Bibliometrics Reviewed: History, Institutionalization, and Concepts.
Hornbostel, S. (2017, September).
Bibliometrics Reviewed: History, Institutionalization, and Concepts. Vortrag auf der 8. European Summer School for Scientometrics, Berlin.
Scientometric Indicators in Use: an Overview.
Hinze, S., & Glänzel, W. (2017, September).
Scientometric Indicators in Use: an Overview. Vortrag auf der 8. European Summer School for Scientometrics, 17.-22.09.2017, Berlin.
Subject Classification in Bibliometrics - Theory, Approaches & Limitations.
Gauch, S. (2017, September).
Subject Classification in Bibliometrics - Theory, Approaches & Limitations. Vortrag auf der 8. European Summer School for Scientometrics, 17.-22.09.2017, Berlin.
Designing Effective Queries for Document Retrieval.
Gauch, S. (2017, September).
Designing Effective Queries for Document Retrieval. Vortrag auf der 8. European Summer School for Scientometrics, 17.-22.09.2017, Berlin.
How to govern Science and Innovation? A comparison of advisory bodies and their contribution to national STI-policies in Germany and the UK.
Sembritzki, T. (2017, September).
How to govern Science and Innovation? A comparison of advisory bodies and their contribution to national STI-policies in Germany and the UK. Vortrag auf der INET-Conference for young scholars " Innovation, Institutions and Governance " , Tallinn, Estland.
The Influence of Organizational Publication Output on Job-Placement and Individual Output of Doctorate Holders.
Tesch, J. (2017, September).
The Influence of Organizational Publication Output on Job-Placement and Individual Output of Doctorate Holders. Vortrag auf der 22th International Conference on Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators (STI 2017), ESIEE, 06.09.-08.09.2017, Paris, Frankreich.
Does the Scopus author ID suffice to track scientific international mobility? A case study based on Leibniz laureates.
Aman, V. (2017, September).
Does the Scopus author ID suffice to track scientific international mobility? A case study based on Leibniz laureates. Vortrag auf der 22th Conference on Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators (STI 2017), ESIEE, Paris, Frankreich.
Abstract Readability as a Soft Parabolic Glass Ceiling for Citations.
Stahlschmidt, S. (2017, September).
Abstract Readability as a Soft Parabolic Glass Ceiling for Citations. Vortrag auf der 22th Conference on Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators (STI 2017), ESIEE, 06.09.-08.09.2017, Paris, Frankreich.
Mix and immunize.
Reinhart, M. (2017, September).
Mix and immunize. Vortrag auf der 22th International Conference on Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators (STI 2017), ESIEE, 06.09.-08.09.2017, Paris, Frankreich.
Bibliometric Research Assessment as Professional Jurisdiction? Insights from the History of the Leiden Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), 1980–2016.
Petersohn, S., & Heinze, T. (2017, September).
Bibliometric Research Assessment as Professional Jurisdiction? Insights from the History of the Leiden Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), 1980–2016. Vortrag auf der 22th Conference on Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators (STI 2017), ESIEE, 06.09.-08.09.2017, Paris, Frankreich.
Different Effects of Department Prestige on Post-PhD job placement.
Tesch, J. (2017, August/September).
Different Effects of Department Prestige on Post-PhD job placement. Vortrag auf der 17. Konferenz der European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), University of Tampere, 29.8.-02.09.2017, Tampere, Finnland.
Hornbostel, S. (2017, August).
Forschungsevaluation. Vortrag auf dem Lehrgang für Wissenschaftsmanagerinnen und Wissenschaftsmanager, 28./29.08.2017, Waldbreitbach.
The “Research Core Dataset” (RCD) for the German science system. Biesenbender, S. (2017). Workshop The “Research Core Dataset” (RCD) for the German science system. im Rahmen des Arbeitstreffen mit der Leitung des Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) zum Thema „Standardisierung und Erfassung von Forschungsinformationen“, DZHW, Berlin.
Career intentions of doctorate holders – Which role plays the employment situation of Postdocs in academia?
Ambrasat, J. (2017, August).
Career intentions of doctorate holders – Which role plays the employment situation of Postdocs in academia? Vortrag auf der ECER 2017, Kopenhagen, Dänemark.
Begutachtungskrise - Skizze zur Analyse von Begutachtungsprozessen.
Schendzielorz, C. (2017, August).
Begutachtungskrise - Skizze zur Analyse von Begutachtungsprozessen. Projektpräsentation im Kolloquium, DZHW, Berlin.