Reports and other publications

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Eurostudent VII.

Daniel, A., Buck, D., & Wallis, M. (2023).
Eurostudent VII. Daten- und Methodenbericht SUF Version 3.0.0. Hannover: DZHW.

The EUROSTUDENT project collects and analyses comparable data on the social dimension of European higher education. A wide range of topics related to students’ social and economic conditions are covered. The project strives to provide reliable and insightful cross-country comparisons. It does this through coupling a central coordination approach with a strong network of national partners in each participating country. In this way, an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the respective national frameworks in international comparison can be made. [...] Full abstract:

Learning analytics data from collaborative SQL exercises using the SQLValidator.

Broneske, D., Obionwu, V., Berndt, S., & Hawlitschek, A. (2023).
Learning analytics data from collaborative SQL exercises using the SQLValidator. Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität.

Who are the bachelors? – Capturing degree heterogeneity within the tertiary level in comparative perspective.

Sauer, P., & Schwabe (2023).
Who are the bachelors? – Capturing degree heterogeneity within the tertiary level in comparative perspective. 2023 (25). Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: LIS Newsletter Inequality Matters.

Documentation of RISIS Datasets: Doctoral Degree and Career Dataset (DDC).

Ivertsen, E., Tesch, J., Fenton, A., Skålholt, A., Franssen, T., ... & Wagner-Schuster, D. (2023).
Documentation of RISIS Datasets: Doctoral Degree and Career Dataset (DDC). Paris: RISIS.

Bildung und Qualifikation als Grundlage der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands 2023.

Kerst, C., Meier, D. H., & Gehrke, B. (2023).
Bildung und Qualifikation als Grundlage der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands 2023. Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem (1-2023). Berlin: Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI).

Wissenschaftskommunikation: Early Career Researchers.

Pippel, N., & Adrian, D. (2023).
Wissenschaftskommunikation: Early Career Researchers. Gespräch mit Dominik Adrian. NachwuchsFragen. Der Podcast zu dem, was nach der Promotion wichtig ist (13). Hannover: Graduiertenakademie der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover.

Gruppenarbeit beim Programmieren lernen (GAPL). Eine Erhebung der aktuellen Lage in Grundlagenveranstaltungen an drei deutschen Universitäten. Daten- und Methodenbericht zum qualitativen Datenpaket GAPL des Projekts Digitales Programmieren im Team (DiP-iT).

Schulz, S., Berndt, S., Hawlitschek, A., & İkiz-Akıncı, D. (2023).
Gruppenarbeit beim Programmieren lernen (GAPL). Eine Erhebung der aktuellen Lage in Grundlagenveranstaltungen an drei deutschen Universitäten. Daten- und Methodenbericht zum qualitativen Datenpaket GAPL des Projekts Digitales Programmieren im Team (DiP-iT). Hannover: DZHW.

The research project "Digital Programming in Teams" (DiP-iT) investigates how collaborative learning in computer science studies can be didactically developed and supported with digital tools. The project focuses on the use and implementation of learning analytics methods. The DiP-iT project aims to develop didactic and technical support in computer science studies for learning to program in teams. In order to achieve this goal, the sub-study "Gruppenarbeit beim Programmieren lernen" (GAPL; engl: Group work in Learning Programming) first took stock of the initial situation at the three locations of the joint universities [...] Full abstract:

Eurostudent VII. Micro Data. Data and methods report SUF version 2.0.

Cuppen, J., Muja, A., Hauschildt, K., Buck, D., & Daniel, A. (2022).
Eurostudent VII. Micro Data. Data and methods report SUF version 2.0. Hannover: DZHW.

The EUROSTUDENT project collects and analyses comparable data on the social dimension of European higher education. A wide range of topics related to students’ social and economic conditions are covered. The project strives to provide reliable and insightful cross-country comparisons. It does this through coupling a central coordination approach with a strong network of national partners in each participating country. In this way, an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the respective national frameworks in international comparison can be made. The main users of our findings are higher education policy-makers at national and European level, [...] Full abstract:

DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 - Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 (1. Befragungswelle).

Woisch, A., Franke, B., Quast, H., Föste-Eggers, D., Mentges, H., ... & Weber, A. (2022).
DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 - Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 (1. Befragungswelle). 2022. Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

The DZHW-Panel Study of School Leavers 2018 is part of the DZHW-Panel Study of School Leavers survey series, in which standardized multiple surveys are used to collect information on the post-school careers of school leavers with a (school) higher education entrance qualification. As a rule, several survey waves are conducted at different times before and after the acquisition of the higher education entrance qualification. Accordingly, this is a combined cohort-panel design. The panel 2018 is the 21st cohort of the survey series of which the data of the first survey wave will be published first. [...] Full abstract:

Landscape study of small journal publishers for the Knowledge Exchange Task & Finish Group for " Small Publishers and the Transition to Open Access " .

Stephen, D., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2022).
Landscape study of small journal publishers for the Knowledge Exchange Task & Finish Group for "Small Publishers and the Transition to Open Access". Berlin: DZHW.

10. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 1982.

Middendorff, E., & Wallis, M. (2022).
10. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 1982. Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

The Social Survey is a series of surveys on the economic and social situation of students in Germany that has been in existence since 1951. Every three to four years, a cross-section of students is surveyed on aspects of access to higher education, structural features of study, social and economic situation, including income and cost of living, employment, housing situation, as well as socio-demographic characteristics, partnership status and parenthood. The data package includes the data from the 10th Social Survey (1982), which was limited to German students in the old Länder. An additional questionnaire included Questions about the psychosocial situation.

Methodenbericht zur Befragung von wissenschaftlichen und administrativen Beschäftigten an medizinischen Fakultäten im Projekt QuaMedFo (Qualitätsmaße zur Evaluierung medizinischer Forschung).

Biesenbender, S., Hartstein, J., Herrmann-Lingen, C., Kratzenberg, A., & Traylor, C. (2022).
Methodenbericht zur Befragung von wissenschaftlichen und administrativen Beschäftigten an medizinischen Fakultäten im Projekt QuaMedFo (Qualitätsmaße zur Evaluierung medizinischer Forschung). Hannover: DZHW.

The survey of scientific and administrative employees at medical faculties in Germany is part of module 7 „Praktikabilität, Akzeptanz und Verhaltenswirksamkeit“ in the collaborative project „Qualitätsmaße zur Evaluierung medizinischer Forschung“ (QuaMedFo). It was planned and conducted in close cooperation of the German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG) in the first half of 2021. Data preparation was completed in the second half of 2021.

Helpdesk zur Unterstützung der Einführung des Kerndatensatz Forschung: Dokumentation des Projekts.

Biesenbender, S. (2022).
Helpdesk zur Unterstützung der Einführung des Kerndatensatz Forschung: Dokumentation des Projekts. Berlin: DZHW.

11. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 1985.

Middendorff, E., & Wallis, M. (2022).
11. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 1985. Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

The download SUF of the 11th Social Survey consists of 19,126 cases. German students who were enrolled at one of the 59 sample universities (27 universities, 32 universities of applied sciences) in the summer semester of 1985 were surveyed. An additional questionnaire, "Studies and Leisure Time," was used to explore the use of opportunities for independent study, other event and continuing education activities, and leisure time behavior in addition to studies.

DZHW Absolventenpanel 2009: Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent*innenkohorte 2009 (1. - 3. Befragungswelle).

Baillet, F., Euler, T., Franken, A., Schmidtchen, H., & Weber, A. (2022).
DZHW Absolventenpanel 2009: Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent*innenkohorte 2009 (1. - 3. Befragungswelle). Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

The DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 is part of the DZHW Graduate Survey Series, which compiles information on study, career entry, career development and further qualifications of higher education graduates using standardised surveys. The first Graduate Panel was created in 1989. Since then, every fourth graduate year (cohort) has been surveyed. For each graduate cohort, a series of survey waves are carried out, with each wave occurring at differing time intervals following the completion of degree. The DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 comprises the sixth graduate cohort of the survey series. Similar to the 2005 cohort, the study phase of the 2009 cohort is defined by the transformation [...] Full Abstract:


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912