

Leider konnte für diese Suchkombination kein Ergebnis gefunden werden

Same objectives, different governance – How the Excellence Initiative and the Pact for Research and Innovation affect the German science system.

Möller, T. (2018).
Same objectives, different governance – How the Excellence Initiative and the Pact for Research and Innovation affect the German science system. Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, 45, 4-8.

Need for Support or Economic Competition? Implicit Associations with Immigrants during the 2015 Migrant Crisis.

Johann, D., & Thomas, K. (2018).
Need for Support or Economic Competition? Implicit Associations with Immigrants during the 2015 Migrant Crisis. Research & Politics, 5(2).

Data measurement in research information systems: metrics for the evaluation of data quality.

Azeroual, O., Saake, G., & Wastl, J. (2018).
Data measurement in research information systems: metrics for the evaluation of data quality. Scientometrics, 4/2018, 1-20.

The Effects of Using Business Intelligence Systems on an Excellence Management and Decision-Making Process by Start-up Companies: A Case Study.

Azeroual, O., & Theel, H. (2018).
The Effects of Using Business Intelligence Systems on an Excellence Management and Decision-Making Process by Start-up Companies: A Case Study. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 3/2018, 34-45.

Analyzing data quality issues in research information systems via data profiling.

Azeroual, O., Saake, G., & Schallehn, E. (2018).
Analyzing data quality issues in research information systems via data profiling. International Journal of Information Management, 4/2018, 50-56.

Funding model and creativity in science: Competitive versus block funding and status contingency effects.

Wang, J., Lee, Y., & Walsh, J. P. (2018).
Funding model and creativity in science: Competitive versus block funding and status contingency effects. Research Policy, 47(6), 1070-1083.

Excellence and Frontier Research as Travelling Concepts in Science Policymaking.

Flink, T., & Peter, T. (2018).
Excellence and Frontier Research as Travelling Concepts in Science Policymaking. Minerva, 56(4), 431-452.

Portfolio Evaluation FWF International Programmes. Final report.

Degelsegger-Marquéz, A., Wagner, I., Kroop, S., Rigby, J., Cox, D., Hinze, S., ... & Adams, J. (2018).
Portfolio Evaluation FWF International Programmes. Final report.

A conceptual framework for studying science research careers.

Cañibano, C., Woolley, R., Iversen, E. J., Hinze, S., Hornbostel, S., & Tesch, J. (2018).
A conceptual framework for studying science research careers. The Journal of Technology Transfer. Advance online publication.

Effect of publication month on citation impact.

Donner, P. (2018).
Effect of publication month on citation impact. Journal of Informetrics, 12(1), 330-343.

Der Kerndatensatz Forschung als Instrument zur Kommunikation und Governance von Forschung.

Biesenbender, S. (2018).
Der Kerndatensatz Forschung als Instrument zur Kommunikation und Governance von Forschung. In M. Fuhrmann, J. Güdler, J. Kohler, P. Pohlenz & U. Schmidt (Hrsg.), Handbuch Qualität in Studium, Lehre und Forschung, 63 (S. 37-50). Berlin: DUZ Verlags- und Medienhaus.

Trade Journals in den KB-Datenbanken und ihr Einfluss auf bibliometrische Indikatorik.

Beng, F. (2018).
Trade Journals in den KB-Datenbanken und ihr Einfluss auf bibliometrische Indikatorik. Bericht an die Partner des Kompetenzzentrums Bibliometrie.

Translational research in the science policy debate: a comparative analysis of documents.

Blümel, C. (2018).
Translational research in the science policy debate: a comparative analysis of documents. Science and Public Policy, 45 (1), 24-35.

An Analysis of the Validity of Retraction Annotation in Pubmed and the Web of Science.

Schmidt, M. (2018).
An Analysis of the Validity of Retraction Annotation in Pubmed and the Web of Science. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 69(2), 318-328.

Data Quality Measures and Data Cleansing for Research Information Systems.

Azeroual, O., Saake, G., & Abuosba, M. (2018).
Data Quality Measures and Data Cleansing for Research Information Systems. Journal of Digital Information Management, 2/2018, 12-21.


Clemens Blümel
Clemens Blümel Kommissar. Abteilungsleitung 030 2064177-31
Stephan Stahlschmidt
Dr. Stephan Stahlschmidt Kommissar. Abteilungsleitung 030 2064177-18
Peter van den Besselaar
Prof. Dr. Peter van den Besselaar Kommissar. Abteilungsleitung 030 2064177-0
Guido Speiser
Dr. Guido Speiser Stellv. Abteilungsleitung 030 2064177-24


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