Presentations and conferences

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Field-comparative investigations of scientific trust.

Schwichtenberg, N. (2023, November).
Field-comparative investigations of scientific trust. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4S 2023 Honolulu: "SEA, SKY, AND LAND: ENGAGING IN SOLIDARITY IN ENDANGERED ECOLOGIES", Society for Social Studies of Science, Honolulu, USA.

Clustering for science classification: semantic document vectors and the role of discipline-specific classifications.

Donner, P. (2023, November).
Clustering for science classification: semantic document vectors and the role of discipline-specific classifications. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Netzwerktreffen Kompetenznetzwerk Bibliometrie.

In this talk, the interaction of algorithmic classification, semantic document vector representations, and discipline specific classification systems of science will be discussed, primarily conceptually, but including some preliminary empirical results of recent research. For science studies, a fine-grained, article-level, comprehensive classification (or taxonomic) system is highly desirable. Existing systems do not suffice because they are either on a journal level (WoS SCs, Scopus ASJC, Science Metrix Journal Classification) or discipline-specific (e.g. MeSH, MSC, PACS, JEL Classification, ...). Algorithmic, data-based solutions have been introduced that can provide such solutions, namely document clustering algorithms. [...]

Mit externen Klassifikationsdaten in der KB-Datenbank arbeiten.

Donner, P. (2023, November).
Mit externen Klassifikationsdaten in der KB-Datenbank arbeiten. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Netzwerktreffen Kompetenznetzwerk Bibliometrie.

Survey- and Register-Based Estimates of the Careers of Recent Doctoral Graduates.

Fenton, A. (2023, November).
Survey- and Register-Based Estimates of the Careers of Recent Doctoral Graduates. Vortrag auf der Konferenz RISIS International Conference 2023, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Innovation Systems & Policy, Vienna, Austria.

Feldklassifikationen und ihre Grenzen aus dem Kontext der Anwendung in der (surveybasierten) feldvergleichenden soziologischen Wissenschaftsforschung.

Velden, T. (2023, November).
Feldklassifikationen und ihre Grenzen aus dem Kontext der Anwendung in der (surveybasierten) feldvergleichenden soziologischen Wissenschaftsforschung. Vortrag im Rahmen des Netzwerktreffens Kompetenznetzwerk Bibliometrie, Kompetenznetzwerk Bibliometrie.

Mind the gap: Nowcasting the citation impact of research institutions.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Stephen, D. (2023, November).
Mind the gap: Nowcasting the citation impact of research institutions. Vortrag auf dem Kolloquium Departamento de Información y Comunicación, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spanien.

Towards a validated bibliometric measure of topic mobility in science. A knowledge space approach.

Donner, P. (2023, November).
Towards a validated bibliometric measure of topic mobility in science. A knowledge space approach. Vortrag auf dem Kolloquium zu Themen der Hochschulforschung, INCHER, Universität Kassel, Kassel.

Autorschaftskonflikte als Aushandlung von Verteilungsprinzipien: Welche Vorstellungen von Gerechtigkeit finden sich in der Wissenschaft?

Schendzielorz, C., & Hesselmann, F. (2023, November).
Autorschaftskonflikte als Aushandlung von Verteilungsprinzipien: Welche Vorstellungen von Gerechtigkeit finden sich in der Wissenschaft? Vortrag auf dem Kolloquium RMZ Jour Fixe, Robert K. Merton Zentrum, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin.


Janßen, M. (2023).
Wissenstransfer. Stellungnahme im Rahmen des Lunchtalks der Transfer Unit: Forschung trifft Praxis: Wie lassen sich Begriffe für die Kommunikation wissenschaftlichen Wissens definieren und systematisieren?, Wissenschaft im Dialog & Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin.

Discussion on insights, pros and cons of online survey research for studying academic freedom in China.

Kaiser, A., Kinzelbach, K., & Lovakov, A. (2023, Oktober).
Discussion on insights, pros and cons of online survey research for studying academic freedom in China. Vortrag auf dem Workshop on Academic Freedom in the People’s Republic of China, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany.

Is there a gender gap in the submission of research proposals?

Möller, T. (2023, Oktober).
Is there a gender gap in the submission of research proposals? Vortrag auf der Konferenz Analysing gender bias in research funding. 2nd GRANteD Stakeholder Conference, Wien, Österreich.

A tale of two paths: Gender-based academic trajectories.

van den Besselaar, P., Mom, C., & Möller, T. (2023, Oktober).
A tale of two paths: Gender-based academic trajectories. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Analysing gender bias in research funding. 2nd GRANteD Stakeholder Conference, Wien, Österreich.

Enabling Reliable Sensitivity Analysis for Agent-Based Modeling in Economics and Finance.

Ottaviani, M. (2023, Oktober).
Enabling Reliable Sensitivity Analysis for Agent-Based Modeling in Economics and Finance. Vortrag im Rahmen der Conference on Complex Systems 2023 (CCS2023), Salvador, Brazil.

Agent-based models (ABM) allow for computationally setting up socio-economic environments based on internal behaviors and data. However, parameter space exploration, calibration, and sensitivity analysis become computationally prohibitive. A novel procedure, Monte Carlo-Once-At-a-Time, is proposed for building a cheaper proxy for reliable sensitivity analysis. This approach allows for the creation of trustworthy proxies, saving minimal computational effort.

How A/B testing changes the dynamics of information spreading on a social network.

Ottaviani, M. (2023, Oktober).
How A/B testing changes the dynamics of information spreading on a social network. Vortrag im Rahmen der Conference on Complex Systems 2023 (CCS2023), Salvador, Brazil.

This paper explores the impact of A/B testing on user decision-making and collective behavior. It uses a case study dataset of news headlines to analyze linguistic features that attract clicks and amplify them through A/B testing. The study reveals that A/B testing increases the homogeneity of information spread, reducing exploration and amplifying exploitation of successful features. This could help develop intervention and tools to promote user autonomy and reduce unwanted outcomes.

Neue Daten, neues Wissen? Infrastrukturen der Leistungsbewertung in der Wissenschaft (NeDa).

Stephen, D. (2023, Oktober).
Neue Daten, neues Wissen? Infrastrukturen der Leistungsbewertung in der Wissenschaft (NeDa). Vortrag auf dem Workshop Abschlusstagung der BMBF-Förderlinie Qualitätsentwicklung(en) in der Wissenschaft, Dortmund.


Clemens Blümel
Clemens Blümel Acting Head +49 30 2064177-31
Stephan Stahlschmidt
Dr. Stephan Stahlschmidt Acting Head +49 30 2064177-18
Peter van den Besselaar
Prof. Dr. Peter van den Besselaar Acting Head +49 30 2064177-0
Guido Speiser
Dr. Guido Speiser Deputy Head +49 30 2064177-24


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