Power distribution among university actors in tenure-track decisions. Luksche, C. (2023, September). Power distribution among university actors in tenure-track decisions. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EAIR 45. Jahresforum 2023: Linz, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (FH Upper Austria), Linz, Österreich.
Accuracy and Beyond: Data Quality of Bibliometric Databases. Stahlschmidt, S. (2023, September). Accuracy and Beyond: Data Quality of Bibliometric Databases. Vortrag auf der Summer School european summer school for scientometrics (esss), Sapienza University, Rom, Italien.
Von der Evidenz zum Impact? - Impulse aus der Forschung zum Transfer. Wegner, A. (2023, September). Von der Evidenz zum Impact? - Impulse aus der Forschung zum Transfer. Impulsvortrag im Rahmen des DZHW-Transferworkshops, DZHW.
The impact of COVID-19 on social inequalities in international student mobility: A systematic literature review. Aguiar, J., Almeida, J., Krzaklewska, E., & Netz, N. (2023, August). The impact of COVID-19 on social inequalities in international student mobility: A systematic literature review. Vortrag im Rahmen der CHER 35th Annual Conference, Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER), Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.
Covid-driven digitalization and comprehensive internationalization strategies in higher education: A scoping review. Ferreira Santos, L. (2023, August/September). Covid-driven digitalization and comprehensive internationalization strategies in higher education: A scoping review. Poster auf der Konferenz CHER 35th Annual Conference - Higher Education Institutions as Change Agents in Society: Perspectives on Adaptation and Impact, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Institute of Higher Education Management, Wien, Österreich.
The poster presentation at the CHER Conference 2023 aimed at sharing the findings of a scoping review conducted in the context of the project Internationalization in the Digital Transformation – INDISTRA. The study reviews international scientific literature on the intersections between COVID-driven digitization and the internationalization strategies of higher education institutions. The focus lies on teaching and learning, cooperation, support structures, and leadership processes.
Same, Same, but Different? Investigating Students’ Academic Self-Concept and Persistence in STEM. Fiedler, I. (2023, August/September). Same, Same, but Different? Investigating Students’ Academic Self-Concept and Persistence in STEM. Poster auf der Konferenz CHER 35th Annual Conference: Higher Education Institutions as Change Agents in Society: Perspectives on Adaptation and Impact, Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Österreich. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.17109.60642
Intragenerational occupational mobility in light of intergenerational educational mobility. Ordemann, J., & Buchholz, S. (2023, August). Intragenerational occupational mobility in light of intergenerational educational mobility. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Knowledge Society (AS23), Universität Bern, Akademie der Soziologie, Bern, Schweiz.
Organisation der Special Session " Effects of spatial mobility on subjective well-being " im Rahmen der ISQOLS 2023 (Towards a people-first economy and society: A world to win). Stawarz, N., & Netz, N. (2023, August). Organisation der Special Session "Effects of spatial mobility on subjective well-being" im Rahmen der ISQOLS 2023 (Towards a people-first economy and society: A world to win), Rotterdam.
Intragenerational occupational mobility in the context of educational expansion: The German case. Ordemann, J., & Buchholz, S. (2023, August). Intragenerational occupational mobility in the context of educational expansion: The German case. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 118th Annual Meeting: The Educative Power of Sociology, American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, USA.
WiBef23 - Potentiale & Perspektiven. Fabian, G., & Heger, C. (2023, August). WiBef23 - Potentiale & Perspektiven. Vortrag auf dem Kolloquium der Abt. 2 des DZHW, Berlin.
Intragenerational occupational mobility in the light of intergenerational educational mobility of women and men, Germany. Ordemann, J., & Buchholz, S. (2023, August). Intragenerational occupational mobility in the light of intergenerational educational mobility of women and men, Germany. Vortrag auf der Konferenz RC28 Summer Meeting, Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics, University of Michigan, Berlin, USA.
Gender differences in doctoral students’ mental well-being in Germany. Rußmann, M., Schwabe, U., & Netz, N. (2023, August). Gender differences in doctoral students’ mental well-being in Germany. Vortrag im Rahmen der ECSR Thematic Conference "COVID-19 and Social Inequality in Well-being"
, LIfBi/IAB, Bamberg/Nürnberg.
Distinguishing articles in questionable and non-questionable journals using quantitative indicators associated with quality. Stephen, D. (2023, Juli). Distinguishing articles in questionable and non-questionable journals using quantitative indicators associated with quality. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI), Leiden, Niederlande.
Human-like communication forms in web surveys. Höhne, J. K., & Conrad, F. (2023, Juli). Session Human-like communication forms in web surveys im Rahmen der Konferenz ESRA 2023, Mailand, Italien.
Surveying or gaming: How to best measure socio-economic behaviors and attitudes? Kemper, J., Höhne, J. K., & Goerres, A. (2023, Juli). Session Surveying or gaming: How to best measure socio-economic behaviors and attitudes im Rahmen der Konferenz ESRA 2023, Mailand, Italien.