Jonathan Williams

Jonathan Williams

Research Area Governance in Higher Education and Science
  • +49 511 450670-326

Jonathan Williams is a doctoral researcher studying the design and evaluation of policy interventions to strengthen academic quality and relevance in higher education systems. As an independent researcher, Jonathan has authored or contributed to work by the OECD, the World Bank, UNESCO, and SIRIS Academic. Jonathan was previously the Vice President and Director of Research at Higher Education Strategy Associates, and the Executive Director of Students Nova Scotia. Jonathan is a Knox Fellow, with an MPP from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

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List of presentations & conferences

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O Sistema de Ensino Superior Brasileiro a partir de uma Perspectiva Internacional.

Williams, J. (2024, Dezember).
O Sistema de Ensino Superior Brasileiro a partir de uma Perspectiva Internacional. Anhörung im Rahmen der Sessao plenaria ordinaria of the Conselho estadual de educacao de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Data and methods for cross-country comparison of student funding - Reflections from global experience.

Williams, J. (2024, November).
Data and methods for cross-country comparison of student funding - Reflections from global experience. Vortrag auf dem Workshop CGHE International Student Funding Network Meeting.

Building a global picture of higher education services: A new framework for measuring between-provider differentiation.

Williams, J. (2024, September).
Building a global picture of higher education services: A new framework for measuring between-provider differentiation. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Public Sector Economics 2024 Conference, Institute of Public Finance and the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.

Building a global picture of higher education services: A new framework for measuring between-provider differentiation.

Williams, J. (2024, September).
Building a global picture of higher education services: A new framework for measuring between-provider differentiation. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 19th Annual Conference of the Society for Higher Education Research (GfHf) - The Future of the University: Global, Sustainable and Inclusive, GfHf and FernUniversitat in Hagen, Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia.

Building a global picture of higher education services: A new framework for measuring between-provider differentiation.

Williams, J. (2024, September).
Building a global picture of higher education services: A new framework for measuring between-provider differentiation. Vortrag auf der Konferenz CHER 36th Annual Conference - Higher Education and Science Future(s): Trends, Imaginaries, and Alternatives, Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) and the University of Luxembourg, Belval, Luxembourg.

Geopolitics and science in Sub-Saharan Africa - The regional approach of the African Centres of Excellence.

Williams, J. (2024, März).
Geopolitics and science in Sub-Saharan Africa - The regional approach of the African Centres of Excellence. Vortrag auf dem Symposium Rethinking the geopolitics of higher education, Centre for Global Higher Education, London, United Kingdom.

The African Centers of Excellence (ACE) programs of the World Bank have provided a mix of loans and grants to higher education institutions (HEIs) in 20 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). These capacity development programs have aimed to foster research excellence, and supported academic departments have indeed expanded and improved their research production, post-graduate programs, scientific infrastructure, and engagement in international networks. The presentation provided an overview of the programs' regional logic, their results, and considerations for the further development of regional science in the sub-continent.

Demographic declines and higher education - Insights from international experience.

Williams, J. (2024, Februar).
Demographic declines and higher education - Insights from international experience. Impulsvortrag auf der Konferenz Development of first semester numbers - dealing with a new normal, Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung.

The keynote presentation provided an overview of trends in demographics and enrolments for a selection of comparator countries of Germany, with special emphasis on countries experiencing demographic declines. The evidence provided insights on possible pathways for Germany to respond to its falling numbers of young people transitioning into higher education.

Student finance in low and middle-income countries.

Williams, J. (2024, Januar).
Student finance in low and middle-income countries. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Student funding: new insights into tackling the challenges ahead, Centre for Global Higher Education, London, United Kingdom.

The presentation provided an overview of patterns in student finance in developing countries - i.e., countries outside of the OECD. Data related to fees at public higher education institutions and government student financial aid, including discussing shares of fee-payers or financial aid recipients, and average amounts of fees or financial aid.