Presentations and conferences

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Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap.

Netz, N., Peter, F., & Cordua, F. (2022, Dezember).
Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap. Vortrag im Rahmen der 2022 SRHE International Research Conference "Mobilities in Higher Education", Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE).


Vilches, L. (2022, Dezember).
RESEARCHERS’ (IM)MOBILITIES, COLLABORATIVE PRACTICES, AND THE CHANGING KNOWLEDGE GEOGRAPHIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Mobilities in Higher Education. SRHE International Conference 2022, Society for Research into Higher Education, United Kingdom.

This qualitative study addresses how mobile researchers shape and reshape their collaboraive practices through particular global and local, visible and invisible collaborative practices, thus altering the knowledge geographies in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). The paper is based on the findings the doctoral research project that studies the meaning and practices of academic collaboration in German Clusters of Excellence belonging to the SSH.

The impact of Covid-19 on social inequalities in international student mobility.

Almeida, J., Krzaklewska, E., Netz, N., & Nika, D. (2022, Dezember).
The impact of Covid-19 on social inequalities in international student mobility. Vortrag im Rahmen der 2022 SRHE International Research Conference "Mobilities in Higher Education", Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE).

Determinants, experiences, and outcomes of international student mobility in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Netz, N., & Van Mol, C. (2022, Dezember).
Determinants, experiences, and outcomes of international student mobility in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Organisation eines Symposiums auf der 2022 SRHE International Research Conference "Mobilities in Higher Education", Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE).

Do school reforms shape study effort at university? Evidence from an instructional time reform.

Schwerter, J., Netz, N., & Hübner, N. (2022, Dezember).
Do school reforms shape study effort at university? Evidence from an instructional time reform. Vortrag im Rahmen der 7th International NEPS Conference, Universität Bamberg.

Early-life environments can have long-lasting effects on how individual life courses develop. Interestingly, research on the effects of school reforms has hardly adopted this perspective. Therefore, we investigate a staggered school reform that reduced the number of school years and increased weekly instructional time for secondary school students in most German federal states. We analyze this quasi-experiment in a difference-in-differences framework using representative large-scale survey data on 70,496 students who attended university between 1998 and 2016. We find negative effects of reform exposure on hours spent attending classes and on self-study.

Predicting Patterns of Dealing with Occupational Stress.

Menge, C. (2022, Dezember).
Predicting Patterns of Dealing with Occupational Stress. Vortrag im Rahmen der 7th International NEPS Conference, Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi), Bamberg, Germany.

Zur Rolle des Wissenschaftsmanagements für erfolgreiche Forschungskooperationen.

Janßen, M. (2022, Dezember).
Zur Rolle des Wissenschaftsmanagements für erfolgreiche Forschungskooperationen. Impulsvortrag im Rahmen der Sitzung des DZHW-Nutzerbeirats.

Exploiting views for collaborative research data management of structured data.

Broneske, D., Wolff, I., Köppen, V., & Schäler, M. (2022, November/Dezember).
Exploiting views for collaborative research data management of structured data. Vortrag auf der Konferenz The 24th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2022). From born-physical to born-virtual: Augmenting intelligence in digital libraries, Hanoi, Vietnam.

The social dimension of Lithuanian higher education in European comparison.

Schirmer, H. (2022, November).
The social dimension of Lithuanian higher education in European comparison. Keynote auf der Konferenz Socialinė dimensija Lietuvos auk¨tajame moksl [The Social Dimension in Lithuanian Higher Education], Vilniaus universiteto Studentų atstovybė (Vilnius University Students’ Representation; VU SA) & ¦vietimo, mokslo ir sporto ministerija (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport; SMSM), Vilnius, Litauen.

Universitäten im multiplen Wettbewerb. Das Beispiel der Tenure-Track-Professur.

Kleimann, B., & Luksche, C. (2022, November).
Universitäten im multiplen Wettbewerb. Das Beispiel der Tenure-Track-Professur. Vortrag auf der Tagung Gemeinsame Herbsttagung der DGS-Sektionen Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung und Organisationssoziologie, Berlin.

The theory of public transfers with reference to higher education.

Gwosć, C. (2022, November).
The theory of public transfers with reference to higher education. Vortrag im Rahmen des Masterstudiengangs Economics & Finance, Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve, Deutschland.

The theory of public transfers with reference to higher education.

Gwosć, C. (2022, November).
The theory of public transfers with reference to higher education. Vortrag im Rahmen des Bachelorstudiengangs International Relations, Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve, Deutschland.

Promoting inter-sectoral mobility for PhD-holders: opportunities and barriers.

Briedis, K. (2022, November).
Promoting inter-sectoral mobility for PhD-holders: opportunities and barriers. Impulsvortrag auf dem Workshop The research workforce of the future: promoting diverse career options for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, OECD Global Science Forum, Paris/online.

Vielfalt von Bildungsverläufen: Migrationsspezifische Unterschiede am Übergang von der Schule ins Studium.

Spangenberg, H., & Mentges, H. (2022, November).
Vielfalt von Bildungsverläufen: Migrationsspezifische Unterschiede am Übergang von der Schule ins Studium. Impulsvortrag auf der Tagung Dialogforum "Integration durch Bildung" (4. virtuelles Treffen), BMBF und DLR.

Nacaps Hochschul-Workshop.

Adrian, D., Teichmann, C., & Briedis, K. (2022, November).
Workshop Nacaps Hochschul-WorkshopZweitägiger Workshop mit Vertreter*innen der mit Nacaps kooperierenden Hochschulen aus ganz Deutschland. Themen waren organisatorische Fragen rund um vergangene und anstehende Befragungen, zentrale Ergebnisse, Diskussionen rund um #IchBinHanna und das Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzt sowie die Benutzung und Weiterentwicklung des Nacaps-Datenportals, DZHW / Nacaps, Hannover.


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912