Graduates‘ Early Labour Market Success in Germany: Does University’s Status of Excellence Make a Difference?
Lang, S., & Schwabe, U. (2020, Januar).
Graduates‘ Early Labour Market Success in Germany: Does University’s Status of Excellence Make a Difference? Vortrag im Research Seminar der Abteilung " Bildungsverläufe und Beschäftigung " des Deutschen Zentrums für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung. DZHW Hannover.
Social Networks and Ph.D.'s Research Output.
Barthauer, L., & Schwabe, U. (2019, Dezember).
Social Networks and Ph.D.'s Research Output. Vortrag auf dem Workshop " Career Pathways and Decisions of PhD-Students and PhD-Holders " , DZHW, Hannover.
Higher Education and Civic Participation.
Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Grüttner, M., Güleryüz, D., Mühleck, K., Oelker, S. & Schwabe, U. (2019, November).
Higher Education and Civic Participation. Workshop des Forschungsclusters " Erträge tertiärer Bildung " , DZHW, Hannover.
Graduates' Early Labour Market Success in Germany: Does University's Status of Excellence Make a Difference?
Lang, S., & Schwabe, U. (2019, November).
Graduates' Early Labour Market Success in Germany: Does University's Status of Excellence Make a Difference? Poster auf dem Seminar " Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications " , Venice International University, San Servolo, Italy.
Schul- und Nachbarschaftskontexte und Bildungserfolg: Kausaleffekte der Komposition?
Schwabe, U. (2019, November).
Schul- und Nachbarschaftskontexte und Bildungserfolg: Kausaleffekte der Komposition? Vortrag auf der Konferenz " Bildung und Raum " , LIfBi, Bamberg.
Graduates' Early Labour Market Success in Germany: Does University's Status of Excellence Make a Difference?
Lang, S., & Schwabe, U. (2019, Oktober).
Graduates' Early Labour Market Success in Germany: Does University's Status of Excellence Make a Difference? Vortrag auf dem 2nd Forum " Higher Education and the Labour Market " (HELM 2019), DZHW Hannover, Leibnizhaus.
Früher Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Hochschulabsolvent*innen in Deutschland: Macht der Exzellenzstatus einer Universität den Unterschied?
Lang, S., & Schwabe, U. (2019, September).
Früher Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Hochschulabsolvent*innen in Deutschland: Macht der Exzellenzstatus einer Universität den Unterschied? Vortrag auf der 2. Regionalkonferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS 2019), " Great Transformation: Die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften " im Rahmen des Symposiums " Great Transformation im Hochschulbereich? Welche Auswirkungen haben Hochschulexpansion und -reformen der vergangenen Jahrzehnte auf Chancen- und Ergebnis(un)gleichheiten? " Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions?
Fiedler, I., Schwabe, U., Sudheimer, S., Kastirke, N., & Fehring, G. (2019, September).
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions? Vortrag auf dem " Brownbag " -Treffen des Forschungsclusters " Empirische Methoden der Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung " am DZHW, Hannover.
New Formats of Assessing Communication Skills in Higher Education.
Braun, E., Hofmeister, I., & Schwabe, U. (2019, August).
New Formats of Assessing Communication Skills in Higher Education. Vortrag auf der 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2019), " Thinking Tomorrow's Education: Learning from the past, in the present and for the future " im Rahmen des Symposiums " Alternatives to Self-Report Measures in Research on Learning and Teaching in Higher Education " , RWTH Aachen.
Conceptualization and Assessment of Communication Skills as Learning Gains in Higher Education.
Braun, E., Schwabe, U., & Klein, D. (2019, August).
Conceptualization and Assessment of Communication Skills as Learning Gains in Higher Education. Vortrag auf der 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2019), " Thinking Tomorrow's Education: Learning from the past, in the present and for the future " im Rahmen des Symposiums " Beyond Grade Point Average: Conceptualization and Measurement of Learning Gains in Higher Education " , RWTH Aachen.
Theoretical Foundations and Teaching Quality at Universities: What Do We Measure? What Do We Know?
Schwabe, U., Oberschelp, A., & Braun, E. (2019, August).
Theoretical Foundations and Teaching Quality at Universities: What Do We Measure? What Do We Know? Vortrag auf der 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2019), " Thinking Tomorrow's Education: Learning from the past, in the present and for the future " , RWTH Aachen.
Graduates’ Labour Market Success in Germany: Does University's Excellence Status Make a Difference.
Lang, S., & Schwabe, U. (2019, Juli).
Graduates’ Labour Market Success in Germany: Does University's Excellence Status Make a Difference. Vortrag auf dem Workshop " Causal Inference in the Social Sciences " , Leipzig.
The Role of Survey Experience and Attitudes towards Surveys in Predicting Unit Nonresponse in Online Panels.
Jungermann, N., Langfeldt, B., & Schwabe, U. (2019, Juli).
The Role of Survey Experience and Attitudes towards Surveys in Predicting Unit Nonresponse in Online Panels. Vortrag auf der 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA 2019), Universität Zagreb, Kroatien.
What Predicts the Validity of Self-Reported Paradata? Results from the German HISBUS Online Access Panel.
Kastirke, N., Sudheimer, S., Fehring, G., & Schwabe, U. (2019, Juli).
What Predicts the Validity of Self-Reported Paradata? Results from the German HISBUS Online Access Panel. Poster präsentiert auf der 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA 2019), Universität Zagreb, Kroatien.
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions?
Fiedler, I., Schwabe, U., Sudheimer, S., Kastirke, N., & Fehring, G. (2019, Juni).
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions? Vortrag auf dem Workshop " Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) und Survey Evaluation (SE) in Online Surveys " ; DZHW, Hannover.