Standardization in Science. Effects and issues of Guidelines for Biomedical Reporting. Schniedermann, A. (2022, März). Standardization in Science. Effects and issues of Guidelines for Biomedical Reporting. Vortrag auf dem Kolloquium der Forschungsgruppe Science and Evaluation Studies (SES), Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS).
The “scientification” of media reporting as an antidote to anti-science sentiments? A citation context analysis of references to scientific publications in the German Press before and during the pandemic. Simons, A., & Schniedermann, A. (2022, März). The “scientification” of media reporting as an antidote to anti-science sentiments? A citation context analysis of references to scientific publications in the German Press before and during the pandemic. Vortrag auf der Tagung Politik, Wissenschaft und Technik im Spiegel von Krisen, DVPW Arbeitskreis Politik Wissenschaft und Technik.
Reporting Guidelines and their Mission to increase Trust in Biomedicine. Schniedermann, A. (2021, Oktober). Reporting Guidelines and their Mission to increase Trust in Biomedicine. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Trust in Science, Research group “Trust in information”, HLRS, Stuttgart (Germany).
The Resolution of Epistemic Crises in Biomedicine: The Stage of Transparency. Schniedermann, A., & Blümel, C. (2021, Oktober). The Resolution of Epistemic Crises in Biomedicine: The Stage of Transparency. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4S Annual Meeting 2021, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S).
Function, Reception and Performativity of Review Literature in Science, in the Context of the Bibliometrics-driven Incentive Structure.
Schniedermann, A. (2020, Juli).
Function, Reception and Performativity of Review Literature in Science, in the Context of the Bibliometrics-driven Incentive Structure. Vortrag auf dem I²SoS-Colloquium Summer Semester 2020, Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science (I²SoS), Bielefeld University, 14.07.2020, Bielefeld
On top of the hierarchy: evidence practices and practicing evidence of systematic reviews in biomedicine.
Schniedermann, A., & Blümel, C. (2020, Februar).
On top of the hierarchy: evidence practices and practicing evidence of systematic reviews in biomedicine. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Practicing Evidence-Evidence Practices, DFG Forschungsgruppe, 19.2.-21.2.2020, München.
Instrument Constituencies as Nexus Actors - Their Role in Mediating Between Science and Policy Fields.
Simons. A., & Schniedermann, A. (2020, Januar).
Instrument Constituencies as Nexus Actors - Their Role in Mediating Between Science and Policy Fields. Vortrag auf der AG Politische Soziologie, Prof. Dr. Holger Straßheim, 15.01.2020, Bielefeld.
Studying review articles in scientometrics: methods, topics, and future prospects.
Blümel, C., & Schniedermann, A. (2019, September).
Studying review articles in scientometrics: methods, topics, and future prospects. Workshop given at the 17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, 2nd-5th September 2019, Rome, Italy.