Presentations and conferences

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From text to voice: Innovating the final comment question in a web survey.

Claaßen, J. (2023, September).
From text to voice: Innovating the final comment question in a web survey. Poster auf der Konferenz General Online Research Conference (GOR 23), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (DGOF), Kassel.

CoreTrustSeal: Erstveranstaltung.

Hoffstätter, U., Beck, K., Buck, D., & Siegers, P. (2023, September).
Workshop CoreTrustSeal: Erstveranstaltung.

Enhancing AutoNLP with fine-tuned BERT model:​ An evaluation of text representation methods for AutoPyTorch.

Safikhani, P. (2023, September).
Enhancing AutoNLP with fine-tuned BERT model:​ An evaluation of text representation methods for AutoPyTorch. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4th International Conference on Machine Learning Techniques and NLP (MLNLP 2023), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Decoding the encoded – Linguistic secrets of language models: A systematic literature review.

Avetisyan, H. (2023, September).
Decoding the encoded – Linguistic secrets of language models: A systematic literature review. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4th International Conference on Machine Learning Techniques and NLP (MLNLP 2023), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen innerhalb und außerhalb der Wissenschaft: Ergebnisse mit DZHW-Absolvent*innendaten.

Schwabe, U., & Euler, T. (2023, September).
Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen innerhalb und außerhalb der Wissenschaft: Ergebnisse mit DZHW-Absolvent*innendaten. Vortrag im Rahmen der 18. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung "Das Zusammenspiel von Hochschulforschung und Hochschulentwicklung: Empirie, Transfer und Wirkungen", Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf), Osnabrück.

Framing and BERTology: ​A data-centric approach to integration of linguistic features into transformer-based pre-trained language models​.

Avetisyan, H., Safikhani, P., & Broneske, D. (2023, September).
Framing and BERTology: ​A data-centric approach to integration of linguistic features into transformer-based pre-trained language models​. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys 2023), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Human-like communication forms in web surveys.

Höhne, J. K., & Conrad, F. (2023, Juli).
Session Human-like communication forms in web surveys im Rahmen der Konferenz ESRA 2023, Mailand, Italien.

Surveying or gaming: How to best measure socio-economic behaviors and attitudes?

Kemper, J., Höhne, J. K., & Goerres, A. (2023, Juli).
Session Surveying or gaming: How to best measure socio-economic behaviors and attitudes im Rahmen der Konferenz ESRA 2023, Mailand, Italien.

A strategy for retrospective evaluation of students SQL learning engagements.

Obionwu, C. V., Kalu, K. O., Blockhaus, P., Broneske, D., & Saake, G. (2023, Juli).
A strategy for retrospective evaluation of students SQL learning engagements. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2023), Teneriffa, Spanien.

Optical image recognition strategy for keyword extraction and page ranking for slide recommendation system.

Obionwu, C. V., Abbas, S. M. L., Padmanabhan, V., Tiwari, T., Broneske, D., & Saake, G. (2023, Juli).
Optical image recognition strategy for keyword extraction and page ranking for slide recommendation system. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2023), Teneriffa, Spanien.

Human-like communication forms in web surveys.

Höhne, J. K., & Conrad, F. G. (2023, Juli).
Human-like communication forms in web surveys. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Survey research in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions, European Survey Research Association (ESRA), University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.

Dynamic surveys for dynamic life courses.

Lang, S., & Schulze, A. (2023, Juli).
Dynamic surveys for dynamic life courses. Vortrag auf der Konferenz ESRA 2023, European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Mailand, Italien.

Life courses are complex, dynamic, and usually have a lot of changes, interrelations and path dependencies. This is especially the case in the context of transitions, e.g., from secondary to tertiary education or from tertiary education to the labour market. At the same time, the collection of is usually done retrospectively, highly demanding and therefore prone to error, very costly, as most surveys collecting these data are interviewer-administered, and often uses life history calendars. Facing all these challenges we aimed to create a survey instrument using a life history calendar that can be used in self-administered web surveys, can capture the same degree of complexity as interviewer administered surveys, reduces complexity (...)

Creating innovative survey instruments and designing web questionnaires in a traditional project environment: Agile development is not just “Waterfall in Sprints”.

Schulze, A., & Friedrich, C. (2023, Juli).
Creating innovative survey instruments and designing web questionnaires in a traditional project environment: Agile development is not just “Waterfall in Sprints”. Vortrag auf der Konferenz ESRA 2023, European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Mailand, Italien.

Linked Open Research Data for Social Science – a concept registry for granular data documentation.

Nebelin, J., Antonia, A., Siegers, P., Daniel, A., Goebel, J., ... & Wenzig, K. (2023, Juli).
Linked Open Research Data for Social Science – a concept registry for granular data documentation. Vortrag auf der Konferenz ESRA 2023, European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Mailand, Italien.

Innovating web probing: Comparing written and oral answers to open-ended probing questions in a smartphone survey.

Höhne, J. K., Lenzner, T., & Gavras, K. (2023, Juli).
Innovating web probing: Comparing written and oral answers to open-ended probing questions in a smartphone survey. Vortrag auf der Konferenz ESRA 2023, European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Mailand, Italien.


David Broneske
Dr. David Broneske Acting Head +49 511 450670-454
Karsten Stephan
Dr. Karsten Stephan Deputy Head +49 511 450670-415


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