Consistency and disagreement in journal peer review and the norm of disinterestedness.
Hartstein, J. (2020, September/Oktober).
Consistency and disagreement in journal peer review and the norm of disinterestedness. Vortrag auf der PEERE International Conference on Peer Review, 29.9.-1.10.2020, Valencia, Spain.
Changing the shoulders I am standing on: Describing the changes that occurred in publications’ reference lists after peer review.
Stephen, D. in collaboration with Akbaritabar, A., Hartstein, J., & Heger, C. (2020, September/Oktober).
Changing the shoulders I am standing on: Describing the changes that occurred in publications’ reference lists after peer review. Talk at the PEERE International Conference on Peer Review. 29.09.2020-01.10.2020, Valencia, Spain.
Admitting uncertainty: a weighted socio-epistemic network approach to cognitive distance between authors.
Harstein, J. (2019, September).
Admitting uncertainty: a weighted socio-epistemic network approach to cognitive distance between authors. Vortrag auf der EUSN 2019: 4th European Conference on Social Networks, 9.-12.9.2019, Zürich (Schweiz).
Admitting uncertainty: a weighted socio-epistemic network approach to cognitive distance between authors.
Hartstein, J. (2019, September).
Admitting uncertainty: a weighted socio-epistemic network approach to cognitive distance between authors. Vortrag auf der ISSI 2019: 17th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics, 2.-5.9.2019, Rom (Italien).
Besser Steuern durch mehr Daten?
Hartstein, J., Krüger, A., & Heßelmann, F. (2019, Juni).
Besser Steuern durch mehr Daten? Vortrag auf der #HUkon19: Internet, KI und deren Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft, 22.-23.06.2019, Freiburg.
Measuring Performance or Performing Measurement – Digital Infrastructures in Academic Evaluation.
Krüger, A., Hartstein, J., & Heßelmann, F. (2018, Dezember).
Measuring Performance or Performing Measurement – Digital Infrastructures in Academic Evaluation. Vortrag auf der Annual Conference der Society for Research on Higher Education, 5.-7. Dezember 2018, Newport, Großbritannien.
Besser Steuern durch mehr Daten - Zur Performativität soziotechnischer Systeme und der Quantifizierung der sozialen Wirklichkeit.
Krüger, A., Hartstein, J., & Heßelmann, F. (2018, September).
Besser Steuern durch mehr Daten - Zur Performativität soziotechnischer Systeme und der Quantifizierung der sozialen Wirklichkeit. Vortrag auf der FifFKon, 28.-30.09.2018, Berlin.
Recognition by numbers: who shapes algorithmic science evaluation?
Hartstein, J. (2018, Juli).
Recognition by numbers: who shapes algorithmic science evaluation? Vortrag auf dem Meeting der European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Lancaster University, 25.-28.07.2018, Lancaster, Großbritannien.
Using the concept of 'distance' to identify and explore 'regimes of knowledge production'.
Hartstein, J. (2018, Juni).
Using the concept of 'distance' to identify and explore 'regimes of knowledge production'. Vortrag auf der Veranstaltung 'Regimes of knowledge production', 07.-08.06.2018, Technische Universität Berlin.
Algorithmic science evaluation and power structure: the discourse on strategic citation and ‚citation cartels‘.
Hartstein, J., Isigkeit, T., & Sörgel, F. (2017, Dezember).
Algorithmic science evaluation and power structure: the discourse on strategic citation and ‚citation cartels‘. Vortrag auf dem 34. Chaos Communication Congress (34C3), 27.-30. Dezember 2017, Messe Leipzig.
Modelling 'cognitive distance' in the context of research on evaluation practices.
Hartstein, J. (2017, September).
Modelling 'cognitive distance' in the context of research on evaluation practices. Vortrag auf der 3rd European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN), 26.-29. September 2017, Johannes-Guttenberg-Universität, Mainz.