Frauke Peter

Dr. Frauke Peter

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
Deputy Head of Department
  • +49 511 450670-126
  • +49 511 450670-960
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Dr. Frauke Peter joined the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in November 2019. She is deputy head of the Research Area "Educational Careers and Graduate Employment". Previously she worked as junior researcher (Ph.D. candidate) at the German Socio-Economic Panel Study at DIW Berlin (2008-2013) and as senior researcher (Post Doc) at the Department Education and Family at DIW Berlin (2013-2019). She holds a master's degree in Economics from Royal Holloway University of London and a Ph.D. in Economics from Freie Universität Berlin.

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List of projects

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DZHW-Research Group „Tenure Track“

List of publications

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Early Childhood Outcomes and Family Structure.

Ermisch, J., Peter, F., & Spiess, C. K. (2012).
Early Childhood Outcomes and Family Structure. In J. Ermisch, M. Jäntti, T. Smeeding, & J. Wilson(Hrsg.), From Parents to Children: The Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage (S. 120-139). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Wahl der Kinderbetreuung hängt in Westdeutschland auch mit der Persönlichkeit der Mütter zusammen.

Bjerre, L., Peter, F., & Spiess, C. K. (2011).
Wahl der Kinderbetreuung hängt in Westdeutschland auch mit der Persönlichkeit der Mütter zusammen. DIW Wochenbericht, 41: 20-26.

Materielles Wohlbefinden.

Muschalik, E., Peter, F., & Spiess, C. K. (2011).
Materielles Wohlbefinden. In H. Bertram & C. K. Spiess (Hrsg.), Fragt die Eltern (S. 177-188). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.

Wohlbefinden im Bereich Erwerbstätigkeit.

Muschalik, E., Peter, F., & Spiess, C. K. (2011).
Wohlbefinden im Bereich Erwerbstätigkeit. In H. Bertram & C. K. Spiess (Hrsg.), Fragt die Eltern (S. 189-206). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.

Familienpolitisches Wohlbefinden.

Muschalik, E., Peter, F., & Spiess, C. K. (2011).
Familienpolitisches Wohlbefinden. In H. Bertram & C. K. Spiess (Hrsg.), Fragt die Eltern (S. 151-176). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.

Wie hängen familiäre Veränderungen und das mütterliche Wohlbefinden mit der frühkindlichen Entwicklung zusammen?

Berger, E., Peter, F., & Spiess, C. K. (2010).
Wie hängen familiäre Veränderungen und das mütterliche Wohlbefinden mit der frühkindlichen Entwicklung zusammen? Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung/Quarterly Journal of Economic Research 79 (3), 27-44.

Towards a Framework for Assessing Family Policies in the EU.

Lohmann, H., Peter, F., Rostgaard, T., & Spiess, C. K. (2009).
Towards a Framework for Assessing Family Policies in the EU. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers 88, Paris.

List of presentations & conferences

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Not Wanting or Not Knowing? A Behavioral Intervention to Promote Applications for Universal Child Care Among Disadvantaged Families.

Peter, F., Hermes, H., Lergetporer, P. & Wiederhold, S. (2020, Juni).
Not Wanting or Not Knowing? A Behavioral Intervention to Promote Applications for Universal Child Care Among Disadvantaged Families. Vortrag auf der Virtual EALE-SOLE-AASLE Conference.
Curriculum Vitae
Professional Experience
since 11/2019

Senior researcher (Post Doc) at German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Research Area "Educational Careers and Graduate Employment"

04/2013 - 10/2019

Senior Researcher (Post Doc) at DIW Berlin, Department Education and Family

10/2008 - 03/2013

Junior Researcher (Ph.D. candidate) at DIW Berlin, Department German Socio-Economic Panel Study, from January 2012 Department of Education and Family


Internship at Urban Institute, Washington D.C., Center of Labor, Human Services, and Population, with Prof. Robert I. Lehrman


Internship, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs in Berlin, Department of International Affairs and family-related benefits

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Education and academic degrees
09/2007 - 01/2013

Ph.D. in Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, summa cum laude, received January 2013; Supervisors: Professor C. Katharina Spiess and Professor Ronnie Schöb

09/2005 - 11/2006

M.Sc. Economics, Royal Holloway University of London, pass with distinction, received November 2006

01/2003 - 08/2005

B.A. International Economics, American University of Paris, summa cum laude, received August 2005