Governance und Performanz von Forschung. Möller, T. (2019). Governance und Performanz von Forschung. Wissenschaftssysteme und ihre Organisationen im internationalen Vergleich. Schlussbericht. Berlin: DZHW.
Open Data in Biomedical Research: an exploratory study of perceptions and practices towards Open Data within a biomedical research facility: Berlin: DZHW.
Blümel, C. (2019).
Open Data in Biomedical Research: an exploratory study of perceptions and practices towards Open Data within a biomedical research facility: Berlin: DZHW.
Wissenschaft und Familie.
Be¨irović, A., Sembritzki, T., Thiele. L., & İkiz-Akıncı, D. (2019).
Wissenschaft und Familie. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur qualitativen Erhebung der DZHW-Studie WiNbus 2015. Version 1.0.1. Hannover: fdz.DZHW.
The present study has been conducted as a sub-study of the WiNbus study “Academic Career and Family” within the scope of the project “WiNbus – An Online Panel among Young Academics in Germany” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The partial study investigated the compatibility of professional career and family life of young academics. The study focused on how conflicts of objectives between professional and private commitment can be managed as well as on the influence of the structures of the academic system on the careers of researchers. [...] Full abstract:
Leistungsbewertung in Berufungsverfahren. Traditionswandel in der akademischen Personalselektion.
Kleimann, B., İkiz-Akıncı, D., & Hückstädt, M. (2019).
Leistungsbewertung in Berufungsverfahren. Traditionswandel in der akademischen Personalselektion. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur qualitativen Erhebung der DZHW-Studie LiBerTas 2016. Version 1.0.0. Hannover: fdz.DZHW.
Based on an analysis of maximally contrasting cases (institutions of higher education, subjects) it was examined how the change in appointment procedures affects the relation of the participating actors and their enactment of institutional logics. For this purpose, eight universities and four Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) with different profiles were selected originally. The analysis is concentrated on the subjects sociology/social sciences (university + UAS), engineering (university + UAS), physics (university) and medicine (university) in order to cover subject-specific differences [...] Full abstract:
17. Sozialerhebung.
Middendorff, E., & Hoffstätter, U. (2019).
17. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 2003 (Version 1.0.0). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.
The 17th Social Survey is part of the series of studies on the economic and social condition of student life in Germany, which exists since 1951. It is a cross-sectional survey that is usually conducted every three years. The core of the Social Survey includes questions on access to higher education, structural characteristics of studies and the course of studies, the social and economic situation (financing of studies, cost of living, gainful employment, housing situation), topics relating to the fields of activity of the Studentenwerke as well as socio-demographic characteristics.
Open Science und Open Innovation: Neue Indikatoren für die Analyse des Wissenschafts- und Innovationssystems im Digitalen Zeitalter.
Blümel, C. (2019).
Open Science und Open Innovation: Neue Indikatoren für die Analyse des Wissenschafts- und Innovationssystems im Digitalen Zeitalter. Berlin: Stifterverband Discussion Paper 1/2019.
Wissenschaft und berufliche Praxis in der Graduiertenausbildung. Erste Befunde aus der Begleitforschung.
Hendriks, B., Heger, C., & Hornbostel, S. (2019).
Wissenschaft und berufliche Praxis in der Graduiertenausbildung. Erste Befunde aus der Begleitforschung. Berlin: DZHW.
18. Sozialerhebung.
Middendorff, E., & Hoffstätter, U. (2019).
18. Sozialerhebung. Daten und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 2006 (Version 1.0.0). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.
The 18th Social Survey is part of the series of studies on the economic and social condition of student life in Germany, which exists since 1951. It is a cross-sectional survey that is usually conducted every three years. The core of the Social Survey includes questions on access to higher education, structural characteristics of studies and the course of studies, the social and economic situation (financing of studies, cost of living, gainful employment, housing situation), topics relating to the fields of activity of the Studentenwerke as well as socio-demographic characteristics. The data from the 18th Social Survey provide a snapshot [...] Full abstract:
beeinträchtigt studieren – best2.
Birkelbach, R. (2019).
beeinträchtigt studieren – best2. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 2016/17 (Version 1.0.0). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.
20 Jahre Bologna-Prozess-Hehre Ziele, moderate Erfolge? Bologna bietet den Staaten eine Struktur, nicht aber die Inhalte der Hochschulprogramme. Das hat Vor-und Nachteile.
Vögtle, E.M. (2019).
20 Jahre Bologna-Prozess-Hehre Ziele, moderate Erfolge? Bologna bietet den Staaten eine Struktur, nicht aber die Inhalte der Hochschulprogramme. Das hat Vor-und Nachteile. OeAD news (Nummer 109). Wien, Österreich.
Applying Crossref and Unpaywall information to identify gold, hidden gold, hybrid and delayed Open Access publications in the KB corpus. Report to Kompetenzzentrum Bibliometrie.
Akbaritabar, A., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2019).
Applying Crossref and Unpaywall information to identify gold, hidden gold, hybrid and delayed Open Access publications in the KB corpus. Report to Kompetenzzentrum Bibliometrie. DZHW: Berlin/Hannover.
Kooperationsgovernance. Herausforderungen bei der Organisation und Gestaltung kooperativer Wissenschaft.
Kleimann, B., Winde, M., Wagner, N., & Dauchert, A. (2019).
Kooperationsgovernance. Herausforderungen bei der Organisation und Gestaltung kooperativer Wissenschaft. Future Lab – Diskussionspapier 1. Essen: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.
Ingenieurausbildung für die Digitale Transformation. Zukunft durch Veränderung.
Gottburgsen, A., Wannemacher, K., Wernz, J., & Willige, J, (2019).
Ingenieurausbildung für die Digitale Transformation. Zukunft durch Veränderung. Düsseldorf: VDI.
Orte des Selbststudiums 2018. Eine empirische Studie zur zeitlichen und räumlichen Organisation des Lernens von Studierenden.
Vogel, B., Willige, J., Grützmacher, J., & Sudheimer, S. (2019).
Orte des Selbststudiums 2018. Eine empirische Studie zur zeitlichen und räumlichen Organisation des Lernens von Studierenden. Forum Hochschulentwicklung 1|2019. Hannover: HIS-HE. ISBN 978-3-9818817-4-5
What it takes to do science diplomacy. Practices, identities, needs and challenges of science diplomacy practitioners. Baseline analysis and needs assessment.
Degelsegger-Márquez, A., Flink, T., & Rungius, C. (2019).
What it takes to do science diplomacy. Practices, identities, needs and challenges of science diplomacy practitioners. Baseline analysis and needs assessment. Deliverable 2.3, Vienna: S4D4C.