Ulrike Schwabe

Ulrike Schwabe

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
  • +49 511 450670-123
  • Orcid

Ulrike Schwabe holds a diploma in sociology (master equivalent) and has been working as a research assistant on the “National Academics Panel Study” in the research area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) since May 2017. After graduating from university, she worked as a research assistant at the Chair for Sociology with a special focus on Longitudinal Educational Research at the University of Bamberg and at the Chair for Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Kassel. Most recently she was involved in developing a performance-based test instrument to directly assess communication skills within the research group “Performance-based Test of Students‘ Communication Skills” affiliated with the “International Centre for Higher Education Research” at the University of Kassel.

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Academic research fields

Sociology of education, sociology of labour markets, research in social stratification, empirical higher education research, international comparisons, (quantitative) methods in social science, competence modeling and measurement


List of projects

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Research cluster: Open Science
Research cluster: Empirical Methods of Higher Education Research and Science Studies
The student survey in Germany
Research cluster: Returns on Tertiary Education

List of publications

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The role of performance skills in German teacher education: empirical relations between general pedagogical knowledge, communication skills, and grades.

Walz, K., Schwabe, & Braun, E. (2024).
The role of performance skills in German teacher education: empirical relations between general pedagogical knowledge, communication skills, and grades. Frontiers in Education, 9(1327827), 01-12.

7: Tenure track career options to full professorship in German academia: recent developments and challenges.

Schwabe, U., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2024).
7: Tenure track career options to full professorship in German academia: recent developments and challenges. In E. Pekkola & T. Siekkinen (Hrsg.), Tenure Tracks in European Universities (S. 116-135). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781035302451.00013

Neuer Bildungstrichter: Trotz Akademisierungsschub immer noch ungleicher Zugang zur Hochschule.

Kracke, N., Schwabe, U., & Buchholz, S. (2024).
Neuer Bildungstrichter: Trotz Akademisierungsschub immer noch ungleicher Zugang zur Hochschule. (DZHW Brief 02|2024). Hannover: DZHW. https://doi.org/10.34878/2024.02.dzhw_brief

Studierende mit gesundheitlicher studienerschwerender Beeinträchtigung.

Gerdes, F., Schwabe, U., Steinkühler, J., & Kroher , M. (2024).
Studierende mit gesundheitlicher studienerschwerender Beeinträchtigung. Public Health Forum, 32(2), 69-76. https://doi.org/10.1515/pubhef-2024-0011

The article focuses on students with health impairments that have adverse effects on their studies, within the German higher education system. Using data from “The student survey in Germany: best: Studying with health impairments” we present current results on the composition of this group, on their drop-out intention and experienced discrimination during their studies. There exist notable differences within this group according to the type and severity of impairment.

Nacaps 2018.

Briedis, K., Lietz, A., Ruß, U., Schwabe, U., Seifert, M., ... & Hoffstätter, U. (2024).
Nacaps 2018. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur National Academics Panel Study 2018 (1.-4. Befragungswelle – Promovierende). Hannover: DZHW. https://doi.org/10.21249/DZHW:nac2018:2.0.0

Nacaps, the National Academics Panel Study, is a new longitudinal study of doctoral candidates and doctorate holders in Germany funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project aims at providing nationwide cross-sectional and longitudinal data on doctoral candidates and doctorate holders in Germany regarding their study conditions as well as their career trajectories within and outside of academia. The Nacaps study series apply a panel design to multiple cohorts. Nacaps 2018 is the first cohort in this series of studies. In 2019, all doctoral candidates registered at 53 higher education institutions [...] Full Abstract: https://doi.org/10.21249/DZHW:nac2018:2.0.0

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland 2021. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Erhebung.

Becker, K., Schwabe, U., Völk, D., Koopmann, J., Gerdes, F., ... & Klein, D. (2024).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland 2021. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Erhebung. Hannover: DZHW.

"The Student Survey in Germany" (2021) is a newly designed study that integrates three previously separate student surveys (Beuße et al., 2022): the Social Survey (Middendorff et al., 2017; Middendorff & Wallis, 2023), the Student Survey (Multrus et al., 2017; Multrus, 2021) and the survey "best - Studying with impairments" (Poskowsky et al., 2018; Unger et al., 2012). The study is designed as a cross-sectional survey with a long-term character. The new, integrated student survey thus continues the long tradition of the Social Survey and the Student Survey as important cross-sectional long-term observation studies for describing and analysing higher education and the student [...] Full Abstract: https://doi.org/10.21249/DZHW:sid2021:1.0.0

Challenging the intuition: Is a same-gender supervisor beneficial for doctoral students?

Mühleck, K., & Schwabe, U. (2024).
Challenging the intuition: Is a same-gender supervisor beneficial for doctoral students? Soziale Welt, 26, 280-340. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748925590-280

It continues to be a puzzle that women are disproportionally often dropping out of academic careers. Researchers and policymakers have suggested that same-gender supervisors are important for tightening this ‘leaky pipeline’. Especially in subjects with a strong overrepresentation of men, it seems likely that female supervisors work as positive role models and help preventing discrimination. Anticipating this effect, female doctoral students might also prefer supervisors of the same gender. Therefore, we ask how widespread a gender match is between doctoral student and supervisor in Germany and whether a gender match between supervisors and doctoral students is beneficial for the doctorate and for a possible scientific career thereafter.

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: best3 Studieren mit einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung.

Steinkühler, J., Beuße, M., Kroher, M., Gerdes, F., Schwabe, U., ... & Buchholz, S. (2023).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: best3 Studieren mit einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung. LCSS Working Papers (15). Hannover: x. https://doi.org/10.15488/15773

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: best3.

Steinkühler, J., Beuße, M., Kroher, M., Gerdes, F., Schwabe, U., ... & Buchholz, S. (2023).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: best3. Studieren mit einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung. Hannover: DZHW.

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: 22. Sozialerhebung. Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Deutschland 2021.

Kroher, M., Beuße, M., Isleib, S., Becker, K., Ehrhardt, M.-C., ... & Buchholz, S. (2023).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: 22. Sozialerhebung. Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Deutschland 2021. LCSS Working Papers (14). Hannover: x. https://doi.org/10.15488/15772

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: 22. Sozialerhebung.

Kroher, M., Beuße, M., Isleib, S., Becker, K., Ehrhardt, M.-C., ... & Buchholz, S. (2023).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: 22. Sozialerhebung. Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Deutschland 2021. Berlin: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

Who are the bachelors? – Capturing degree heterogeneity within the tertiary level in comparative perspective.

Sauer, P., & Schwabe (2023).
Who are the bachelors? – Capturing degree heterogeneity within the tertiary level in comparative perspective. 2023 (25). Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: LIS Newsletter Inequality Matters.

The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch for gender inequalities in labor income of higher education graduates in Europe.

Passaretta, G., Sauer, P., Schwabe, & Weßling, K. (2023).
The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch for gender inequalities in labor income of higher education graduates in Europe. Research in Comparative and International Education, 18(1), 123-146. https://doi.org/10.1177/17454999231158042

Graduates’ early wages in Germany: Does a university’s status of excellence make the difference?

Lang, S., & Schwabe, U. (2023).
Graduates’ early wages in Germany: Does a university’s status of excellence make the difference? Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 83(100765), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rssm.2023.100765

The German initiative of excellence was the most far-reaching political measure in university funding–a shift from an equal distribution of funds, rooted in Humboldt’s tradition, to large-scale merit-based funding. Recent studies have examined the question how the initiative has affected (in)equality in university funding; but as yet little is known about effects on graduates’ monetary returns for university degrees. We analyse whether a degree from a ‘university of excellence’ leads to a wage premium at labour market entry. Inspired by previous work that found advantages only for subgroups, we further analyse whether the excellence effect on wages differs by social background and gender.

The German National Academics Panel Study (Nacaps): A new longitudinal survey on early researchers' careers and life courses.

Briedis, K., Hoffstätter, U., & Schwabe, U. (2022).
The German National Academics Panel Study (Nacaps): A new longitudinal survey on early researchers' careers and life courses. Soziale Welt, 73(4), 740-763. https://doi.org/10.5771/0038-6073-2022-4

List of presentations & conferences

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Die Lebenszufriedenheit von Promovierenden während der Covid-19 Pandemie: Ungleichheiten nach Elternschaft und Geschlecht.

Rußmann, M., Schwabe, U., & Netz, N. (2024, November).
Die Lebenszufriedenheit von Promovierenden während der Covid-19 Pandemie: Ungleichheiten nach Elternschaft und Geschlecht. Vortrag auf dem Workshop "Ergebnisse und Datennutzung", Nacaps-Projekt (DZHW), Hannover.

Doctoral students' life satisfaction throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Inequalities by parenthood and gender.

Rußmann, M., Schwabe, U., & Netz, N. (2024, September).
Doctoral students' life satisfaction throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Inequalities by parenthood and gender. Vortrag auf dem Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (SGS) 2024, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW), Muttenz, Schweiz.

Doctoral students' life satisfaction trajectories throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Inequalities by parenthood and gender.

Rußmann, M., Schwabe, U., & Netz, N. (2024, August).
Doctoral students' life satisfaction trajectories throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Inequalities by parenthood and gender. Vortrag im Research Seminar der Abteilung "Bildungsverläufe und Beschäftigung", DZHW, Hannover.

How Did Bologna Reforms Affect Returns to Higher Education? New Comparative Evidence Using LIS Data.

Sauer, P., & Schwabe, U. (2024, Juni).
How Did Bologna Reforms Affect Returns to Higher Education? New Comparative Evidence Using LIS Data. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 6th Forum "Higher Education and the Labour Market" (HELM 2024) with special focus on "The Bologna Process After 25 Years: Continuities, Changes, and Evaluations", Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW), Hannover.

The Social Dimension in the Bologna Process: State of Research on Social Inequality in Germany.

Schwabe, U., Reimer, D., Gerdes, F., & Huss, B. (2024, Juni).
The Social Dimension in the Bologna Process: State of Research on Social Inequality in Germany. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 6th Forum "Higher Education and the Labour Market" (HELM 2024) with special focus on "The Bologna Process After 25 Years: Continuities, Changes, and Evaluations", Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW), Hannover.


Carstensen, J., Grüttner, M., Jaksztat, S., Kracke, N., Mühleck, K., & Schwabe, U. (2024, Juni).
Workshop Beschäftigungsadäquanz, Forschungscluster "Erträge tertiärer Bildung", Online.

Christine Borgman (UCLA)‚ Data Sharing & Research Data Infrastructures.

Schwabe, U., & Velden, T. (2023, Dezember).
Ad hoc Gruppe Christine Borgman (UCLA)‚ Data Sharing & Research Data Infrastructures im Rahmen der Vortrags- & Workshopreihe des Forschungsclusters Open Science, DZHW.

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: best3. Studieren mit einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung.

Beuße, M., Steinkühler, J., & Schwabe, U. (2023, November).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: best3. Studieren mit einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung. Vortrag im DZHW Nutzerbeirat, Hannover.

Gender differences in doctoral students' mental health.

Rußmann, M., Schwabe, U., & Netz, N. (2023, Oktober).
Gender differences in doctoral students' mental health. Vortrag im Rahmen des 5th Forum "Higher Education and the Labour Market" (HELM), IAB/DZHW, Nürnberg.

Career paths to professorship in Germany: A classification and description of critical factors.

Kizilirmak, Jasmin M. (2023, Oktober).
Career paths to professorship in Germany: A classification and description of critical factors. In J. Ordemann & K. Briedis (Vorsitz), Research in Higher Education in Germany: A Symposium on Longitudinal Studies in the Perspective of Institutional Contexts and Reforms. auf der Tagung SLLS Annual Conference: Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty, Munich, Germany.
  • conference programme
  • How did Bologna Reforms Affect Returns to Higher Education? - New Comparative Evidence using LIS Data.

    Sauer, P., & Schwabe, U. (2023, September).
    How did Bologna Reforms Affect Returns to Higher Education? - New Comparative Evidence using LIS Data. Vortrag auf der Konferenz "Income and Wealth Inequality: Drivers and Consequences", Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) & Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland.

    Measuring attitudes towards surveys in mixed-device surveys: Does it matter how we present the scale?

    Euler, T., Schwabe, U., Fiedler, I., & Jungermann, N. (2023, September).
    Measuring attitudes towards surveys in mixed-device surveys: Does it matter how we present the scale? Poster auf der Tagung General Online Research (GOR 23), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (DGOF), Kassel. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.13058.66241

    Measuring attitudes towards surveys: A validation study.

    Schwabe, U., Euler, T., Fiedler, I., & Jungermann, N. (2023, September).
    Measuring attitudes towards surveys: A validation study. Poster auf der Tagung General Online Research (GOR 23), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (DGOF), Kassel. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21447.27045

    Die Nutzung von Social-Media-Daten für die empirische Hochschulforschung: #ichbinhanna (Quantitative Methoden).

    Schwabe, U. (2023, September).
    Die Nutzung von Social-Media-Daten für die empirische Hochschulforschung: #ichbinhanna (Quantitative Methoden). Vortrag auf der Summer School im Nachgang der 18. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf 2023) "Das Zusammenspiel von Hochschulforschung und Hochschulentwicklung: Empirie, Transfer und Wirkungen" - Methodenworkshops für den Hochschulforschungsnachwuchs (HoFoNa), Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf), Osnabrück.

    Einführung der Tenure-Track-Professur in Deutschland - Ein multiperspektivischer Blick.

    Dittmann, P., Luksche, C., Röwert, J., & Schwabe, U. (2023, September).
    Einführung der Tenure-Track-Professur in Deutschland - Ein multiperspektivischer Blick. Poster auf der Tagung 18. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung, "Das Zusammenspiel von Hochschulforschung und Hochschulentwicklung: Emperie, Transfer und Wirkung", Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf), Hochschule Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Deutschland.
    Memberships and positions

    • College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER) (2019-2021)
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
    • DZHW-Forschungscluster "Empirische Methoden der Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung"
    • DZHW-Forschungscluster "Erträge tertiärer Bildung"
    • DZHW-Forschungscluster "Open Science"
    • Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf)
    • Research Commitee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA)
    • Sektion Bildung und Erziehung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)


    • March 2023: RatSWD Poster Award: 2. Place for Poster-Presentation "Graduates' early wages in Germany: Does a university's status of excellence make the difference?"

    Expert reports, peer reviews etc.

    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik
    • Die Hochschullehre
    • Frontiers in Education
    • Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung
    • Higher Education
    • Journal for Labour Market Research
    • Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht
    • Research in Comparative and International Education
    • Sociology of Education
    • Soziale Welt
    • Studies in Higher Education