Presentations and conferences

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Comment on " Academic Excellence Initiatives in Japan. Can a Series of Government Interventions Make a Difference? " by Akiyoshi Yonezawa (Tohoku University).

Hornbostel, S., & Möller, T. (2021, November).
Comment on "Academic Excellence Initiatives in Japan. Can a Series of Government Interventions Make a Difference?" by Akiyoshi Yonezawa (Tohoku University). Vortrag auf dem Workshop International Academic Excellence Initiatives (part II), Moscow.

The German Excellence Initiative & Strategy.

Möller, T., & Hornbostel, S. (2021, Oktober).
The German Excellence Initiative & Strategy. Vortrag auf dem Workshop International Academic Excellence Initiatives (part I), Moscow.

Reporting Guidelines and their Mission to increase Trust in Biomedicine.

Schniedermann, A. (2021, Oktober).
Reporting Guidelines and their Mission to increase Trust in Biomedicine. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Trust in Science, Research group “Trust in information”, HLRS, Stuttgart (Germany).

Giants or dwarfs on stilts? Scientific trust within research specialties.

Schwichtenberg, N. (2021, Oktober).
Giants or dwarfs on stilts? Scientific trust within research specialties. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Trust in Science, Research group “Trust in information” , High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) of the University of Stuttgart , Stuttgart, Deutschland.

For a long time the scientific production process has been known as resting on the "shoulders of giants" (Merton 1965). But how do scientists know that these giants are actually giants and not dwarfs on stilts? Where do they get their firm footing in science from? How do they know they won't hit hard ground? They do trust in the giants. [...] This paper aims to draw a systematic picture of the role of scientific trust within research specialties. By its field comparative approach it offers a concept of trust for science studies which can be discussed, expanded and modified to apply to further research specialties, disciplines and areas of scientific work.

Arbeitssituation, Zufriedenheit und Produktivität bei befristet und unbefristet Beschäftigten.

Fabian, G., & Ambrasat, J. (2021, Oktober).
Arbeitssituation, Zufriedenheit und Produktivität bei befristet und unbefristet Beschäftigten. Vortrag auf dem Kolloquium Abteilungskolloquium der Abt. 2 , Berlin.

Wofür qualifiziert die Promotion? Forschungs-, Praxis- und Professionsorientierung Promovierender in Deutschland.

Wegner, A. (2021, Oktober).
Wofür qualifiziert die Promotion? Forschungs-, Praxis- und Professionsorientierung Promovierender in Deutschland. Vortrag auf der Tagung Die Produktivität der wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung - Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen zwischen Qualifizierung und Produktivität, HIS-HE, Hannover.

IT-gestützte Forschungsberichterstattung als neues Berufs- und Aufgabenfeld - Kompetenzerfassung und -modellierung.

Thiedig, C., Petersohn, S., & Azeroual, O. (2021, Oktober).
Workshop IT-gestützte Forschungsberichterstattung als neues Berufs- und Aufgabenfeld - Kompetenzerfassung und -modellierung im Rahmen der Jahrestagung FORTRAMA e.V. 2021, FORTRAMA, Potsdam.

IT-gestützte Forschungsberichterstattung als neues Berufs- und Aufgabenfeld - Kompetenzerfassung und -modellierung.

Thiedig, C., & Petersohn, S. (2021, Oktober).
IT-gestützte Forschungsberichterstattung als neues Berufs- und Aufgabenfeld - Kompetenzerfassung und -modellierung. Impulsvortrag auf der Tagung Jahrestagung FORTRAMA e.V. 2021, FORTRAMA, Potsdam.

Economization of the inpatient health care sector and its effects on knowledge translation and hospital staffs` daily practice, working conditions and careers.

Hendriks, B., Reinhart, M., Lange, R., & Starystach, S. (2021).
Economization of the inpatient health care sector and its effects on knowledge translation and hospital staffs` daily practice, working conditions and careers. Open Panel, Society for Social Studies of Science, Toronto, Kanada.

Prediction as a shared accomplishment between humans and machines – the case of peer reviewer selection.

Heßelmann, F., & Hartstein, J. (2021, Oktober).
Prediction as a shared accomplishment between humans and machines – the case of peer reviewer selection. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4S Annual Meeting 2021, The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Toronto, Canada.

This contribution addresses the algorithmic turn of prediction by focusing on a case where prediction is not (fully) done algorithmically, but rather accomplished in a joined effort between human reasoning and algorithmic computation. Using qualitative (interviews) as well as quantitative (process-generated) data about the selection of peer reviewers at a biomedical publisher, it analyzes how this selection crucially hinges on the performance of a series of predictions of potential reviewers’ timeliness, the quality of their feedback and the direction of their recommendation.

Focus on ‘successful research’ leads to underestimation of research collaboration.

Hartstein, J., & Blümel, C. (2021, Oktober).
Focus on ‘successful research’ leads to underestimation of research collaboration. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4S Annual Meeting 2021, The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Toronto, Canada.

Science and Technology Studies, but also quantitative science studies carry a legacy of research evaluation, represented by concepts as diverse as the h-Index or Altmetrics, focussing on research output. Even research on research collaboration often aims at examining networks of (“successful”) knowledge production. Collaboration holds the promise to foster innovation – which is measured in scientometrics in terms of output. We argue, that digital traces of research in progress allow for gaining a more comprehensive picture of the research process and the research collaboration landscape. Failure does not invalidate research.

“A Culture Of Curious And Interdisciplinary Vagabonding”? Challenges In Interdisciplinary Collaboration In Two Different Contexts.

Janßen, M. (2021, Oktober).
“A Culture Of Curious And Interdisciplinary Vagabonding”? Challenges In Interdisciplinary Collaboration In Two Different Contexts. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4S Annual Meeting, The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Toronto, Canada.

The Resolution of Epistemic Crises in Biomedicine: The Stage of Transparency.

Schniedermann, A., & Blümel, C. (2021, Oktober).
The Resolution of Epistemic Crises in Biomedicine: The Stage of Transparency. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4S Annual Meeting 2021, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S).

Research Careers in Germany.

Wegner, A. (2021, Oktober).
Research Careers in Germany. Vortrag auf der Summer School Online-Kurs "The German Science System" , Plant 2030 Academy.

Excellence Initiative and Excellence Strategy.

Möller, T. (2021, Oktober).
Excellence Initiative and Excellence Strategy. Vortrag im Rahmen der Plant 2030 Academy "The German Science System".


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