Roles and perceptions of publication genres in times of crisis. Simons, A., & Schniedermann, A. (2024, September). Roles and perceptions of publication genres in times of crisis. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Science, Technology, Humanity, and the Earth. 11th ESHS Conference, European Society for the History of Science (ESHS), Barcelona, Spain.
Are There Differences in Grant Application Activity Between Female and Male Academics? Möller, T. (2024, September). Are There Differences in Grant Application Activity Between Female and Male Academics? Vortrag auf der Konferenz CHER 36th Annual Conference "Higher Education and Science Future(s): Trends, Imaginaries, and Alternatives", Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER), Luxembourg.
On the performativity of SDG classifications in large bibliometric databases. Ottaviani, M. (2024, September). On the performativity of SDG classifications in large bibliometric databases. Vortrag auf der Konferenz The 36th Annual EAEPE Conference 2024 "Economics in a changing world. New perspectives to economic analysis and economic policy"
, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE), Bilbao, Spain.
Journals and their characteristics. Stephen, D. (2024, September). Journals and their characteristics. Vortrag auf der Summer School european summer school for scientometrics (esss2024), Vienna, Austria.
european summer school for scientometrics (esss2024). Glänzel, W., Debackere, K., Hinze, S., Gauch, S., Stahlschmidt, S., ... & Gorraiz, J. (2024). european summer school for scientometrics (esss2024)., Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Accuracy and Beyond: Data Quality of Bibliometric Databases. Stahlschmidt, S. (2024, September). Accuracy and Beyond: Data Quality of Bibliometric Databases. Vortrag auf der Summer School european summer school for scientometrics (esss2024), Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Vom Aggregatdaten– zum Basisdatenstandard – Strukturelle Weiterentwicklung des KDSF. Petersohn, S. (2024, September). Vom Aggregatdaten– zum Basisdatenstandard – Strukturelle Weiterentwicklung des KDSF. Vortrag auf der Tagung 7. Fachgremientagung CRIS.NRW, CRIS.NRW, Herdecke, Deutschland.
Between Academic Requirements and Societal Impact: Inquiring Disciplinary Differences in Scientists’ Navigation of Knowledge Transfer. Just, A., & Janßen, M. (2024, August). Between Academic Requirements and Societal Impact: Inquiring Disciplinary Differences in Scientists’ Navigation of Knowledge Transfer. Vortrag auf der Konferenz "Tension, trust and transformation"- 16th European Sociological Association Conference, European Sociological Association, Porto, Portugal.
Who Benefits from Job Security? Job Satisfaction and Performance in Academia. Ambrasat, J., & Fabian, G. (2024, August). Who Benefits from Job Security? Job Satisfaction and Performance in Academia. Vortrag auf der Konferenz "Tension, trust and transformation"- 16th European Sociological Association Conference, European Sociological Association, Porto, Portugal.
From Evidence to Impact? Practices of Evidence Use for Quality Management at German Higher Education Institutions. Wegner, A., Krempkow, R., & Thiedig, C. (2024, August). From Evidence to Impact? Practices of Evidence Use for Quality Management at German Higher Education Institutions. Vortrag auf der Tagung Annual EAIR Forum 2024, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
Individual perception of bias in grant peer review strongly associated with openness towards the introduction of lotteries. Heger, C. (2024, Juli). Individual perception of bias in grant peer review strongly associated with openness towards the introduction of lotteries. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EASST-4S 2024 - Making and doing Transformations, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) Athena Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Transformations in Scholarly Publishing. Heßelmann, F., Horbach, S., & Halffman, W. (2024, Juli). Transformations in Scholarly Publishing. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EASST-4S 2024, Amsterdam, Niederlande.
Altmetrics and the liquification of research quality: how big data potentiality aligns research (evaluation) with platform capitalism. Leckert, M., & Sachse, J. (2024, Juli). Altmetrics and the liquification of research quality: how big data potentiality aligns research (evaluation) with platform capitalism. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Making and Doing Transformations, the 2024 quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Athena Institute at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Recent years have witnessed a revival of the old question what research quality is and how best to assess it. These debates have been propelled by the intermingling of new metrics and novel value concepts. We first relate researchers' quality conceptions to their appraisal of metric indicators (25 semi-structured interviews). Second, we contrast these views with 14 expert interviews about Altmetrics' perils and potentials. Valuing indicators that reflect scientific chains of production, researchers judge few Altmetrics as useful. Conversely, experts value Altmetrics' potentials to explore new impacts and align evaluation accordingly. Altmetrics exemplify a reterritorialization of research (evaluation) along the lines of platform capitalism.
Pour une éthique de l'IA dans le domaine de l'évaluation de la recherche. Azeroual, O., & Schöpfel, J. (2024, Juni). Pour une éthique de l'IA dans le domaine de l'évaluation de la recherche. Vortrag auf dem Seminar Anniversary Seminar of the International Thematic Network for Ethics in Human Sciences, le "Réseau Thématique International sur l’Ethique en SHS"!, Ecole Doctorale SHS, Geriico, iSchool, l’Université de Lille en coopération avec l’UNESP - São Paulo State University, Brazil & University of León, Spain et du Groupe sur l’Éthique et le Numérique en Information - Communication (GENIC) de la SFSIC, Lille, Frankreich.
Our study examines the importance of ethical considerations related to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in research evaluation. The theme underscores the need to integrate ethical principles into the development and application processes of AI algorithms to ensure fair, transparent, and unbiased evaluations. It highlights the potential risks and challenges associated with the use of AI in research evaluation and proposes measures to mitigate these risks. The goal is to establish guidelines and best practices that promote the responsible use of AI in research evaluation and ensure the integrity of the evaluation process.
Ergebnisse der Umfrage zur Evaluation der Gesamtbetriebsvereinbarung Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsort (GBV-AZAO). Heger, C. (2024, Juni). Ergebnisse der Umfrage zur Evaluation der Gesamtbetriebsvereinbarung Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsort (GBV-AZAO). Impulsvortrag auf dem Workshop zur Evaluation der GBV-AZAO, DZHW, Hannover.