Life satisfaction trajectories at the transition to higher education. Warkotsch, R., & Netz, N. (2024, September). Life satisfaction trajectories at the transition to higher education. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 31st Workshop Transitions in Youth 2024, Warschau, Polen.
Building a global picture of higher education services: A new framework for measuring between-provider differentiation. Williams, J. (2024, September). Building a global picture of higher education services: A new framework for measuring between-provider differentiation. Vortrag auf der Konferenz CHER 36th Annual Conference - Higher Education and Science Future(s): Trends, Imaginaries, and Alternatives, Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) and the University of Luxembourg, Belval, Luxembourg.
european summer school for scientometrics (esss2024). Glänzel, W., Debackere, K., Hinze, S., Gauch, S., Stahlschmidt, S., ... & Gorraiz, J. (2024). european summer school for scientometrics (esss2024)., Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Vom Aggregatdaten– zum Basisdatenstandard – Strukturelle Weiterentwicklung des KDSF. Petersohn, S. (2024, September). Vom Aggregatdaten– zum Basisdatenstandard – Strukturelle Weiterentwicklung des KDSF. Vortrag auf der Tagung 7. Fachgremientagung CRIS.NRW, CRIS.NRW, Herdecke, Deutschland.
Accuracy and Beyond: Data Quality of Bibliometric Databases. Stahlschmidt, S. (2024, September). Accuracy and Beyond: Data Quality of Bibliometric Databases. Vortrag auf der Summer School european summer school for scientometrics (esss2024), Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Journals and their characteristics. Stephen, D. (2024, September). Journals and their characteristics. Vortrag auf der Summer School european summer school for scientometrics (esss2024), Vienna, Austria.
BMBF-Datenportal 3.0 - Präsentation des Konzepts zur Weiterentwicklung (2024-2027). Grützmacher, J. (2024, August). BMBF-Datenportal 3.0 - Präsentation des Konzepts zur Weiterentwicklung (2024-2027). Vortrag im Rahmen des BMBF Arbeitstreffen, BMBF - Referat 123, Berlin, Deutschland.
The effect of spatial mobility on subjective well-being: A longitudinal couple-level analysis. Hofmann, E., Stawarz, N., Rüger, H., & Netz, N. (2024, August). The effect of spatial mobility on subjective well-being: A longitudinal couple-level analysis. Vortrag im Rahmen der 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Porto.
Social inequalities in the effects of spatial mobility on life satisfaction. Kratz, F., Stawarz, N., & Netz, N. (2024, August). Social inequalities in the effects of spatial mobility on life satisfaction. Vortrag im Rahmen der 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Porto.
Mapping the Green Mindset: European Graduates' Climate Attitudes and the Role of Higher Education. Köppen, L. (2024, August). Mapping the Green Mindset: European Graduates' Climate Attitudes and the Role of Higher Education. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Porto, Portugal.
Who Benefits from Job Security? Job Satisfaction and Performance in Academia. Ambrasat, J., & Fabian, G. (2024, August). Who Benefits from Job Security? Job Satisfaction and Performance in Academia. Vortrag auf der Konferenz "Tension, trust and transformation"- 16th European Sociological Association Conference, European Sociological Association, Porto, Portugal.
Between Academic Requirements and Societal Impact: Inquiring Disciplinary Differences in Scientists’ Navigation of Knowledge Transfer. Just, A., & Janßen, M. (2024, August). Between Academic Requirements and Societal Impact: Inquiring Disciplinary Differences in Scientists’ Navigation of Knowledge Transfer. Vortrag auf der Konferenz "Tension, trust and transformation"- 16th European Sociological Association Conference, European Sociological Association, Porto, Portugal.
Doctoral students' life satisfaction trajectories throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Inequalities by parenthood and gender. Rußmann, M., Schwabe, U., & Netz, N. (2024, August). Doctoral students' life satisfaction trajectories throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Inequalities by parenthood and gender. Vortrag im Research Seminar der Abteilung "Bildungsverläufe und Beschäftigung", DZHW, Hannover.
From Evidence to Impact? Practices of Evidence Use for Quality Management at German Higher Education Institutions. Wegner, A., Krempkow, R., & Thiedig, C. (2024, August). From Evidence to Impact? Practices of Evidence Use for Quality Management at German Higher Education Institutions. Vortrag auf der Tagung Annual EAIR Forum 2024, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
The Hybrid Role of Presidents in German Universities. Kleimann, B. (2024, August). The Hybrid Role of Presidents in German Universities. Vortrag im Rahmen der General Conference des European Consortium for Political Research, University College Dublin, Dublin, Irland.