
Vorträge und Tagungen

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On epistemic properties and field-specific logics in the study of knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence on researchers’ productive interactions from a nationwide survey in Germany.

Janßen, M., & Just, A. (2023, September).
On epistemic properties and field-specific logics in the study of knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence on researchers’ productive interactions from a nationwide survey in Germany. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023), Leiden, Niederlande.

Dynamics of the disciplinary structure of research in post-Soviet countries.

Lovakov, A. (2023, September).
Dynamics of the disciplinary structure of research in post-Soviet countries. Poster auf der Konferenz 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023), Leiden, Netherlands.

How did Bologna Reforms Affect Returns to Higher Education? - New Comparative Evidence using LIS Data.

Sauer, P., & Schwabe, U. (2023, September).
How did Bologna Reforms Affect Returns to Higher Education? - New Comparative Evidence using LIS Data. Vortrag auf der Konferenz "Income and Wealth Inequality: Drivers and Consequences", Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) & Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland.

Digitalisation of teaching, learning, and student life.

Schirmer, H. (2023, September).
Digitalisation of teaching, learning, and student life. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EUROSTUDENT 8 Policy-makers‘ Conference “EUROSTUDENT on topic”, DZHW, Hannover, Deutschland.

The Field-Specificity of Open Data Practices.

Velden, T., & Tcypina, A. (2023, September).
The Field-Specificity of Open Data Practices. Vortrag auf der Konferenz The 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023), CWTS in collaboration with the European Network of Indicator Developers (ENID), Leiden, The Netherlands.

Increasingly, researchers are expected to make their research data openly available. However, scientific fields differ in their research practices and norms for sharing research data. We provide quantitative evidence of differences in data practices and the public sharing of research data at a granularity of field-specificity that is rarely reported in open data surveys. Based on a survey of 8,822 researchers at German Universities, we find considerable variation, within and across disciplines, of data practices and rates of open data sharing. Our findings underline that in order to evaluate rates of public data sharing, a better understanding of the embedding of public data sharing into field-specific research practices is needed.

Who writes what? The academic age paterns of review genres in biomedicine.

Schniedermann, A. (2023, September).
Who writes what? The academic age paterns of review genres in biomedicine. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023), Leiden, Netherlands.

HEADS - Ein Informationsportal für die Länder.

Jungbauer-Gans, M., Gottburgsen, A., & Laajouzi, R. (2023, September).
HEADS - Ein Informationsportal für die Länder. Vortrag im Rahmen der 126. Sitzung der Kommission für Statistik (Bereich Hochschule) am 21./22.09.2023, Hamburg.

Studieren ohne Abitur & Öffnung der Hochschule – Aktuelle Entwicklungen.

Freitag, W. (2023, September).
Studieren ohne Abitur & Öffnung der Hochschule – Aktuelle Entwicklungen. Keynote auf der Tagung „Institutionen, Zielgruppen und aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Öffnung der Hochschulen in Niedersachsen", Agentur für Erwachsenenbildung – AEWB & Netzwerk Offene Hochschulen Niedersachsen, Hannover.

From text to voice: Innovating the final comment question in a web survey.

Claaßen, J. (2023, September).
From text to voice: Innovating the final comment question in a web survey. Poster auf der Konferenz General Online Research Conference (GOR 23), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (DGOF), Kassel.

Measuring attitudes towards surveys in mixed-device surveys: Does it matter how we present the scale?

Euler, T., Schwabe, U., Fiedler, I., & Jungermann, N. (2023, September).
Measuring attitudes towards surveys in mixed-device surveys: Does it matter how we present the scale? Poster auf der Tagung General Online Research (GOR 23), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (DGOF), Kassel.

Attention please! Comparing different ways of presenting an instruction manipulation check in a probability-based online panel.

Höhne, J. (2023, September).
Attention please! Comparing different ways of presenting an instruction manipulation check in a probability-based online panel. Vortrag auf der Tagung General Online Research (GOR 23), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (DGOF), Kassel.

Update on progress of EUROGRADUATE 2022.

Mühleck, K. (2023, September).
Update on progress of EUROGRADUATE 2022. Vortrag im Rahmen des Webinar with the pilot countries on the 1st version of the dataset, DZHW.

Response rates in EUROGRADUATE 2022.

Mühleck, K. (2023, September).
Response rates in EUROGRADUATE 2022. Impulsvortrag in der Working Group on ‘Preparing for the next European higher education graduate survey’ of the European Network for Graduate Tracking, European Commission.

Measuring attitudes towards surveys: A validation study.

Schwabe, U., Euler, T., Fiedler, I., & Jungermann, N. (2023, September).
Measuring attitudes towards surveys: A validation study. Poster auf der Tagung General Online Research (GOR 23), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (DGOF), Kassel.

CoreTrustSeal: Erstveranstaltung.

Hoffstätter, U., Beck, K., Buck, D., & Siegers, P. (2023, September).
Workshop CoreTrustSeal: Erstveranstaltung.


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen 0511 450670-912