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Science Diplomacy - Quo Vadis? Konsequenzen geopolitischer Konflikte für (multilaterale) Wissenschaftsmobilität.

Blümel, C., & Vögtle, E. M. (2022, September).
Workshop Science Diplomacy - Quo Vadis? Konsequenzen geopolitischer Konflikte für (multilaterale) Wissenschaftsmobilität auf dem Workshop Science Diplomacy - Quo Vadis? Konsequenzen geopolitischer Konflikte für (multilaterale) Wissenschaftsmobilität, DZHW, Berlin, Deutschland.

The war in Ukraine has not only ushered in a "turning point" in military terms. This conflict also has far-reaching consequences for academic mobility and transnational academic cooperation - both for strategies and concepts in international research and academic policy and for research on academic exchange and multilateral cooperation between universities. In a joint workshop with representatives of science exchange organisations, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Foreign Office, parliamentarians and scientists, we discuss these consequences for science and politics.

Die Bedeutung der Studieneingangsphase für den Studienerfolg.

Heublein, U. (2022, September).
Die Bedeutung der Studieneingangsphase für den Studienerfolg. Keynote auf der Tagung FORUM Studieneinstieg MINT , TU Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.

“After all, there is no alternative” – Transferring processes of academic (self-)administration from analogue to digital.

Gerchen, A. (2022, September).
“After all, there is no alternative” – Transferring processes of academic (self-)administration from analogue to digital. Vortrag im 44th Annual EAIR Forum 2022 "Accelerating the Future of Higher Education" der European Higher Education Society, Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST), Paola, Malta.

In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic universities were forced to adapt: But while most attention is directed towards distant teaching and learning, universities were also challenged to provide solutions for processes of academic (self-)administration that were imperatively carried out in physical co-presence. How and to which extent the transfer of processes of academic (self-)administration from analogue to digital took place is examined exemplified by appointment procedures for professorships at German universities.

Automating Authorship? Reflecting on the Paradoxical Effects of Digital Tools in Academic Publishing.

Hesselmann, F. (2022, September).
Automating Authorship? Reflecting on the Paradoxical Effects of Digital Tools in Academic Publishing. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Scientific Authorship and Peer Review. Between a Means of Governance and Structural Meaning?, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung, Berlin.

Individual and External Factors Influencing the Well-Being of Prospective Teachers.

Menge, C., Gäckle, S., & Ortenburger, A. (2022, September).
Individual and External Factors Influencing the Well-Being of Prospective Teachers. Vortrag im Rahmen der European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenien.

Scientific Authorship and Peer Review: Between a Means of Governance and Structural Meaning.

Schendzielorz, C. (2022, September).
Scientific Authorship and Peer Review: Between a Means of Governance and Structural Meaning, DZHW Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Robert K. Merton Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung, Berlin, Deutschland.

Zwischenergebnisse zur Praxis und Nutzbarkeit von Funding Acknowledgements für die Zuordnung von Publikationen zu DFG-Projekten.

Scheidt, B., Möller, T., Ottaviani, M., Meyer, A., & Mittermaier, B. (2022, August).
Zwischenergebnisse zur Praxis und Nutzbarkeit von Funding Acknowledgements für die Zuordnung von Publikationen zu DFG-Projekten. Vortrag im Rahmen des des Zwischen-Workshops, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

" What's in a number? " - Die Bedeutung bibliometrischer Indikatoren als Bewertungsgrundlage von OA-Publikationsangeboten.

Cruz Romero, R. (2022, August).
"What's in a number?" - Die Bedeutung bibliometrischer Indikatoren als Bewertungsgrundlage von OA-Publikationsangeboten. Vortrag im Rahmen der Open Access Talks,

Was zählt wirklich für ein Auslandsstudium: Individuelle Merkmale oder Opportunitätsstrukturen? Eine Mehrebenenanalyse zu den Effekten nationaler Internationalisierungsprogramme auf die Auslandsmobilität japanischer Studierender.

Entrich, S., Netz, N., & Matsuoka, R. (2022, August).
Was zählt wirklich für ein Auslandsstudium: Individuelle Merkmale oder Opportunitätsstrukturen? Eine Mehrebenenanalyse zu den Effekten nationaler Internationalisierungsprogramme auf die Auslandsmobilität japanischer Studierender. Vortrag im Rahmen des 18. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentags, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf.

Long-term Effects of the Learning Environment " Induction Phase " on Beginning Teachers`' Wellbeing. A Longitudinal Analysis.

Gäckle, S., & Menge, C. (2022, August).
Long-term Effects of the Learning Environment "Induction Phase" on Beginning Teachers`' Wellbeing. A Longitudinal Analysis. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 11th EARLI SIG14 Conference (EARLI Special Interest Group 14 "Learning and Professional Development"), Paderborn.

Governance von Hochschulen, Definition, Modelle und aktuelle Entwicklungen.

Vögtle, E. (2022, August).
Governance von Hochschulen, Definition, Modelle und aktuelle Entwicklungen. Impulsvortrag im Rahmen des fzs Summercamp zum Thema Demokratie an der Hochschule, Freier Zusammenschluss von Student*innenschaften (fzs) e.V, Garrel-Petersfeld, Deutschland.

The governance of higher education and science, understood as coordination and decision-making mechanisms, faces the challenge of increasingly taking social values into account. Societal values such as justice, equality or sustainability are brought to universities and research institutions by a wide range of stakeholders. This leads to value orientations external to science finding their way into evaluation processes and even into the design of scientific agendas via the way governance processes are conducted. Current approaches see universities as prototypes of evolutionary organisations consisting of self-managing teams that are responsive to societal values.

Besonders belastet und kurz vor dem Abbruch? Nicht-traditionelle Studierende zu Beginn der COVID19-Pandemie.

Becker, K., & Brändle, T. (2022, Juli).
Besonders belastet und kurz vor dem Abbruch? Nicht-traditionelle Studierende zu Beginn der COVID19-Pandemie. Vortrag im Rahmen des DZHW-Forschungsclusters "Verhältnis von beruflicher und hochschulischer Bildung", Hannover (online).

UCRP‐miner: Mining patterns that matter.

Darrab, S., Broneske, D., & Saake, G. (2022, Juli).
UCRP‐miner: Mining patterns that matter. Vortrag auf der Konferenz International Conference on Data Science and Information Technology (DSIT), Shanghai, China.

“To be continued”: Does gender matter for changing the field of study?

Fiedler, I. (2022, Juli).
“To be continued”: Does gender matter for changing the field of study? Vortrag auf der Konferenz 6th Network Gender & STEM Conference 2022, München.

Standardization in Science. With Reporting Gidelines towards Transparency and Open Science in Biomedicine.

Schniedermann, A. (2022, Juli).
Standardization in Science. With Reporting Gidelines towards Transparency and Open Science in Biomedicine. Vortrag im Rahmen der Interdisciplinary International Graduate Summer School “Open science”: ambivalences and tensions ‐ New borderlands between science, technology and society., University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, San Sebastian, Spain.


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912