Kai Mühleck

Dr. Kai Mühleck

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
  • +49 511 450670-156
  • +49 511 450670-960

Kai Mühleck works at DZHW since 2008. He is senior researcher of the research area "Educational Careers and Graduate Employment". His research focusses on the topics of scientific careers, tracking of graduates, monetary and non-monetary returns to education, gender differences, social inequality, and cross-country comparisons. Before joining DZHW he worked as a researcher at Humboldt-University in Berlin (2001-2008). He holds a doctorate in sociology from Humboldt-University (2007) and studied political science, sociology, and economics at the universities of Heidelberg and Manchester, graduating from Heidelberg in 2001 (M.A.).

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List of projects

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List of publications

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Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Executive summary.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Executive summary. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. https://doi.org/10.2766/459056

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 1, Country case studies.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 1, Country case studies. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. https://doi.org/10.2766/409116

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 2, Literature study and indicator review.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 2, Literature study and indicator review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. https://doi.org/10.2766/884

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 3, Country fiches.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 3, Country fiches. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. https://doi.org/10.2766/952691

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Testing the feasibility of a European graduate study: Final report of the EUROGRADUATE feasibility study.

Mühleck, K., Grabher, A., Hauschildt, K., Litofcenko, J., Mishra, S., Ryska, R., ... & Zelenka, M. (2016).
Testing the feasibility of a European graduate study: Final report of the EUROGRADUATE feasibility study. Hanover, Germany: German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW).
ISBN 978-3-86426-049-0

National-level capacities for studying HE graduates in Europe: EUROGRADUATE research digest.

Mühleck, K., & Hauschildt, K. (2015).
National-level capacities for studying HE graduates in Europe: EUROGRADUATE research digest. Hanover, Germany: German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW).

EUROGRADUATE - Europas Hochschulabsolventen im Visier.

Mühleck, K., & Orr, D. (2014).
EUROGRADUATE - Europas Hochschulabsolventen im Visier. DUZ Spezial: DZHW Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung. Erhebunge, Forschung, Service, 32-33, Berlin.

Evolving diversity II. Participation of students with an immigrant background in European Higher Education.

Camilleri, A. F., & Mühleck, K. (2013).
Evolving diversity II. Participation of students with an immigrant background in European Higher Education. Brüssel: EquNet Konsortium.

Tracking learners' and graduates' progression paths: TRACKIT. EUA publications 2012.

Gaebel, M., Hauschildt, K., Mühleck, K., & Smidt, H. (2012).
Tracking learners' and graduates' progression paths: TRACKIT. EUA publications 2012. Brussels, Belgium: European University Association.

Erträge akademischer und nicht-akademischer Bildung, Ein Vergleich von Studienberechtigten mit Berufsausbildungs- und Hochschulabschluss zwanzig Jahre nach Erlangung der Hochschulreife.

Spangenberg, H., Mühleck, K., & Schramm, M. (2012).
Erträge akademischer und nicht-akademischer Bildung, Ein Vergleich von Studienberechtigten mit Berufsausbildungs- und Hochschulabschluss zwanzig Jahre nach Erlangung der Hochschulreife. (HIS:Forum Hochschule 11/2012). Hannover: HIS.
ISBN 978-3-86426-017-9

duz-Special: Tracking. Dem Studienerfolg auf der Spur.

HIS-Institut für Hochschulforschung (Hrsg.) - HIS-Beiträge von Mühleck, K., Hauschildt, K., Jaeger, M., Sanders, S., Heublein, U., Kerst, C., ... & Briedis, K. (2012).
duz-Special: Tracking. Dem Studienerfolg auf der Spur. duz-Magazin(2).

Europäischer Hochschulraum im Vergleich: Informationen zum Studienverlauf bieten Hochschulen und Politik mehr Steuerungsmöglichkeiten als reine Bestandsdaten.

Mühleck, K., Spexard, A., & Hauschildt, K. (2012).
Europäischer Hochschulraum im Vergleich: Informationen zum Studienverlauf bieten Hochschulen und Politik mehr Steuerungsmöglichkeiten als reine Bestandsdaten. duz-Magazin (2), 8–9.

Verlässliche Daten gewinnen. Hochschulen und Politik wollen wissen, wie erfolgreich Hochschulabsolventen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt sind.

Mühleck, K., Spexard, A., & Hauschildt, K. (2012).
Verlässliche Daten gewinnen. Hochschulen und Politik wollen wissen, wie erfolgreich Hochschulabsolventen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt sind. duz-Magazin (2), 14–15.

On the Tracks of Students and Graduates: Methods and Uses of Tracking Procedures in the European Higher Education Area.

Mühleck, K. (2012).
On the Tracks of Students and Graduates: Methods and Uses of Tracking Procedures in the European Higher Education Area. In A. Curaj, P. Scott, L. Vlăsceanu & L. Wilson (Hrsg.), European Higher Education at the Crossroads. Between the Bologna Process and National Reforms, Vol. 2 (S. 223-243). Heidelberg, New York, USA, Dordrecht, Niederlande, London, England: Springer.

Der Einfluss des Migrationshintergrundes auf die Teilhabe an höherer Bildung im europäischen Vergleich.

Griga, D., & Mühleck, K. (2011).
Der Einfluss des Migrationshintergrundes auf die Teilhabe an höherer Bildung im europäischen Vergleich. In M. Leszczensky & T. Barthelmes (Hrsg.), HIS:Forum Hochschule 8/2011: Herausforderung Internationalisierung. Die Hochschulen auf dem Weg zum Europäischen Hochschulraum. Stand und Perspektiven (S. 63-78). Hannover: HIS.

List of presentations & conferences

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Overview on EUROGRADUATE – The European pilot survey of higher education graduates.

Mühleck, K. (2023, November).
Overview on EUROGRADUATE – The European pilot survey of higher education graduates. Vortrag im Rahmen des Webinars "The EUROGRADUATE Project and International Student Mobility", European Network on International Student Mobility (ENIS).

A brief introduction to the EUROGRADUATE 2022 Pilot Survey.

Mühleck, K. (2023, Oktober).
A brief introduction to the EUROGRADUATE 2022 Pilot Survey. Vortrag auf der Konferenz “The Future of Higher Education and Science – a Turn of the Times?", DZHW und LCSS, Hannover.

EUROGRADUATE 2022 project meeting.

Köppen, L., & Mühleck, K. (2023, Oktober).
Workshop EUROGRADUATE 2022 project meeting, Hannover.

Project update, report on the field phase & the EUROGRADUATE data.

Mühleck, K. (2023, Oktober).
Project update, report on the field phase & the EUROGRADUATE data. Vortrag im Rahmen des EUROGRADUATE 2022 project meeting, DZHW, Hannover.

Update on progress of EUROGRADUATE 2022.

Mühleck, K. (2023, September).
Update on progress of EUROGRADUATE 2022. Vortrag im Rahmen des Webinar with the pilot countries on the 1st version of the dataset, DZHW.

Response rates in EUROGRADUATE 2022.

Mühleck, K. (2023, September).
Response rates in EUROGRADUATE 2022. Impulsvortrag in der Working Group on ‘Preparing for the next European higher education graduate survey’ of the European Network for Graduate Tracking, European Commission.

EUROGRADUATE 2022 - 2nd European pilot survey of higher education graduates.

Köppen, L., & Mühleck, K. (2023, Juli).
EUROGRADUATE 2022 - 2nd European pilot survey of higher education graduates. Poster auf der Konferenz ESRA 2023, European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Mailand, Deutschland.

EUROGRADUATE 2022 – Implementation of the 2nd phase of the European pilot survey of higher education graduates.

Mühleck, K. (2023, Mai).
EUROGRADUATE 2022 – Implementation of the 2nd phase of the European pilot survey of higher education graduates. Vortrag im Rahmen der X Conference of the Spanish University Employment Observatories, Fundació Universitat Empresa de la Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spanien.

EUROGRADUATE 2022 – project update & learnings so far.

Mühleck, K. (2023, Mai).
EUROGRADUATE 2022 – project update & learnings so far. Vortrag im Rahmen des Annual Meeting of the European Network of Graduate Tracking, European Commission, Stockholm, Schweden.

Jährliches Austauschtreffen der Graduiertenbefragungen in Deutschland.

Mühleck, K. (2023, März).
Workshop Jährliches Austauschtreffen der Graduiertenbefragungen in Deutschland, Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW), online.

Standards & guidelines for collecting graduates’ contact information. Introduction to the topic.

Mühleck, K. (2023, Januar).
Standards & guidelines for collecting graduates’ contact information. Introduction to the topic. Vortrag im Rahmen des 2nd meeting of the Working Group on “Preparing for the next European higher education graduate survey” of the European Graduate Tracking Network, European Commission.

Mid-fieldphase webinar of EUROGRADUATE 2022.

Jühlke, R., Mühleck, K., Köppen, L., & Schubert, N. (2022, Dezember).
Workshop Mid-fieldphase webinar of EUROGRADUATE 2022, DZHW, Hannover.

Project schedule & exchange on field phase so far.

Mühleck, K. (2022, Dezember).
Project schedule & exchange on field phase so far. Vortrag im Rahmen des Mid-fieldphase webinar of EUROGRADUATE 2022, DZHW.

EUROGRADUATE 2022 – 2nd phase of the European pilot survey of higher education graduates.

Mühleck, K. (2022, November).
EUROGRADUATE 2022 – 2nd phase of the European pilot survey of higher education graduates. Vortrag im Rahmen des Launching event of EUROGRADUATE 2022 Portugal, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.

Challenging the intuition: Is a same-sex advisor beneficial for doctoral students?

Mühleck, K., & Schwabe, U. (2022, Juli).
Challenging the intuition: Is a same-sex advisor beneficial for doctoral students? Vortrag auf der Konferenz ECSR Annual Conference 2022, European Consortium for Sociological Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.