Towards comprehensive digitalization – An investigation of virtual internationalization in German higher education. Ferreira Santos, L., & Berg, J. (2024, September). Towards comprehensive digitalization – An investigation of virtual internationalization in German higher education. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 19. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf) „Die Zukunft der Hochschule: global, nachhaltig und inklusiv“, Fernuniversität Hagen, Hagen.
Our presentation combines the findings of a thematic analysis of expert interviews with heads of international offices with the result of a document analysis of internationalization and digitalization strategies of German higher education institutions. We address two main questions: First, what are the main objectives of virtualizing higher education internationalization? And second, how can those objectives be linked to multiple factors that shape actions, strategies and outcomes of higher education governance? We focus mainly on competition and values-based governance. Both aspects are connected to expectations and practical challenges for the management of the internationalization of higher education.
Coping with Challenges in North-South Partnerships: A Selected Case Study of a German-Brazilian Joint Degree Program. Ferreira Santos, L. (2024, September). Coping with Challenges in North-South Partnerships: A Selected Case Study of a German-Brazilian Joint Degree Program. Poster auf der Konferenz 36th CHER Conference “Higher Education and Science Future(s): Trends, Imaginaries, and Alternatives”, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
In this poster presentation, I shared my ongoing dissertation project investigating a Joint Degree Program (JDP) between a German and a Brazilian higher education institution. Drawing on Decolonial theorists and Schimank’s Actor Constellation Theory, the research questions examine the perspectives of management on the role of North-South international higher education partnerships in shaping strategic goals, the perceived challenges, institutional responses, as well as the environmental and organizational conditions that influence the operation of the selected case.
Coping with challenges in North-South international higher education partnerships: A selected case study of a German-Brazilian joint degree program. Ferreira Santos, L. (2024, Juli). Coping with challenges in North-South international higher education partnerships: A selected case study of a German-Brazilian joint degree program. Poster im Rahmen des EERA Summer School on Educational Research in Europe: decolonise, democratise and develop. Legacies and futurities, Universuty of Porto, Portugal.
The poster presentation was aimed at sharing new insights gained into my dissertation projects following a week of exchanges and reflections around the topics of decoloniality and democratization of research practice.
Multiple Competitions and Social Values as Facilitators of Virtual Internationalization – Evidence from German Higher Education. Berg, J., & Ferreira Santos, L. (2024, Mai). Multiple Competitions and Social Values as Facilitators of Virtual Internationalization – Evidence from German Higher Education. Vortrag auf der Konferenz European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice, Business & Technology University, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Our presentation combines the findings of a content analysis of expert interviews with heads of international offices with the result of a document analysis of internationalization and digitalization strategies of German higher education institutions. We address two main questions: First, what are the main objectives of virtualizing higher education internationalization? And second, how can those objectives be linked to multiple factors that shape actions, strategies and outcomes of higher education governance? We focus mainly on competition and values-based governance. Both aspects are connected to expectations and practical challenges for the management of internationalization of higher education.
Virtual Participation. Berg, J., & Ferreira Santos, L. (2024, Mai). Moderation der Podiumsdiskussion Virtual Participation auf der Konferenz European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice, Business & Technology University, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Why digitalize? An Investigation of Virtual Internationalization Governance in German Higher Education, based on peer-reviewed paper submission (Berg, J. & Ferreira Santos, L.). Berg, J., & Ferreira Santos, L. (2024, März). Why digitalize? An Investigation of Virtual Internationalization Governance in German Higher Education, based on peer-reviewed paper submission (Berg, J. & Ferreira Santos, L.). Vortrag auf der Konferenz Future of Higher Education - Bologna Process Researchers' Conference (FOHE-BPRC5) - Session 4: Digitalization and the future of European Higher Education: Implications for public policies, The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), in partnership with the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) and University of Bucharest (UB), Bucharest , Romania.
Based on a multimodal understanding of governance in German higher education, we aim to investigate the multiple objectives and factors that shape the digitalization of higher education internationalization. We find that while values-based and competition-related approaches often motivate higher education institutions to embrace digitalization; the implementation is rather shaped by hierarchy and collegial governance factors. We suggest understanding digitalization as a comprehensive approach intertwined with all levels and modes of governance in higher education.
Covid-driven digitalization and comprehensive internationalization strategies in higher education: A scoping review. Ferreira Santos, L. (2023, Oktober). Covid-driven digitalization and comprehensive internationalization strategies in higher education: A scoping review. Poster auf der Konferenz "The Future of Higher Education and Science - A Turn of the Times?", German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science (DZHW) and Leibniz Center for Science and Society (LCSS), Hannover, Deutschland.
The poster presentation at the DZHW/LCSS Conference 2023 aimed at sharing the findings of a scoping review conducted in the context of the project Internationalization in the Digital Transformation – INDISTRA. The study reviews international scientific literature on the intersections between COVID-driven digitalization and the internationalization strategies of higher education institutions. The focus lies on teaching and learning, cooperation, support structures, and leadership processes.
Covid-driven digitalization and comprehensive internationalization strategies in higher education: A scoping review. Ferreira Santos, L. (2023, August/September). Covid-driven digitalization and comprehensive internationalization strategies in higher education: A scoping review. Poster auf der Konferenz CHER 35th Annual Conference - Higher Education Institutions as Change Agents in Society: Perspectives on Adaptation and Impact, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Institute of Higher Education Management, Wien, Österreich.
The poster presentation at the CHER Conference 2023 aimed at sharing the findings of a scoping review conducted in the context of the project Internationalization in the Digital Transformation – INDISTRA. The study reviews international scientific literature on the intersections between COVID-driven digitization and the internationalization strategies of higher education institutions. The focus lies on teaching and learning, cooperation, support structures, and leadership processes.
Internationalization in the Digital Transformation: A scoping review. Ferreira Santos, L., & Vögtle, E. M. (2023, Februar). Internationalization in the Digital Transformation: A scoping review. Vortrag in der DAAD Wissenschaftswerkstatt, DAAD, Bonn.
Das Scoping Reviews, das im Rahmen des Projekts Internationalization in the Digital Transformation - INDISTRA durchgeführt wurde, analysiert 45 wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel, die zwischen Juni 2017 und Juni 2022 in englischer Sprache veröffentlicht wurden. Die Studie stützt sich auf die internationale wissenschaftliche Literatur, um die verfügbare Evidenz zu den Überschneidungen zwischen der covid-getriebenen Digitalisierung und ihrer systematischen Integration in die Internationalisierungsstrategien von Hochschulen zu erfassen. Der Fokus des Scoping Reviews liegt auf Lehre und Lernen, Kooperation, Verwaltung und Entscheidungsprozessen.
International Academic Partnerships (IAP) and the impact of digitalization in the establishment of joint programs between German and Brazilian institutions of higher education. Ferreira Santos, L. (2022, September). International Academic Partnerships (IAP) and the impact of digitalization in the establishment of joint programs between German and Brazilian institutions of higher education. Vortrag auf dem Seminar 7th HERSS Summer School "Transformation of Higher Education", zhb Center for Higher Education, TU Dortmund, Dortmund.
In the field of internationalization of higher education, the establishment of joint programs is described as 'particularly problematic', due to the strong coordination efforts required. Yet, in a context of growing internationalization and digitalization, the online delivery of such programs is 'not only possible but desirable' (Joughin et al., 2022, p.829). At the HERSS Summer School, I discussed the prospects of investigating the setting up and implementation of digitally assisted-joint programs between German and Brazilian universities as the thematic focus of my Ph.D. research.
The INDISTRA project in the light of the new geopolitics of higher education. Ferreira Santos, L. (2022, Juni). The INDISTRA project in the light of the new geopolitics of higher education. Vortrag im Rahmen des Workshops by Katja Brøgger, Associate Professor, Danish School of Education, auf dem Seminar The New Geopolitics of Higher Education, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Das Aufleben von Antiglobalisierungsbewegungen hat enorme Auswirkungen sowohl auf Gesellschaften als auch auf Hochschulen (Brøgger, 2021; Brooks, 2022; Habib, 2022; van der Vende, 2021). Da die Zukunft der Internalisierung der Hochschulbildung stark von der Art und Weise abhängt, wie sich grenzüberschreitender Austausch entwickeln wird (Lee, 2021), zielte die Teilnahme am Kurs The New Geopolitics of Higher Education darauf ab, die Forschungsfragen, die das INDISTRA-Projekt leiten, im Lichte der aktuellen geopolitischen Debatten zu reflektieren; insbesondere wie das Aufkommen von Neonationalismen neue Diskurse und Praktiken in der Hochschulbildung prägt.