Gender inequality in monetary labour market outcomes of higher education graduates - The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch. Passaretta, G., Sauer, P., Schwabe, U., & Weßling, K. (2022, Juli). Gender inequality in monetary labour market outcomes of higher education graduates - The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch. Vortrag auf der Konferenz ECSR Annual Conference 2022, European Consortium for Sociological Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Gender disparities in higher education: Does the field of study matter? Fiedler, I. (2022, Juli). Gender disparities in higher education: Does the field of study matter? Poster auf der Konferenz European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) Annual Conference 2022, Amsterdam.
Developing software tools for research integrity: traveling values between normative frameworks and technological properties. Hesselmann, F. (2022, Juli). Developing software tools for research integrity: traveling values between normative frameworks and technological properties. In M. Whitman & T. Doezema (Vorsitz), Panel "Situating ethics: how normativity shapeshifts as technoscience transmogrifies". auf der Konferenz EASST 2022: Politics of technoscientific futures, Madrid, Spanien.
Data Analytics in Science- What is at Stake? (Panel 054). Krüger, A. K., & Petersohn, S. (2022, Juli). Session Data Analytics in Science- What is at Stake? (Panel 054) auf der Konferenz EASST Conference Politics of technoscientific futures, European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Madrid.
The datafication of science and its algorithmic assessment are accelerating at a rapid pace. The panel invites contributions that (1) address how these data and data analytics affect research and researchers, (2) discuss data politics regarding access, ownership, and questions of data protection, (3) investigate how the rationales and functionalities of data analytics influence evaluation practices, or (4) focus on the marketization and assetization of data on research and researchers within and beyond academia.
Challenging the intuition: Is a same-sex advisor beneficial for doctoral students? Mühleck, K., & Schwabe, U. (2022, Juli). Challenging the intuition: Is a same-sex advisor beneficial for doctoral students? Vortrag auf der Konferenz ECSR Annual Conference 2022, European Consortium for Sociological Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Licht am Ende des Tunnels? Mit Transparenzzstandards in Richtung Open Science. Schniedermann, A. (2022, Juli). Licht am Ende des Tunnels? Mit Transparenzzstandards in Richtung Open Science. In U. Dirnagl & A. Scheel (Vorsitz), Meta-Research. auf dem Symposium Wissenschaftsforschung im Fokus - Potentiale und neue Perspektiven, VolkswagenStiftung, Hannover.
Welchen Einfluss hat internationale Mobilität auf wissenschaftliche Karrieren? Netz, N. (2022, Juli). Welchen Einfluss hat internationale Mobilität auf wissenschaftliche Karrieren? Keynote im Rahmen des Young Researchers Day, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU).
Simply the Best? Determinants of Achieving the Highest Grade in a Doctoral Degree in Germany. de Vogel, S. (2022, Juli). Simply the Best? Determinants of Achieving the Highest Grade in a Doctoral Degree in Germany. Vortrag im Rahmen der Changing Academic Careers II LECTURE SERIES, DZHW, Hannover.
Stellungnahme zur Ausgestaltung der Promotion. Antworten auf die Leitfragen. Briedis, K. (2022, Juni). Stellungnahme zur Ausgestaltung der Promotion. Antworten auf die Leitfragen. Vortrag im Rahmen der Anhörung des Ausschusses Tertiäre Bildung des Wissenschaftsrats, Wissenschaftsrat, Berlin.
Stellungnahme zur Ausgestaltung der Promotion. Antworten auf die Leitfragen. de Vogel, S. (2022, Juni). Stellungnahme zur Ausgestaltung der Promotion. Antworten auf die Leitfragen. Anhörung im Rahmen des Ausschusses Tertiäre Bildung des Wissenschaftsrats, Wissenschaftsrat, Berlin.
The Evolution of Educational Wage Differentials for Women and Men, from 1996 to 2019. Ordemann, J., & Pfeiffer, F. (2022, Juni/Juli). The Evolution of Educational Wage Differentials for Women and Men, from 1996 to 2019. Vortrag auf der Konferenz SOEP 2022 - 14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference, DIW, Berlin, Deutschland.
Programming the EUROGRADUATE 2022 questionnaire. Mühleck, K. (2022, Juni). Programming the EUROGRADUATE 2022 questionnaire. Vortrag im Rahmen des Webinar on programming the EUROGRADUATE 2022 questionnaire.
Webinar on programming the EUROGRADUATE 2022 questionnaire. Mühleck, K., & Schubert, N. (2022, Juni). Workshop Webinar on programming the EUROGRADUATE 2022 questionnaire, DZHW, Hannover.
The role of institutional features for inequalities in study abroad participation: Evidence from Japan. Steve, E., Netz, N., & Matsuoka, R. (2022, Juni/Juli). The role of institutional features for inequalities in study abroad participation: Evidence from Japan. Vortrag im Rahmen der 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Oslo Metropolitan University.
Webinar on " Creating citation network graphs using Gephi " . Aman, V. (2022, Juni). Webinar on "Creating citation network graphs using Gephi". Vortrag auf dem Seminar ENIS Training School, Berlin.