Ulrike Schwabe

Ulrike Schwabe

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
  • +49 511 450670-123
  • Orcid

Ulrike Schwabe holds a diploma in sociology (master equivalent) and has been working as a research assistant on the “National Academics Panel Study” in the research area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) since May 2017. After graduating from university, she worked as a research assistant at the Chair for Sociology with a special focus on Longitudinal Educational Research at the University of Bamberg and at the Chair for Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Kassel. Most recently she was involved in developing a performance-based test instrument to directly assess communication skills within the research group “Performance-based Test of Students‘ Communication Skills” affiliated with the “International Centre for Higher Education Research” at the University of Kassel.

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Academic research fields

Sociology of education, sociology of labour markets, research in social stratification, empirical higher education research, international comparisons, (quantitative) methods in social science, competence modeling and measurement


List of projects

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Research cluster: Returns on Tertiary Education

List of publications

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Performance-Based Tests: Using Role Plays to Assess Communication Skills. In (eds), . .

Braun, E., Schwabe, U., & Klein, D. (2018).
Performance-Based Tests: Using Role Plays to Assess Communication Skills. In (eds), . . In McGrath, S., Mulder, M., Papier, J., & Suart, R. (Hrsg.), Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-49789-1_82-1

List of presentations & conferences

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Validating the Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Highly Qualified from German Higher Education?

Fiedler, I., Schwabe, U., Sudheimer, S., Euler, T., Jungermann, N., Kastirke, N., & Fehring, G. (2022, Oktober).
Validating the Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Highly Qualified from German Higher Education? Vortrag auf dem Workshop Survey Climate and Trust in Scientific Surveys - Recent Developments and Controversial Issues, Universität Kassel und Akademie für Soziologie, Kassel.

Survey Climate and Trust in Scientific Surveys - Recent Developments and Controversial Issues.

Langfeldt, B., Jungermann, N., Euler, T., Schwabe, U., Silber, H., & Struminskaya, B. (2022, Oktober).
Survey Climate and Trust in Scientific Surveys - Recent Developments and Controversial Issues. Gemeinsamer Workshop mit Förderung durch die Akademie für Soziologie, Universität Kassel.

" Innerhalb " und " Außerhalb " der Wissenschaft als (zunehmend) polarisierte Welten: Schlaglichter auf die Debatte zu den Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen in der Wissenschaft rund um #IchBinHanna.

Jungbauer-Gans, M., Schwabe, U., & Euler, T. (2022, September).
"Innerhalb" und "Außerhalb" der Wissenschaft als (zunehmend) polarisierte Welten: Schlaglichter auf die Debatte zu den Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen in der Wissenschaft rund um #IchBinHanna. Ad-hoc Session, 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2022 mit dem Thema "Polarisierte Welten", Universität Bielefeld.

Validating the Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Highly Qualified from German Higher Education?

Fiedler, I., Euler, T., Jungermann, N., & Schwabe, U. (2022, September).
Validating the Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Highly Qualified from German Higher Education? Poster auf der Konferenz General Online Research Conference (GOR22), Berlin.

Respondents’ Identification with a Panel Study: Does it Help to Improve Data Quality?

Jungermann, N., Schwabe, U., Fiedler, I., & Euler, T. (2022, September).
Respondents’ Identification with a Panel Study: Does it Help to Improve Data Quality? Poster auf der Konferenz General Online Research Conference (GOR22), Berlin.

Gender inequality in monetary labour market outcomes of higher education graduates - The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch.

Passaretta, G., Sauer, P., Schwabe, U., & Weßling, K. (2022, Juli).
Gender inequality in monetary labour market outcomes of higher education graduates - The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch. Vortrag auf der Konferenz SASE Annual Conference 2022, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Gender inequality in monetary labour market outcomes of higher education graduates - The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch.

Passaretta, G., Sauer, P., Schwabe, U., & Weßling, K. (2022, Juli).
Gender inequality in monetary labour market outcomes of higher education graduates - The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch. Vortrag auf der Konferenz ECSR Annual Conference 2022, European Consortium for Sociological Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Challenging the intuition: Is a same-sex advisor beneficial for doctoral students?

Mühleck, K., & Schwabe, U. (2022, Juli).
Challenging the intuition: Is a same-sex advisor beneficial for doctoral students? Vortrag auf der Konferenz ECSR Annual Conference 2022, European Consortium for Sociological Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Stratification in German Higher Education: Consequences of the German Initiative of Excellence and Rankings.

Lang, S., & Schwabe, U. (2022, Juni).
Stratification in German Higher Education: Consequences of the German Initiative of Excellence and Rankings. Vortrag im Rahmen der Changing Academic Careers II Lecture Series, DZHW, Hannover, Deutschland.

Changing Academic Careers II Lecture Series.

Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Fabian, G., Gäckle, S., Goldan, L., ... & Schwabe, U. (2022, Juni/Juli).
Workshop Changing Academic Careers II Lecture Series, DZHW, Universität Würzburg, LCSS, Universität Hannover, Hannover (online).

Wissenschaftliche Karrieren im Umbruch: Was macht erfolgreiche Wissenschaftler*innen aus?

Goldan, L., Gross, C., Jaksztat, S., Jungbauer-Gans, M., & Schwabe, U. (2022, März).
Symposium Wissenschaftliche Karrieren im Umbruch: Was macht erfolgreiche Wissenschaftler*innen aus auf der Tagung 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Bamberg.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? - Die Rolle von Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit und Resilienz für die Intention zum Verbleib in der Wissenschaft.

Jungbauer-Gans, M., & Schwabe, U. (2022, März).
Should I Stay or Should I Go? - Die Rolle von Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit und Resilienz für die Intention zum Verbleib in der Wissenschaft. In L. Goldan, C. Gross, S. Jaksztat, M. Jungbauer-Gans, & U. Schwabe (Vorsitz), Wissenschaftliche Karrieren im Umbruch: Was macht erfolgreiche Wissenschafter*innen aus? Symposium im Rahmen der Tagung 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Bamberg.

Vertical and Horizontal (Mis)match Among Highly Qualified - Measurement Issues, Determinants and Consequences.

Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Fabian, G., Goldan, L., Grüttner, M., ... & Schwabe, U. (2021, November).
Vertical and Horizontal (Mis)match Among Highly Qualified - Measurement Issues, Determinants and Consequences, DZHW Research Cluster "Returns to Tertiary Education", DZHW Hannover.

The German Initiative of Excellence: Short- and Mid-Term Effects on Students’ Perceptions of Educational Quality.

Lang, S., Schwabe, U., & Berghoff, S. (2021, November).
The German Initiative of Excellence: Short- and Mid-Term Effects on Students’ Perceptions of Educational Quality. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, Venice International University, San Servolo, Italy.

The German Initiative of Excellence: Short- and Mid-Term Effects on Students’ Perceptions of Educational Quality.

Lang, S., Schwabe, U., & Berghoff, S. (2021, Oktober).
The German Initiative of Excellence: Short- and Mid-Term Effects on Students’ Perceptions of Educational Quality. Vortrag auf dem Workshop "Causality in the Social Sciences III: Heterogeneous Causal Effects", GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim.
Memberships and positions

  • College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER) (2019-2021)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
  • DZHW-Forschungscluster "Empirische Methoden der Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung"
  • DZHW-Forschungscluster "Erträge tertiärer Bildung"
  • DZHW-Forschungscluster "Open Science"
  • Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf)
  • Research Commitee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA)
  • Sektion Bildung und Erziehung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)


  • March 2023: RatSWD Poster Award: 2. Place for Poster-Presentation "Graduates' early wages in Germany: Does a university's status of excellence make the difference?"

Expert reports, peer reviews etc.

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik
  • Die Hochschullehre
  • Frontiers in Education
  • Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung
  • Higher Education
  • Journal for Labour Market Research
  • Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht
  • Research in Comparative and International Education
  • Sociology of Education
  • Soziale Welt
  • Studies in Higher Education