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WGTDISTRIM: Stata module to trim extreme sampling weights (version 1.0.0) [Stata-ado].

Lang, S., & Klein, D. (2023).
WGTDISTRIM: Stata module to trim extreme sampling weights (version 1.0.0) [Stata-ado]. Hannover: Github.

wgtdistrim trims extreme sampling weights using the weight distribution approach suggested by Potter (1990). The reciprocal of the sampling weights are assumed to follow a (scaled) beta distribution. The parameters of the beta distribution are estimated from the sampling weights and the trimming levels (cut-offs) are computed for the specified percentiles. Sampling weights that are more extreme than the specified percentiles are trimmed to these percentiles and the excess is distributed equally among the untrimmed sampling weights so that the sum of the trimmed sampling weights equals the sum of the untrimmed sampling weights. This process is repeated a specified number of times (or until the trimmed sampling weights do no longer change).

Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023 Data on the Internationality of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide.

DAAD, & DZHW (Hrsg.). (2023).
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023 Data on the Internationality of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide. 2023. Bielefeld: wbv Media.

ETER indicators integrated with EUROSTUDENT data.

Schirmer, H. (23. Oktober 2023).
ETER indicators integrated with EUROSTUDENT data [Blogbeitrag]. Abgerufen von

Study-related international mobility of domestic students at German universities.

Völk, D., Kroher, M., Koopmann, J., & Becker, K. (2023).
Study-related international mobility of domestic students at German universities. In DAAD & DZHW (Hrsg.), Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023. Facts and Figures on the International Nature of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide (S. 82-87). Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Responsibilities and gatekeeping in using language certificates for HE admission.

Berg, J., Grüttner, M., & Schröder, S. (18. Oktober 2023).
Responsibilities and gatekeeping in using language certificates for HE admission [Blogbeitrag]. Abgerufen von

Zu alt für die Wissenschaft? Wissenschaftliche Karrierewege von älteren Promovierten in die Entfristung.

Naegele, L., & Ordemann, J. (2023).
Zu alt für die Wissenschaft? Wissenschaftliche Karrierewege von älteren Promovierten in die Entfristung. In Villa , P.-I. (Hrsg.), Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2022 (S. 1-11). Bielefeld: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie.

Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023.

DAAD, & DZHW (Hrsg.). (2023).
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023. Daten und Fakten zur Internationalität von Studium und Forschung weltweit. 2023. Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Studienbezogene Auslandsmobilität von inländischen Studierenden an deutschen Hochschulen.

Völk, D., Kroher, M., Koopmann, J., & Becker, K. (2023).
Studienbezogene Auslandsmobilität von inländischen Studierenden an deutschen Hochschulen. In DAAD & DZHW (Hrsg.), Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023. Daten und Fakten zur Internationalität von Studium und Forschung weltweit (S. 82-87). Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Skalenhandbuch Lehramtsstudierenden-Panel: Dokumentation des Erhebungsprogramms der LAP-Zusatzstudie zur NEPS-Längsschnittuntersuchung der Studienanfängerinnen und Studienanfänger des Wintersemesters 2010/2011 (NEPS-Startkohorte 5).

Ortenburger, A., Gäckle, S., Menge, C., & Franz, S. (2023).
Skalenhandbuch Lehramtsstudierenden-Panel: Dokumentation des Erhebungsprogramms der LAP-Zusatzstudie zur NEPS-Längsschnittuntersuchung der Studienanfängerinnen und Studienanfänger des Wintersemesters 2010/2011 (NEPS-Startkohorte 5). LIfBi Working Paper (111). Bamberg: Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe.

This publication documents all variables and constructs that were used to observe (prospective) teachers from the beginning of teacher training through the preparatory service and into the profession within the framework of the Student Teacher Panel (LAP). The LAP-study is closely linked to the Starting Cohort Students (SC5) of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). Since autumn 2014, the LAP project has not only been able to further incorporate the oversample of teacher trainees in the NEPS student cohort but also to integrate a teacher specific survey program into the SC5 surveys.

Coping with work-related stressors: does education reduce work-related stress?

Schoger, L. (2023).
Coping with work-related stressors: does education reduce work-related stress? Journal of Public Health (online first).

Work is a central area of human life, and work-associated stress can affect health over a long period of time. From a health sociological perspective, it was assumed in this paper that education as a resource is able to support the management of stress(ors) and thus has a positive impact on health. Data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS): Starting Cohort 6 – Adults, was used and a cross-sectional analysis was performed. Linear regression models were estimated to analyse the effect of stressors at the workplace on work-related stress. The results show that more well-educated people show a lower level of stress, net of stressors and additional controls.

Studienbezogene Auslandsmobilität und soziale Ungleichheiten im Kontext der Coronapandemie.

Netz, N., & Völk, D. (2023).
Studienbezogene Auslandsmobilität und soziale Ungleichheiten im Kontext der Coronapandemie. (DZHW Brief 03|2023). Hannover: DZHW.

Forty and over the academic hill? Biological and academic age and the race for tenure.

Ordemann, J., & Naegele, L. (2023).
Forty and over the academic hill? Biological and academic age and the race for tenure. Online first: SocArXiv.

This paper investigates the relationship between age and attaining a tenured position in academia (postdoctoral researcher or professorship at a university of applied sciences or university). Following considerations about ageism towards doctoral graduates who were 40 years and older (40+) upon attaining a PhD and Robert K. Merton’s idea of cumulative advantages in academic careers (Matthew-Effect), we differentiate between biological and academic age. We test the relationships and the resources accumulated behind the latter using data from the DZHW PhD Panel 2014. Applying piecewise constant exponential estimations and an entropy balancing, we find that PhDs aged 40+ experience a significantly positive effect on attaining a professorship.

Tertiary Education, Changing One’s Educational Decision and the Role of Parental Preferences.

Christoph, B., Spangenberg, H., & Quast, H. (2023).
Tertiary Education, Changing One’s Educational Decision and the Role of Parental Preferences. Research in Higher Education (online first).

Unequal access to university and the decision processes that give rise to it are important factors in the accumulation of educational inequalities. In this paper, we investigate a specific aspect of such decision processes by focusing on those students who change their original plans to start a (nontertiary) vocational education and decide to pursue a tertiary degree instead. In doing so, we find that more than one-fifth of the students in our sample who originally planned to pursue a vocational education change their original decision in this way.

The professional value of study and internships abroad.

Samuk, &., Bryła, P., Kasza, G., Grinevica, L., Netz, N., ... & Wiers-Jenssen, J. (2023).
The professional value of study and internships abroad. (ENIS Policy Brief 03/2023). Brussels: ENIS.

Every year, substantial numbers of students become internationally mobile. Although international experiences are often promoted as benefitting graduates’ career development, until recently there had been little sound research examining whether different types of student mobility pay off in the labour market. Against this background, this policy brief summarises available evidence on the labour market outcomes SMS and SMI. It also develops ideas on how policymakers can contribute to enhancing the outcomes of these types of ISM for students, higher education institutions, and employers.

How does obtaining a permanent employment contract affect the job satisfaction of doctoral graduates inside and outside academia?

Goldan, L., Jaksztat, S., & Gross, C. (2023).
How does obtaining a permanent employment contract affect the job satisfaction of doctoral graduates inside and outside academia? Higher Education, 86, 185-208.


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