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Graduates’ early wages in Germany: Does a university’s status of excellence make the difference?

Lang, S., & Schwabe, U. (2023).
Graduates’ early wages in Germany: Does a university’s status of excellence make the difference? Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 83(100765), 1-14.

The German initiative of excellence was the most far-reaching political measure in university funding–a shift from an equal distribution of funds, rooted in Humboldt’s tradition, to large-scale merit-based funding. Recent studies have examined the question how the initiative has affected (in)equality in university funding; but as yet little is known about effects on graduates’ monetary returns for university degrees. We analyse whether a degree from a ‘university of excellence’ leads to a wage premium at labour market entry. Inspired by previous work that found advantages only for subgroups, we further analyse whether the excellence effect on wages differs by social background and gender.

Gleicher Abschluss – gleiche Chancen? Ungleichheiten von Männern und Frauen in juristischen Berufen aus der Perspektive von Hochschulabsolvent:innen.

Brandt, G. (2023).
Gleicher Abschluss – gleiche Chancen? Ungleichheiten von Männern und Frauen in juristischen Berufen aus der Perspektive von Hochschulabsolvent:innen. In E. Dux et al. (Hrsg.), FRAU.MACHT.RECHT. 100 Jahre Frauen in juristischen Berufen (S. 93-114). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023 kompakt.

DAAD, & DZHW (2023).
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023 kompakt. Daten und Fakten zur Internationalität von Studium und Forschung in Deutschland und international. Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Wissenschaft weltoffen kompakt 2023.

DAAD, & DZHW (2023).
Wissenschaft weltoffen kompakt 2023. Data on the Internationality of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide. Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Career start abroad: The implications of graduate migration for social inequality.

Witte, N., Stawarz, N., & Netz, N. (2023).
Career start abroad: The implications of graduate migration for social inequality. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 83, 100763.

Integrating research on school-to-work transitions, international migration, and social inequality, this article investigates the social stratification of international school-to-work transitions and their payoff. Existing research shows that spatial mobility can amplify social inequalities both through social selectivity in access to mobility and through heterogeneity in its labor market outcomes. Building on these findings, we investigate the social selectivity of international school-to-work transitions (ISWT) and the wage difference between ISWT and national school-to-work transitions (NSWT) among graduates from higher education institutions in Germany.

Durable supports for refugees in higher education through resisting short-termism and organisational memory loss: illustrative cases from Australia and Germany.

Berg, J., Grüttner, M., & Baker, S. (2023).
Durable supports for refugees in higher education through resisting short-termism and organisational memory loss: illustrative cases from Australia and Germany. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management , 45(1), 36-52.

Recently, an increasing number of students from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds (SRABs) entering universities in settlement countries such as Australia and Germany have necessitated the establishment of a variety of supports. However, to date, little attention has been paid to the organisational conditions surrounding such supports. This study thus examined these conditions through the conceptual lens of organisational memory loss. Based on the two illustrative cases of Australia and Germany, it was described how building durable and responsive supports for SRABs is undermined by structural, ideological, and temporal imperatives that erode the possibilities for a sharable organisational memory.

Studierende mit Beeinträchtigung: Abbruchrisiko steigt.

Rußmann, M., Lörz, M., & Netz, N. (2023).
Studierende mit Beeinträchtigung: Abbruchrisiko steigt. Forschung & Lehre, 1, 34-35.

Studierende mit Beeinträchtigung stehen im Studium oft vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie haben sich ihre Studienbedingungen nochmals erschwert. Welche Auswirkungen hatte das auf das Abbruchrisiko dieser Studierendengruppe?

The German National Academics Panel Study (Nacaps): A new longitudinal survey on early researchers' careers and life courses.

Briedis, K., Hoffstätter, U., & Schwabe, U. (2022).
The German National Academics Panel Study (Nacaps): A new longitudinal survey on early researchers' careers and life courses. Soziale Welt, 73(4), 740-763.

Eurostudent VII. Micro Data. Data and methods report SUF version 2.0.

Cuppen, J., Muja, A., Hauschildt, K., Buck, D., & Daniel, A. (2022).
Eurostudent VII. Micro Data. Data and methods report SUF version 2.0. Hannover: DZHW.

The EUROSTUDENT project collects and analyses comparable data on the social dimension of European higher education. A wide range of topics related to students’ social and economic conditions are covered. The project strives to provide reliable and insightful cross-country comparisons. It does this through coupling a central coordination approach with a strong network of national partners in each participating country. In this way, an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the respective national frameworks in international comparison can be made. The main users of our findings are higher education policy-makers at national and European level, [...] Full abstract:

Stability or change? Social inequality at the transition from bachelor’s to master’s degree programmes in Germany. Empirical evidence from four graduate cohorts.

Reimer, D., & Schwabe (2022).
Stability or change? Social inequality at the transition from bachelor’s to master’s degree programmes in Germany. Empirical evidence from four graduate cohorts. European Educational Research Journal, 22(2), 170-197.

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: Fokusanalysen zu Diskriminierungserfahrungen an Hochschulen.

Meyer, J., Strauß, S., & Hinz, T. (2022).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: Fokusanalysen zu Diskriminierungserfahrungen an Hochschulen. (DZHW Brief 08|2022). Hannover: DZHW.

Early Child Care and Labor Supply of Lower-SES Mothers: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Hermes, H., Krauß, M., Lergetporer, P., Peter, F., & Wiederhold, S. (2022).
Early Child Care and Labor Supply of Lower-SES Mothers: A Randomized Controlled Trial. IZA Discussion Paper Series No. 15814. Bonn: IZA.

DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 - Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 (1. Befragungswelle).

Woisch, A., Franke, B., Quast, H., Föste-Eggers, D., Mentges, H., ... & Weber, A. (2022).
DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 - Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 2018 (1. Befragungswelle). 2022. Hannover: FDZ-DZHW.

The DZHW-Panel Study of School Leavers 2018 is part of the DZHW-Panel Study of School Leavers survey series, in which standardized multiple surveys are used to collect information on the post-school careers of school leavers with a (school) higher education entrance qualification. As a rule, several survey waves are conducted at different times before and after the acquisition of the higher education entrance qualification. Accordingly, this is a combined cohort-panel design. The panel 2018 is the 21st cohort of the survey series of which the data of the first survey wave will be published first. [...] Full abstract:

Besonders belastet und kurz vor dem Abbruch? Nicht-traditionelle Studierende zu Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie.

Becker, K., & Brändle, T. (2022).
Besonders belastet und kurz vor dem Abbruch? Nicht-traditionelle Studierende zu Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, , 17(4), 155-173 (online first).

Hochschulzugang und Studium nicht-traditioneller Studierender – Die Situation in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz.

Freitag, W. K., Kerst, C., & Ordemann, J. (Hrsg.) (2022).
Hochschulzugang und Studium nicht-traditioneller Studierender – Die Situation in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz [Sonderheft]. ZfHE – Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 17(4). Graz: Verein Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria.

Providing access to higher education and establishing a conducive framework for lifelong learning are important goals of the European Higher Education Area. In the D-A-CH countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), the group of “non-traditional students” includes graduates of technical and vocational training without a school-based university entrance qualification, employees, family workers and “learners in later life”. Based on current data, and operating from the perspective of diversity and inequality theory, the papers in this issue examine university access regulations, students’ time budgets, the effects of care responsibility, and student dropouts, including during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Sandra Buchholz
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