Presentations and conferences

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Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs damals und heute. Hochschulforschung = Tanz auf dem Vulkan für den Nachwuchs: Was muss sich ändern?

Walther, L. (2021, September).
Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs damals und heute. Hochschulforschung = Tanz auf dem Vulkan für den Nachwuchs: Was muss sich ändern? In M. Bülow-Schramm (Vorsitz), Blick zurück nach vorn! 15 Jahre GfHf – ein Qualitätsmerkmal der Hochschulforschung. im Rahmen der 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf), Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen.

Was kann Deutschland von den USA lernen? Praxisbeispiele zur Förderung barrierefreier, digitaler Lehre an Hochschulen.

Oberschelp, A. (2021, September).
Was kann Deutschland von den USA lernen? Praxisbeispiele zur Förderung barrierefreier, digitaler Lehre an Hochschulen. Vortrag auf der Tagung "Qualität im Hochschulsystem". 16. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf) vom 16.-17.09.2021 in Gießen., Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Deutschland.

Educational offerings must be designed inclusively in order to offer everyone equal opportunities to participate. The digitization of teaching is a key element here, because digitally supported teaching and learning arrangements offer the opportunity to adapt higher education offerings to different needs. In many places, committed efforts can be seen to provide barrier-free digital teaching at universities. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a look abroad to generate impulses for the German higher education landscape. This study, commissioned by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), uses a content analysis to analyze the websites of U.S. universities and discusses if relevant issues can be transferred to Germany.

Qualitätssicherung in Berufungsverfahren: Qualitätsverständnisse in Hinblick auf ‚gelungene Berufungsverfahren‘.

Gerchen, A. (2021, September).
Qualitätssicherung in Berufungsverfahren: Qualitätsverständnisse in Hinblick auf ‚gelungene Berufungsverfahren‘. Vortrag im Rahmen der 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf), Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen.

Transnational student mobility from a network perspective. An overview of recent developments.

Vögtle, E. (2021).
Transnational student mobility from a network perspective. An overview of recent developments. Vortrag auf dem Kolloquium Wissenschaftswerkstatt, DAAD, Bonn, Deutschland.

While the important role of institutions and trust for economic transactions is well-acknowledged in institutional economics, the effects of appropriate institutions, historical legacies, and cultural similarities such as language and religion has not yet been systematically analysed in research on transnational student mobility. In our research, we analyse the phenomenon of transnational student mobility by combining and testing aspects of these different perspectives. We focus on outbound students and analyse what determines whether a particular country receives a high proportion of international students.

Qualitätskonventionen als zukünftige Diskursordnung auf dem Markt wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung.

Freitag, W. (2021, September).
Qualitätskonventionen als zukünftige Diskursordnung auf dem Markt wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung. Vortrag auf der Tagung 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen.

Leitungs- und Entscheidungsstrukturen an deutschen Universitäten. Zur Rolle der Rektor*innen und Präsident*innen.

Kleimann, B. (2021, September).
Leitungs- und Entscheidungsstrukturen an deutschen Universitäten. Zur Rolle der Rektor*innen und Präsident*innen. Keynote im Rahmen des Forschungs- und Hochschulpolitischen Werkstattgesprächs "Governance Strukturen an Hochschulen", Volkswagenstiftung, Xplanatorium Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover.

Unsere Forschung in der Pandemie – Die Pandemie in unserer Forschung. Reflexionen über Expert_inneninterviews am Telefon.

Gerchen, A., & Walther, L. (2021, August).
Unsere Forschung in der Pandemie – Die Pandemie in unserer Forschung. Reflexionen über Expert_inneninterviews am Telefon. Vortrag im Rahmen der Ad-hoc-Gruppe Pandemic Science: Forschung und Lehre in der digitalisierten Arbeitsorganisation auf dem Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ÖGS) vom 23. bis 25.08.2021, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Österreich.

The ‘Global South’ in the transnational student mobility network. Effects of institutional (in)stability, reputation, post-colonial ties, and cultural homophily.

Vögtle, E. (2021, Juli).
The ‘Global South’ in the transnational student mobility network. Effects of institutional (in)stability, reputation, post-colonial ties, and cultural homophily. Vortrag auf der Konferenz IPSA Virtual 26th World Congress of Political Scientists, International Political Science Association, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.

While the important role of institutions and trust for economic transactions is well-acknowledged in institutional economics, the effects of appropriate institutions, historical legacies, and cultural similarities such as language and religion has not yet been systematically analysed in research on transnational student mobility. In our research, we analyse the phenomenon of transnational student mobility by combining and testing aspects of these different perspectives. We focus on outbound students and analyse what determines whether a particular country receives a high proportion of international students.

Diversity in the Meanings of Diversity in Higher Education.

Pineda, P. (2021, Juli).
Diversity in the Meanings of Diversity in Higher Education. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 37th EGOS Colloquium, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Amsterdam, Niederlande.

We explore whether the semantics of diversity appears to be global and universal through computer-assisted content analysis of 2,378 publications. Diversity flows but only in the US and Canada, UK and Ireland, and Europe and is not present in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. Diversity acquires different meanings depending on local conflicts. In the US and Canada, it appeared in the mid-1970s and is still linked to race and gender. Diversity flows in the mid-2000s to other English-speaking countries such as UK and Ireland and Oceania in terms of inclusion, gender ethnicity, and gender and cultural diversity; and later in that decade in Europe framed as inclusion and gender. Diversity has not become global or universal.

Funding of students in higher education in Germany and Europe.

Gwosć, C., & Hauschildt, K. (2021).
Funding of students in higher education in Germany and Europe. Stellungnahme im Rahmen des Fi-compass factsheet: financial instruments for education and skills , European Investment Bank, Hannover, Deutschland.

The ‘Global South’ in the transnational student mobility network. Effects of institutional (in)stability, reputation, post-colonial ties, and cultural homophily.

Vögtle, E. (2021, Juni).
The ‘Global South’ in the transnational student mobility network. Effects of institutional (in)stability, reputation, post-colonial ties, and cultural homophily. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 27th International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, Reykjavík, Island.

While the important role of institutions and trust for economic transactions is a well-acknowledged in institutional economics, the effects of appropriate institutions, historical legacies, and cultural similarities such as language and religion has not yet been systematically analysed in research on transnational student mobility. In our research, we start from the assumption that the more functional institutions of potential host countries are, the more attractive they are for foreign students. Using aggregate data, we focus on the attributes of countries and the relationship between them to explain patterns of international student exchange.

Declining or rising academic freedom: what is the European trend?

Vögtle, E. (2021, Juni).
Declining or rising academic freedom: what is the European trend? Vortrag auf der Konferenz 27th International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, Reykjavík, Island.

In the 2018 Bologna Process Implementation Report, consitutional and legal protection of academic freedom has been monitored; however, given the obvious discrepancies between law and practice in some EHEA countries, a purely legal analysis risks capturing a misleading picture if a country's de facto situation is not assessed against it. The paper to be presented is concerned with the impact of the Bologna Process on the de facto state of academic freedom. Thus we analyze not only whether countries have provisions for the protection of academic freedom in place, but also use the Academic Freedom Index (AFI) and its components to assess the actual state of academic freedom in the sampled countries.

Informationsportale für eine barrierefreie digitale Lehre. Was können deutsche Hochschulen von den USA lernen?

Oberschelp, A. (2021, Juni).
Informationsportale für eine barrierefreie digitale Lehre. Was können deutsche Hochschulen von den USA lernen? Impulsvortrag im Rahmen der Digitaltags 2021 "Digitale Barrieren an Hochschulen - Strategien und Perspektiven", Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Berlin.

Educational offerings must be designed inclusively in order to offer everyone equal opportunities to participate. The digitization of teaching is a key element here, because digitally supported teaching and learning arrangements offer the opportunity to adapt higher education offerings to different needs. In many places, committed efforts can be seen to provide barrier-free digital teaching at universities. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a look abroad to generate impulses for the German higher education landscape. This study, commissioned by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), uses a content analysis to analyze the websites of U.S. universities and discusses if relevant issues can be transferred to Germany.

Berufungsbeauftragte: Akteur*innen der Qualitätssicherung und des Krisenmanagements.

Gerchen, A. (2021, Juni).
Berufungsbeauftragte: Akteur*innen der Qualitätssicherung und des Krisenmanagements. Vortrag im Rahmen des (Online-)Nachwuchsworkshops der Sektion für Professionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) , München, Deutschland.

Informationsportale zur Ermöglichung barrierefreier digitaler Lehre an US-amerikanischen Hochschulen.

Oberschelp, A. (2021, Mai).
Informationsportale zur Ermöglichung barrierefreier digitaler Lehre an US-amerikanischen Hochschulen. Impulsvortrag im Rahmen des "Hangout" des Hochschulforums Digitalisierung, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Berlin.

Educational offerings must be designed inclusively in order to offer everyone equal opportunities to participate. The digitization of teaching is a key element here, because digitally supported teaching and learning arrangements offer the opportunity to adapt higher education offerings to different needs. In many places, committed efforts can be seen to provide barrier-free digital teaching at universities. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a look abroad to generate impulses for the German higher education landscape. This study, commissioned by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), uses a content analysis to analyze the websites of U.S. universities and discusses if relevant issues can be transferred to Germany.


Bernd Kleimann
Prof. Dr. Bernd Kleimann Head +49 511 450670-363
Frank Dölle
Frank Dölle Deputy Head +49 511 450670-349


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