., Föste-Eggers, D., Mentges, H., ... & Weber, A. (2022).
DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 - Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 (1. Befragungswelle). 2022. Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

The DZHW-Panel Study of School Leavers 2018 is part of the DZHW-Panel Study of School Leavers survey series, in which standardized multiple surveys are used to collect information on the post-school careers of school leavers with a (school) higher education entrance qualification. As a rule, several survey waves are conducted at different times before and after the acquisition of the higher education entrance qualification. Accordingly, this is a combined cohort-panel design. The panel 2018 is the 21st cohort of the survey series of which the data of the first survey wave will be published first. [...] Full abstract:

Bildungsintentionen und Informationsverhalten von Studienberechtigten des Abschlussjahrgangs 2018.

Woisch, A., Mentges, H., & Schoger, L. (2019).
Bildungsintentionen und Informationsverhalten von Studienberechtigten des Abschlussjahrgangs 2018. (DZHW Brief 5|2019). Hannover: DZHW.

Modell zur Erklärung von beruflichen Fehlzeiten.

Schoger, L., & Gross, C. (2018).
Modell zur Erklärung von beruflichen Fehlzeiten. Sozialer Fortschritt, 67(4), 303–325.

Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven auf Bildung, Gesundheit und Arbeitsfähigkeit - ein interdisziplinärer Überblick.

Gross, C., Hofmann, S., Mühlenweg, A., Pikos, A. K., Rigotti, T., & Schoger, L. (2017).
Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven auf Bildung, Gesundheit und Arbeitsfähigkeit - ein interdisziplinärer Überblick. Sozialer Fortschritt, 66(1), 3-30.

Karrierewege und -perspektiven von promovierten Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern.

Gross, C., Urbanski, D., & Schoger, L. (2017).
Karrierewege und -perspektiven von promovierten Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern. Studien im Rahmen des Bundesberichts Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs (BuWiN) 2017.

List of presentations & conferences

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Coping with work-related stressors: does education reduce work-related stress?

Schoger, L. (2024, April).
Coping with work-related stressors: does education reduce work-related stress? Poster im Rahmen des DZHW-Forschungstags 2024, Hannover.

The Role of Education in Coping with Work-Related Stressors.

Schoger, L. (2023, Oktober).
The Role of Education in Coping with Work-Related Stressors. Poster auf der Konferenz The Future of Higher Education and Science – A Turn of the Times?, DZHW/LCSS, Hannover.

The Role of Education in Coping with Work-Related Stressors.

Schoger, L. (2023, Juni/Juli).
The Role of Education in Coping with Work-Related Stressors. Vortrag auf der Konferenz XX ISA World Congress of Sociology (RC30 Sociology of Work), Melbourne, Australien.

Work is a central area of human life in which stress can affect a person’s health over a long period of time. From a health sociological perspective I assume that education as a resource is able to support the management of work-related stress(ors) and thus has an impact on health. This contribution deals with the research question of whether more highly educated people cope better with work-related stressors than those people who are less highly educated. I use Data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS; starting cohort adults (SC6)) and perform a cross sectional analysis. I estimate linear regression models to analyse the effect of stressors at the workplace on work-related stress.

Coping with work-related stressors; does education reduce work-related stress?

Schoger, L., & Gross, C. (2021, Februar).
Coping with work-related stressors; does education reduce work-related stress? Poster auf der Konferenz IV ISA Forum of Sociology, Porto Alegre, Brasilien.

Stress level along professional groups and educational indicators.

Schoger, L. (2018, November).
Stress level along professional groups and educational indicators. Posterpräsentation an der Venice International University, Venedig/Italien.

Do higher educated employees cope better with work-related stressors?

Schoger, L., & Gross, C. (2018, November).
Do higher educated employees cope better with work-related stressors? ´Vortrag auf dem BMBF-Vernetzungstreffen " Nicht-monetäre Bildungserträge " , Berlin.

Stress level along professional groups and educational indicators.

Schoger, L. (2018, Juli).
Stress level along professional groups and educational indicators. Vortrag auf dem 19. ISA World Congress of Sociology (RC15 Sociology of Health), Toronto/Kanada.

Interaction of formal education, distress and work ability as job-related health outcome.

Schoger, L. (2016, November).
Interaction of formal education, distress and work ability as job-related health outcome. Posterpräsentation an der Venice International University, Venedig/Italien.

Zusammenhang zwischen Bildung, Stress und gesundheitlich bedingter Arbeitsunfähigkeit.

Gross, C., & Schoger, L. (2016, September).
Zusammenhang zwischen Bildung, Stress und gesundheitlich bedingter Arbeitsunfähigkeit. Vortrag auf dem 38. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie an der Universität Bamberg.
Curriculum Vitae
10/2019 - 12/2023

Researcher at the University of Hanover, Institute of Sociology

10/2017 -12/2018

Researcher at the University of Würzburg, Institute of Political Science and Sociology (continuation of the BMBF-project)

since 02/2017

Researcher at the DZHW, Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment

07/2016 - 12/2016

Researcher at the University of Hanover, ZQS

07/2016 - 12/2016

Researcher at the DZHW, Scientific Directors' Project Group

01/2016 - 09/2017

Researcher at the University of Hanover, Institute of Sociology (BMBF-project)

10/2012 - 04/2015

University of Bremen - Sociology and Social Research, Degree: Master of Arts

08/2011 - 01/2012

University of Copenhagen - Sociology and Political Science

10/2008 - 09/2012

University of Göttingen - Sociology (Minor: Social and Economic Psychology), Degree: Bachelor of Arts

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